
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills
Calligraphy does not understand the structure, ten years of hard practice is also in vain, behind the simple line calligraphy, hidden skills

In one corner of the ancient city, there is a small calligraphy studio called "Mo Yun Xuan", which is hidden in the quiet alleys behind the bustling city, as if it is a pure land left by time for calligraphy lovers. Here, there is a young man named Lin Yi, who has had a strong interest in calligraphy since he was a child, especially the lines, the smooth and powerful lines, which can always touch the softest part of his heart. However, after ten years of hard work, Lin Yi's calligraphy skills have never reached the ideal state in his heart, which makes him fall into deep confusion and self-doubt.

One evening, Mo Yunxuan ushered in an uninvited guest, Mr. Li Mo, a master with a high reputation in the calligraphy world. Mr. Li Mo is dressed plainly, but his eyes reveal a kind of transcendent tranquility and profundity. He walked to the desk where Lin Yi was immersed in hard work, gently put down the bamboo slip in his hand, and didn't say a word, just quietly looked at every word Lin Yi's pen.

Lin Yi felt an unusual aura, and when he looked up, it was Mr. Li Mo! He was shocked, the pen in his hand almost fell, and he hurriedly got up and saluted: "Mr. Li, why are you here?" Student Lin Yi, who has admired his name for a long time, is really fortunate to see him today. ”

Mr. Li Mo smiled slightly, and his voice was gentle and powerful: "Lin Yi, I have watched you practice calligraphy for ten years, and your diligence is commendable, but it seems that you are always so bad." Do you know that the way of calligraphy is not in quantity but in quality, and if you don't understand the structure, it will be in vain to practice hard for ten years? ”

This sentence was like a morning bell and a dusk drum, and it instantly hit Lin Yi's heart. He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "What Mr. said is extremely true, students are stupid, although they are swaying every day, they always feel that it is difficult to touch the essence of the line. ”

Mr. Li Mo nodded slightly, walked to Lin Yi's side, picked up a pen, and slowly wrote on rice paper. I saw that his pen was full of style, every word seemed to have life, the structure was rigorous and flexible, and the lines were smooth and powerful through the back of the paper. Lin Yi stared with bated breath, as if he was in a feast of vision and soul.

"You see," Mr. Li Mo said as he wrote, "the beauty of the line lies in the perfect combination of its 'line' and 'Kai'. It is necessary not only to have the neatness and stability of regular script, but also to have the smoothness and freedom of writing. The key to doing this is to understand and master the structure of words. Each character has its own unique skeleton, just like the bones of the human body, supporting the shape and momentum of the whole character. ”

Lin Yi listened attentively, and his heart suddenly brightened. He suddenly realized that most of his previous hard work was just mechanical repetition, and he neglected the in-depth study and understanding of the structure of the characters themselves.

"So, sir, how do I understand and master these structures?" Lin Yi asked eagerly.

Mr. Li Mo smiled slightly and pointed to the bamboo slips on the table: "The way of learning, there is no other, only diligence and thinking." This bamboo slip is my experience of studying calligraphy for many years, and it elaborates on the structural rules and changing techniques of various fonts. If you can calm down, study carefully, and continue to figure it out in practice, you will definitely gain something. ”

Lin Yi took the bamboo slip, like a treasure. He knows very well that this is not only a piece of information, but also Mr. Li Mo's high hopes and expectations for him. Since then, Lin Yi's calligraphy has undergone earth-shaking changes. He no longer practiced blindly, but began to systematically learn the structure of characters, from the length, thickness, and direction of the strokes, to the echo, contrast, and balance between the characters, and every detail was strived to be accurate and in place.

The years passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was a few years. Lin Yi's calligraphy skills have finally reached a new height, and his works have both the charm of the ancients and the vitality of the modern era, which are highly praised by people in the calligraphy world. In his heart, he always remembered Mr. Li Mo's teachings: "Calligraphy does not understand the structure, and ten years of hard practice will be in vain." ”

Now, when Lin Yi stands in front of his calligraphy exhibition and looks at those works that are dignified, light, passionate, or gentle, his heart is filled with gratitude. He knows that all these achievements are inseparable from the time spent with Mr. Li Mo in Moyunxuan, as well as the persistence and love for the endless exploration and pursuit of calligraphy structure.

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