
Thousands of miles away to "show off muscles", in addition to imperial anxiety, what else can the United States "show".

author:Ping An Jiangsu

The U.S.-led multinational exercise RIMPAC 2024 is underway. It is reported that 40 surface ships, three submarines, more than 150 aircraft, and more than 25,000 people from 29 countries and regions participated in the exercise, which is an unprecedented scale.

It is worth noting that the United States has also arranged a "major event" -- the participating troops will use carrier-based weapons, aircraft-mounted weapons, and land-based anti-ship weapons to carry out multiple live-fire strikes against the decommissioned "Tarawa" large amphibious assault ship with a displacement of 40,000 tons.

Thousands of miles away to "show off muscles", in addition to imperial anxiety, what else can the United States "show".

Although the US military has stated that the purpose of the live-fire exercise to sink the amphibious assault ship is to improve the ability of the US military and other countries to carry out precision strikes and long-range strikes. However, the U.S. media has unabashedly revealed the true purpose of the U.S. military exercise: the U.S. "Rim of the Pacific Rim" exercise "sank" amphibious assault ships, which is a response to China's development of aircraft carriers and large amphibious assault ships, as well as the PLA's deployment of them around the Taiwan Strait.

In fact, it is clear to anyone with a discerning eye that with the rise of China, the United States wants to pull its allies to speed up its strategic deployment, contain China, and put pressure on China on the East China Sea, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan Strait. The so-called "RIMPAC 2024" military exercise is a joint campaign by the US military and its allies. They want to create military deterrence on a quantitative scale by "flexing their muscles", in a vain attempt to introduce extraterritorial forces into the Asia-Pacific region and promote the process of "NATO's Indo-Pacificization".

It's just that this military exercise looks huge, but in fact it is a strong force from the outside. The author looked at the list of member states, and many of the participating countries do not have decent military capabilities in the Pacific at all. Even Brunei, Tonga, Peru, Ecuador and other countries do not have many troops, and they have to be forcibly pulled by the United States to support the scene. Although the number of participating countries and regions is "at an all-time high", US military personnel account for more than half. In terms of naval strength, in addition to the United States, Japan, and South Korea, most other countries have sent only one combat ship or one additional supply ship. To put it bluntly, it means something. Some foreign media believe that "Pacific Rim 2024" is more like a "show in pursuit of quantity and scale". Due to the difference in strength of the participating countries, the core subjects are still implemented by the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia and other countries, so it is better to say that this is a meeting of the U.S. Indo-Pacific defense mechanism, and the participation of other countries is very low.

Thousands of miles away to "show off muscles", in addition to imperial anxiety, what else can the United States "show".

In addition, the "Rim of the Pacific 2024" multinational joint military exercise seems to be a big brother of the United States with a group of younger brothers showing off their might in the Pacific.

Under the trend of global multipolarization, countries are increasingly attaching importance to their own interests, pursuing independent foreign policies, unwilling to be coerced by geopolitics, and forced to give up opportunities for cooperation with other countries. However, the United States cannot afford this kind of demand for independence and peaceful development.

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said, "It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but it is fatal to be an ally of the United States." Facts have proved that the so-called "alliance system" is nothing more than an important means for the United States to maintain its hegemony, and the United States does not treat its allies as equals, but more often treats its allies as attendants at any time. In recent years, there have been many cases of the United States betraying its word for its own selfish interests. According to the results of a poll released by the Pew Research Center in June last year, among 23 countries, including the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, the median proportion of respondents who believe that the United States has interfered heavily or considerably in the affairs of other countries is as high as 82 percent, and the median proportion of respondents who believe that the United States does not consider the interests of other countries is 50 percent.

These figures show that America's allies know that they are living in the shadow of an empire. No matter how much the United States swears to its allies, its ultimate goal is "America First" and "hegemony first," and its allies are at best only tools to achieve this goal. Once the interests of the United States are endangered, the interests of allies can be discarded anytime and anywhere, and there is no principle or morality at all.

Thousands of miles away to "show off muscles", in addition to imperial anxiety, what else can the United States "show".

The world is in a vast and powerful state, and the new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation has won the recognition of more and more countries and has become the strong voice of the times. There is no superior country in the world, and no country is inherently subordinate to another. It is precisely for this reason that in recent years, there has been such an ironic scene: the United States has constantly played up the so-called "China threat" around the world, demanding that all countries get rid of their dependence on China, and even "decoupling and breaking the chain" with China. In fact, however, more and more countries are willing to deepen cooperation with China and pursue an independent foreign policy.

Of course, China is naturally obsessed with the sinister intentions of the US-led RIMPAC 2024 military exercise. Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense of the Mainland, has already made his attitude clear: "The US side is vainly trying to frighten the Chinese military through the so-called military exercises, and this is an impossible task. "The Chinese are not afraid of causing trouble, the Chinese People's Liberation Army has enough will and ability to safeguard its core interests, and the idea of the United States vainly trying to force China to make concessions through exercises and pressure is doomed to nothing."

On the contrary, the United States, which frequently "flexes its muscles," proves nothing but its anxiety about maintaining its military hegemony.

Source: Jun Zhengping Studio

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