
She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

author:Horn-loving tomatoes

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In the entertainment industry, a world full of brilliant lights and endless temptations, there are a pair of sisters and brothers, who write their own wonderful chapters in their own unique ways. sister Li Yue is like a star that once shone but quietly disappeared; The younger brother Qin Junjie is like a rising star who is shining brighter and brighter.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Li Yue, an actress with a unique temperament and a solid dance foundation, made her debut on the screen in "A River of Spring". Her unique charm is like a spring breeze, which is unforgettable. At that time, she was in the limelight and had a bright future.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Just when his career was booming, Li Yue made an unexpected decision. She chose love, married Hu Haifeng, and since then faded out of the entertainment industry stage that once made her shine. This decision may be full of regrets for many people, but for Li Yue, this may be the destination she desires the most in her heart.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Speaking of Li Yue, we have to mention her half-brother Qin Junjie. It was Li Yue's recommendation that allowed Qin Junjie to enter the field of vision of director Zhang Yimou, thus opening his dreamlike star journey. This move undoubtedly paved a bright strip of Cotai for Qin Junjie's acting career.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Qin Junjie, the lucky boy, with his outstanding performance in "The City Full of Golden Armor", instantly became a high-profile new star in the entertainment industry. His light began to bloom on this stage, attracting the attention of countless audiences.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Not only that, but his sweet relationship with Yang Zi made him the focus of the media. The sweetness of love seems to have injected a strong impetus into his career, making him more and more stable on the road of acting.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

With the encouragement and support of his sister, Qin Junjie moved forward bravely all the way and continued to grope forward on the road of acting. He has never forgotten his sister's expectations and dedication, and has always maintained a humble and firm heart.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

In "Seamless", Qin Junjie's performance is even more amazing. He used his strength to interpret the soul of the character and won bursts of applause from the audience. And the award at the National Drama Festival is undoubtedly the best proof of his hard work and talent.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

For the sake of the future of his family and younger brother, Li Yue is willing to fade his halo and silently become a supporter behind him. This kind of selfless dedication makes people can't help but be moved. And Qin Junjie, under the care of his sister, has gradually learned to be independent and strong, and he uses his efforts and achievements to repay his sister's affection.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Facing the future, whether it is Li Yue, who returns to ordinary life and enjoys the warmth of his family, or Qin Junjie, who is still working hard in the entertainment industry and pursuing his dreams, they will continue to write their own wonderful stories.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Let's talk about Li Yue first, returning to ordinary life does not mean that her life will be bleak from now on. In a warm family, she may be experiencing a different kind of happiness and satisfaction. Every morning, the sun shines on her face through the gaps in the curtains, waking her up for the day. Preparing a hearty breakfast for the family and watching the satisfied smiles of lovers and children is a simple and pure happiness that cannot be given by the spotlight of the entertainment industry.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

She will prune the branches in the garden in the afternoon, smell the flowers, and feel the gifts of nature. Gathering with neighbors and friends and sharing interesting things in life is full of fireworks in the world. The warmth of the family has become her most solid backing, allowing her to find inner peace and tranquility in the ordinary. Maybe one night, she will recall the time she used to be in the entertainment industry, but it was just a precious experience in her life, and at this moment, the family in front of her is her most cherished treasure.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Looking at Qin Junjie again, the stage of the entertainment industry is still the battlefield where he chases his dreams. Every day is a new challenge, and every work is an opportunity for self-breakthrough. He was fully engaged on the set, interacting with the director and other actors to bring out the best in every role.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

In the face of praise and doubts from the outside world, he calmly dealt with them, spoke with his works, and proved himself with his strength. In various promotional activities, he showed confidence and charisma, attracting the attention of many fans. He continued to learn, improve his acting skills, expand his acting path, and bravely try various different types of roles.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

He knows that only by making continuous progress can he gain a firm foothold in this highly competitive entertainment industry. And every success and setback has become the nourishment for his growth, making him more determined to move forward towards his dream.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Their lives are like two dramas with very different styles but equally fascinating, which makes us look forward to it. Li Yue's ordinary life is full of warmth and tranquility, like a healing family drama; Qin Junjie's journey of struggle in the entertainment industry is like an inspirational drama full of blood and passion. No matter how the plot develops, we believe that they will interpret wonderful chapters in their own way, bringing us endless surprises and touches.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Perhaps, this is the charm of life. There is brilliance, there is blandness; There is choice, there is persistence. When it is brilliant, it shines brightly and everyone is in the spotlight. is like Li Yue's debut in the entertainment industry, winning the audience's love with her unique temperament and solid skills; Qin Junjie's outstanding performance in film and television works has made him a new star and has attracted much attention. It was the highlight of their lives, full of passion and glory, as if the whole world was cheering for them.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

When it is dull, the years are quiet and the heart is safe. Li Yue chose to leave the entertainment industry, return to family life, and enjoy the warmth of the ordinary. Without the spotlight chasing, but with the company of family, daily trivialities have become extremely precious. And Qin Junjie will also have times of fatigue in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, maybe on a quiet night, he will yearn for a simple and pure tranquility.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Choice is a fork in the road of life. Li Yue resolutely decided to fade out of the entertainment industry and turn his focus to his family, which requires great courage. She gave up the scenery on the stage and chose the warmth of family, a choice that reflects her understanding of the true meaning of life. Qin Junjie chose to stick to the entertainment industry, faced with competition and challenges, did not flinch, and firmly pursued his acting dream.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry! Now that you don't care? The younger brother is half the sky

Persistence is the cornerstone of success. Li Yue paid silently in the family and insisted on guarding her happiness. She runs the family with her heart, letting love and warmth flow in ordinary days. Qin Junjie continued to work the road of acting, insisted on improving his acting skills, and never gave up even when he encountered difficulties. He interprets his dedication to his dreams with persistence and watering the flowers of success with sweat.

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