
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon
A woman's life: marrying the right one is heaven, marrying the wrong one is hell, a vivid cartoon

On a sunny spring afternoon, in a café in the town, two old friends who had not seen each other for a long time, Lin Qian and Su Qing, met by chance. They each held a hot cappuccino, sat by the window, and the sunlight shone on their faces through the gaps in the leaves, adding a bit of warmth and warmth to the reunion.

"Lin Qian, you seem to be getting happier and happier, isn't your married life particularly sweet?" Su Qing was the first to break the silence, her eyes full of envy.

Lin Qian smiled slightly, and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes seemed to be filled with happiness: "Yes, Su Qing, sometimes I really feel that marrying the right person is like stepping into another world, where there is no wind and rain, only sunshine and warmth." ”

Su Qing gently stirred the coffee in the cup, and the corners of her mouth hooked up a touch of bitterness: "I'm the opposite, I feel like I've fallen into an endless abyss, struggling every day." ”

This sentence was like a sudden cold wind, which made the temperature in the café seem to drop a little. Lin Qian put away her smile and looked at Su Qing seriously, she knew that her friend had not had a good time over the years.

"Su Qing, can you tell me what's going on?" Lin Qian's voice was gentle and firm, and she hoped to use her strength to bring a little comfort to Su Qing.

Su Qing sighed and slowly spoke: "Do you know, Lin Qian, I once thought that marriage was the continuation of love, and it was the beautiful beginning of two people working together for the rest of their lives. But reality hit me hard. He, the person I thought I could trust for life, seemed to be a different person after marriage. Apathy, selfishness, lack of care for the family, and even ...... And betrayal. ”

Speaking of this, Su Qing's voice was a little choked, but she still held back her tears and continued: "I often think that if I could have understood him more and listened to my inner voice more, maybe I wouldn't have made such a choice." Now, I feel like I'm trapped in a hell with no exit, repeating the pain and despair every day. ”

When Lin Qian heard this, a complex emotion surged in his heart. She felt sorry for Su Qing's experience, and at the same time, she was glad that she had found the right person. She stretched out her hand and gently held Su Qing's hand, giving her silent support and encouragement.

"Su Qing, I understand your pain. But believe that no matter how difficult it is now, it will not be eternal. You deserve a better life, someone who truly loves you and cherishes you. Lin Qian's voice was firm and warm, "And, you know what? The happiness of marriage does not depend entirely on the other party, but also on our own choices and attitudes. We can choose to complain and sink, or we can choose to face it bravely and try to change the status quo. ”

Su Qing raised her head and looked at Lin Qian with teary eyes, as if she saw the light of hope in her eyes. "Lin Qian, thank you. Your words have given me a glimmer of light. Perhaps, I should really try to change and find my own happiness. ”

In the days that followed, Su Qing began to actively seek change. She took a psychological counseling course and learned how to adjust her mindset and how to love herself better; She joined social groups, met like-minded friends, and rediscovered the joy of life; More importantly, she began to pay attention to her own growth and improvement, and she made a qualitative leap in both her work ability and personal charm.

And Lin Qian, as always, supported Su Qing, encouraging her with her own experience and stories, and letting her know that happiness is always in her own hands.

A few years later, when the two met again at that café, Su Qing had a new look. She became more confident, elegant, and her eyes flashed with love and anticipation for life. "Lin Qian, thank you. I now finally understand that marriage is just a part of life, and true happiness comes from inner satisfaction and growth. Su Qing smiled and said, "In my current life, although I am not bound by marriage, I have found my own paradise." ”

Lin Qian looked at Su Qing, his heart was full of relief. She knows that whether we marry the right or wrong, as long as we face it bravely and change positively, we will definitely be able to find our own happy paradise. And this experience has become one of the most precious memories of their friendship.