
Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea



On the map of East Asian football, a quietly brewing storm is sweeping.

It started with an unexpected victory, which not only ignited the flame of hope in the hearts of countless fans, but also dropped a shock bomb in international football - Chinese football.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

This name, which has been loved and hated countless times, is announcing its rebirth and rise in an unprecedented attitude.

The wind is surging, and the young storm sweeps through the green field

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

In the brightly lit stadium at night, a battle of glory and dreams is about to be staged under the watchful eye of all people.

The Chinese team played against South Korea, which is not only a contest between the two teams, but also a direct dialogue between the hopes of the two countries' football future.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

In this seemingly disparity of strength, a name has quietly become the focus - Wang Yudong, a 17-year-old teenager, is rewriting the direction of the game with an almost textbook-like performance.

With the referee's whistle, Wang Yudong seemed to be incarnated as an elf on the court, and every touch of the ball was full of agility and strength.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

He weaved his way between opposition defences like a cheetah, with five attempts at goal and three precise hits on target, each time making the hearts of the fans beat to a beat.

Especially at the critical moment when the game came to an end, Wang Yudong received a wonderful pass from his teammates, and at an almost impossible angle, a shocking shot penetrated the copper wall of the South Korean team, and also completely ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, except for the sound of a football piercing the air, followed by cheers and applause.

And in this storm of youth, another young talent, Xu Haoyang, cannot be ignored either.

As a midfield commander, he showed composure and intelligence beyond his years.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

When in possession, he seems to have a magnet appeal, keeping the ball close to his feet; When passing, he has a wide vision and amazing accuracy, with a pass completion rate of 87%, which makes the team's attack flow smoothly.

Even more impressively, his awareness and judgment led to create two great scoring chances for his team-mates, and although they didn't translate directly into goals, the desire and contribution to win was enough to be remembered.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

Ivankovic: The rejuvenation of a master tactician

All these changes are inseparable from one person - head coach Ivankovic.

After taking over the Chinese team, this master tactician injected new vitality into the team with his unique vision and bold attempts.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

In the face of a strong opponent like South Korea, he did not choose to be conservative, but decisively made careful adjustments to the lineup, boldly using young players, and making this game a stage for their growth.

In Ivankovic's tactical layout, young players are not only the hope of the future, but also the core of the current tactical system.

He knows that only through the tempering of actual combat can these young people grow up faster and bring substantial changes to the team.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

Therefore, in his daily training, he constantly adjusts his strategy and provides personalized guidance according to the characteristics of each player, striving to make everyone feel their best in the game.

"Football is a game for young people, and the possibilities are endless." Ivankovic said this in an interview after the game.

His words are not only an affirmation of young players, but also an expectation for the future of Chinese football.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

The dawn of victory, a new chapter in Chinese football

When the final whistle blew and the score was fixed on a number that all Chinese would be proud of, the game was about much more than the victory itself.

It is not only a tactical victory, but also a vivid portrayal of Chinese football seeking breakthroughs and having the courage to try new paths in difficult situations.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

In recent years, Chinese football has faced unprecedented challenges and pressures, but it is these challenges that have inspired people's desire and pursuit of change.

Although the national team's decision to develop young players was met with many doubts and criticisms in the early days, it now seems that this strategy is gradually showing its far-reaching significance.

These young faces not only represent the present of Chinese football, but also carry the future and hope of Chinese football.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

In the audience, cheers and tears were intertwined, and people expressed their inner excitement and emotion in the most direct way.

Experts also commented on Ivankovic's coaching philosophy, believing that he brought a breath of fresh air to Chinese football.

And those young players who are struggling on the field have become the focus of attention, and their growth and progress have let everyone see the dawn of the rise of Chinese football.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

Conclusion: The dream sets sail, and the future can be expected

Looking back at this game, it is not only a victory in the history of Chinese football, but also a baptism and rebirth of the soul.

Although Ivankovic's new strategy may face many challenges and difficulties in the short term, in the long run, it has injected new blood and vitality into Chinese football and heralded a brighter future.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

The outstanding performance of the young players is an important step towards the internationalization of Chinese football.

They have proved their strength and potential with their actions, and also announced the ambition of Chinese football to the world.

In the days to come, these young faces will continue to write their own legendary chapters on the international stage and contribute to the rise of Chinese football.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

"Although the road is far, the line is coming; It's hard, but it's done. ”

The journey of Chinese football has just begun, but with the participation of these young players and the guidance of excellent coaches such as Ivankovic, we have reason to believe that the spring of Chinese football has arrived, and the future will be even more brilliant.

Witness history! The 17-year-old Chinese Yamal will play in the round of 18 for the first time in the national football team, and he has defeated South Korea

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