
Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran

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Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran
Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran
Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran
Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran
Ivan prefers to promote newcomers, and wants to attack the veterans of the three major countries, but he can't bear to give up on a naturalized veteran

Ivan's New Deal: Breaking the cocoon and being reborn, the national football team has a storm of youth

Drawing lots in adversity, Ivan laughs at the "group of death"

As the dust settles on the draw results for the top 18 of the World Preliminaries, the Chinese men's football team has been divided into a veritable "group of death", competing in the same group with Asian giants such as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia, which is undoubtedly a severe test of the existing strength of the national football team. In the face of such an unfavorable grouping situation, the outside world generally sings down, but the new coach of the national football team, Ivan, shows a rare calmness and self-confidence. He is well aware that every tough battle is a test of the team's will and ability, so he chooses to meet the challenge with an optimistic attitude, vowing to find life in this "land of death" and strive to surprise the fans. Ivan's attitude undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for the national football team, allowing fans to see the dawn of hope in despair.

The old and the new alternate, and Ivan prefers to promote newcomers

In the face of the upcoming tough battle, Ivan did not choose a conservative tactical layout, but boldly proposed the employment strategy of "replacing the old with the new". In his view, the future of the national football team lies in the growth and rise of young players, so he prefers to leave the precious opportunity to play to those young players and newcomers who are full of vitality and unlimited potential. Although this decision may face the risk of performance fluctuations in the short term, in the long run, it undoubtedly lays a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the national football team. Ivan's move is undoubtedly a brave breakthrough in the traditional employment model of the national football team, and it is also a full trust in the huge potential of young players.

The veteran leaves the field, and the three national football feats may become history

However, with the rise of newcomers, some former national football veterans also have to face the fate of being marginalized. According to the "Beijing Youth Daily", Exxon, Wu Xi, and Zhang Linpeng, the three veterans of the national football team, are likely to become the "victims" of Ivan's new policy. Exxon, as a leader among naturalized players, has made great achievements for the national football team, but now he is trapped by injuries and his competitive state is not as good as before, and he has no choice but to accept the reality of being abandoned. Wu Xi and Zhang Linpeng, as the backbone of the national football team for many years, although they have rich experience, as they grow older, their physical fitness and competitive state can no longer support high-intensity international competitions, so they are also facing the embarrassing situation of being replaced by young players. Although the departure of the three veterans is embarrassing, it is also an inevitable law on the football field and the inevitable result of the team's metabolism.

Naturalized veteran Alain, Ivan's reluctant "secret weapon"

However, in Ivan's new deal, not all veterans lost their positions. Naturalized international Alan is a rare "secret weapon" in Ivan's eyes. Alan, who is the same age as Exxon, is also in the twilight of his career, but his competitive form has remained quite good. In the two World Preliminary Matches in June, Allan won high recognition from Ivan for his excellent offensive creativity and accurate transmission ability. In Ivan's view, Alain's experience, skills and game wisdom are still indispensable assets for the national football team. Therefore, he decided to continue to use Allan, hoping that he can play a key role in the upcoming round of 18 and help the national football team break through the siege and create good results. The existence of Alan not only adds a touch of color to Ivan's new policy, but also makes fans full of expectations and imagination for the future of the national football team.

In short, Ivan's new policy has undoubtedly brought a profound change to the national football team. In this change, we have seen Ivan's infinite trust and expectation for young players, and we have also felt his far-sighted thinking about the future development of the national football team. Although facing the severe challenge of the "death group", as long as we unite and move forward bravely, I believe that under the leadership of Ivan, the national football team will be able to find its own bright future on this thorny road.

Fans' voices: In the midst of challenges and changes, we move forward with the national football team

As a loyal Chinese football fan, when I learned the results of the draw for the round of 18 of the World Preliminary Championships, my feelings were undoubtedly complicated and heavy. The Chinese men's football team was divided into a veritable "group of death", competing with Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia and other Asian powerhouses, such a group is undoubtedly a limit test of the existing strength of the national football team. However, in this seemingly hopeless darkness, I saw a glimmer of hope – the change and hope brought by the new manager Ivan.

First of all, I have to give a shout-out to Coach Ivan for his courage and determination. Faced with such an unfavorable grouping situation, he did not choose to escape or compromise, but met the challenge with a positive and optimistic attitude. He knows that if the national football team wants to gain a foothold in the strong Asian football world, it must carry out profound changes and self-innovation. Therefore, he boldly put forward the employment strategy of "replacing the old with the new", and decided to reuse young players and newcomers to the national football team. Although this decision may be accompanied by the risk of performance fluctuations in the short term, in the long run, it is undoubtedly the only way for the national football team to rejuvenate.

As a fan, I know how important the development of young players is for the future of the national football team. They represent the future and hope of the national football team, and are the key to the leapfrog development of the national football team. Therefore, I fully support this decision of Coach Ivan. I believe that under Ivan's careful training, these young players will be able to grow up quickly and become the backbone of the national football team. Of course, I also understand that the development of young players does not happen overnight, and they need more opportunities and practical experience to hone themselves. But as long as we give them enough trust and support, they will definitely be able to live up to expectations and win glory for the national football team.

