
The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

author:Good luck comes with you

At the foot of that quiet mountain, there is a quaint temple, and the monks in the temple are accompanied by the ancient Buddha of the green lantern day after day, and their words are like a clear spring in the mountain stream, flowing with the philosophy of life. Recently, I heard an old monk tell a story about life, death and family affection, he said: "After the death of a loved one, why don't you come to your dreams again, there is a fate behind this." ”

The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

Everything has a way of doing things, like a dream bubble, like dew and electricity, and should be viewed as such. "The old monk told us that life is like a passerby, and our relatives are also a hurried passerby in our lives. Their departure is not a complete disappearance, but a different form of existence, only in a way that we cannot perceive.

The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

"The depth of fate is shallow, and each has a certain number." He went on to say that everyone's dreams are a reflection of the inner world, and if the fate of their loved ones is exhausted, their energy may have been transformed and no longer appear in the form of familiar dreams. But this does not mean forgetting, but just a different way of accompaniment, perhaps to give us guidance and strength in the dark.

The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

"Everything in the world has a cause and effect." His words are like autumn wind sweeping away leaves, which makes people feel emotional. When a loved one leaves, perhaps they have fulfilled their mission, or our growth needs to be faced by us alone. This is not ruthless, but let us learn to be independent and cherish the people and things in front of us.

"The cycle of life and death, the origin and extinction." He smiled and told us not to be too sentimental, because it is the law of nature. The loss of a loved one allows us to understand and experience the impermanence of life more deeply, so that we can cherish every moment of the present even more.

The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

In the temple, such stories always touch people's hearts. Those once familiar faces, although no longer dreaming, have left a deep imprint on our hearts. We miss them, but we must know how to be grateful for their company, cherish the present life, and live our own wonderful life.

After hearing this, the old people often have a relieved smile on their faces, as if they have found a new understanding of life and death. This story, simple and deep, like life itself, is full of Zen and wisdom. It tells us that the loss of a loved one is not the end, but another beginning, a deeper fate.

The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it

In this article, I hope you can feel the tranquility and wisdom from the temple, and I also hope that everyone can find the thinking of life and death and the cherishing of family affection. If this story touches you, share it with your friends and family so that they can experience this unique insight as well. After all, every story is a dialogue of the heart, a revelation of life.

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The monks in the temple said: If you don't come to your dream after the death of your relatives, there is a fate behind it