
Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

author:Hollow Valley Orchid

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

On July 2, 2024, when the sun shone on the beaches of Okinawa, Wang Xiaofei took Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiujiu to this charming land and started a warm vacation trip. At the same time, grandma Zhang Lan hurried from Beijing, and the family of five gathered here, and the breath of happiness filled the air, opening an unforgettable happy time.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S
Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

In the video posted by Zhang Lan of the family sharing breakfast, Xiao Yue'er's growth and changes are gratifying. She had grown much taller, and her long black hair was pouring down like a waterfall, and she was beautiful. Zhang Lan praised Yue'er lovingly, lamenting that she was getting more and more beautiful. Although most of the videos are the backs of children, and whenever Yue'er turns around, Zhang Lan will quickly turn the camera away, but the vast number of netizens still captured Yue'er's blurry frontal photo. Even if her facial features are not clear, but Yue'er's small slap-like face already allows people to imagine her beautiful appearance in the future, and she is a beauty embryo.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

What's even more remarkable is that Yue'er, whether it is her soft long hair or her gestures, is very similar to her mother's big S. Especially the picture of her standing on the beach, her long hair fluttering in the wind, reminded netizens of the cedar vegetables in "Meteor Garden", full of youth and vitality.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

For this reunion with the children, Wang Xiaofei made preparations early. Three days ago, he arrived in Taipei and waited patiently. When Yue'er and Jiujiu finished their classes this semester, he couldn't wait to set off with the children. In the previous live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei teased the child and said that he would play in Taipei in the future and would not go abroad to play, but the two children shouted "don't" in unison. This is not surprising, after all, Mom S is not very keen on going out, and the siblings are able to go out and play to their heart's content, relying more on the careful arrangement of Dad and Grandma.

However, it is a pity that Yue'er and Jiujiu are still unable to return to Beijing for the summer vacation. Wang Xiaofei had to take the child to the third place to meet her grandmother in the way prescribed by Big S. Despite such restrictions, grandma Zhang Lan's love for her two children has continued unabated. When she walks, she always holds a child tightly in one hand, her eyes are full of cherishment and love, and she especially cherishes every moment with her grandchildren.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

Although there is a contradiction between Zhang Lan and Da S, in this emotional entanglement between adults, Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan showed admirable responsibility and wisdom. They know that no matter how complicated the relationship between adults, children are innocent and should not be affected in the slightest. They use their practical actions to create a loving and warm environment for the children. In this environment, children can truly feel the pure fatherly love and deep grandparent affection, so that they can always be illuminated by the light of family affection on the road of growth.

For younger children, they may not yet fully understand the distractions between adults. But during this vacation in Okinawa, they can really feel the love and love of their father and grandmother. This love is like a warm sunshine, piercing through all the gloom and confusion, illuminating their way forward, and giving them the strength and courage to face their future life bravely.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S
Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

As the years go by, Xiao Yue'er gradually grows up, and her resemblance to her mother Da S in appearance and demeanor becomes more and more significant. This may be because the child has spent a lot of time with his mother since he was a child, and he has been deeply influenced by his mother subtly. However, every child is a unique individual with their own unique growth trajectory and personality traits. While enjoying the endless love of her family, Yue'er is also quietly forming her own unique style.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S
Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

In the days to come, no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we sincerely hope that this family will always be bound together by love. Hold up a wide and warm sky for children, so that they can fly freely under this sky and bravely pursue their dreams. I also look forward to Yue'er and Jiujiu growing up healthy and happy all the time, maintaining the innocence and kindness in their hearts, not being disturbed by the contradictions between adults, and having a beautiful childhood full of laughter and a future full of infinite possibilities.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S
Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

At the same time, we also look forward to the fact that Big S can give more understanding, support and companionship to children as they grow up. I hope she can put aside the past disputes and contradictions, and work with Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan to create a more harmonious, warm and loving growth environment for the children. Let the children thrive in this big family full of love and bloom their own brilliant brilliance.

This vacation in Okinawa is not just a simple trip, but a warm chapter of love, growth and hope. It shows us the power of family affection, and also fills us with good expectations and blessings for the future of this family. I believe that under the care of love, Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiujiu will definitely have a happy life.

Wang Xiaofei took her children to travel to Okinawa, Yue'er became more and more beautiful as she grew older, and her walking movements were exactly the same as those of Big S

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