However, while young players are rising, some former national football veterans have also had to face the fate of being marginalized. The departure of veterans such as Exxon, Wu Xi, and Zhang Linpeng undoubtedly made many fans feel regretful and reluctant. They have made great achievements for the national football team and are heroes and idols in the hearts of fans. But the years have not been forgiving, and as they have grown older and plagued by injuries, their competitive form has not been as good as before. In the brutal competitive sports, there is no eternal king, only the brave who keeps moving forward. So, while I regret their departure, I also understand Coach Ivan's decision. After all, the future of the national football team needs more fresh blood and young forces to support.

However, in Ivan's new policy, not all veterans have lost their positions. Naturalised international Alan is an exception. As a veteran of the same age as Exxon, Alan has won the trust and reuse of Coach Ivan with his excellent competitive form and game performance. In Ivan's view, Alain's experience, skills and game wisdom are still indispensable assets for the national football team. His presence not only adds more attacking options and tactical changes to the team, but also sets a good example and benchmark for young players. Seeing Alain fighting the field, I couldn't help but be touched by his professionalism and dedication. I believe that under the leadership of Coach Ivan, Alan will be able to continue to play a key role in the next games and win more victories for the national football team.

Looking back at the whole incident and the current state of the team, I can't help but get into deep thought. What is the future of the national football team? How can we get rid of the psychological shadows of "Koreanophobia" and "Japanphobia" and achieve a real rise and take-off? In my opinion, there is only one answer, that is, we must unswervingly take the road of reform and constantly improve our own strength and level. This includes strengthening the construction of the youth training system and cultivating more outstanding young players; Strengthen the construction of the coaching team and introduce more high-level foreign coaches and assistant coaches; Strengthen the construction of the league, enhance the competitiveness and spectacle of the domestic league, and so on. Only in this way can we achieve better results in international competitions in the future and win more honor and respect.

Finally, I want to say that no matter how bumpy and difficult the road of the national football team is in the future, I will continue to support them and accompany them to move forward together. Because I believe that as long as we unite and move forward bravely, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and usher in our own glorious moment! At the same time, I also hope that the majority of fans and friends can maintain a rational and objective attitude towards the games and achievements of the national football team, and give them more encouragement and support, instead of blindly blaming and abuse. After all, football is a team sport and requires the joint efforts of all players and coaching teams to achieve good results. Let's work together to contribute to the future of Chinese football!

The discussion led to:

As the national football team is about to embark on the journey of the top 18 of the World Preliminaries, do you think Coach Ivan's employment strategy is wise? Can young players take responsibility in such an important game? What do you think about the veteran's departure? Welcome all fans and friends to leave your views and opinions in the comment area, let us cheer for Chinese football together!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "The Journey of the National Football Team"

The journey of the national football team

When the universe is vast and football is surging, the hearts of the Chinese children are surging, and they are determined to compete in all directions. The world pre-draw, the bad news is like frost, the group of death is magnificent, the enemy is full of shadows, what is the long road ahead?

Ivan Shuai flag exhibition, new Cebu military camp, not afraid of the strong enemy vow to move forward. Young talents come out, forge ahead to break the ice, show heroic posture on the green field, and the edge is beginning to show the stars. The veteran is feathered, the years are not forgiving, the iron cavalry gradually fades into the twilight of the hero, but the ambition is not rewarded, and he thinks about fighting on the battlefield again.

Exxon naturalized heroes, where is the former style? Riddled with injuries and staggering, the hero was in tears at dusk. Wu Xi and Zhang Linpeng, Tie Wei become a double shadow, the past glory becomes a memory, and now it gives way to the newcomer, and the torch is passed on endlessly.

The lone Alan Lao Ji is in the bush, and his ambition is not old. On the pitch, he shows his might, and he creates passes that are exquisite. Ivan has a discerning eye for pearls and jades, and he will shine alone, naturalize the national football team and shoulder the heavy responsibility, and jointly build the road of national football rejuvenation.

The journey is long and dangerous, what are the national football players afraid of? The blood of youth is sprinkled on the field, and sweat casts heroes. Sweating and raining on the training ground, tactical drills were carried out day and night, just to show the majesty of the arena and to show the national prestige before the snow.

Fans are concerned about the dream of national football and move forward together through thick and thin. Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, and love is not abandoned. The shouts and cheers shook the sky, inspiring the soldiers to move forward bravely, and the sons and daughters of China worked hard to create a brilliant football chapter.

Let's look at the eighteen battles in the world, and the national football players show their skills. The green field shows its elegance, and its high skills shock Kyushu. Brave and brave against strong enemies, vow to bring honor home, the revival of Chinese football, and set sail again.

This is an ode to the national football team, and the veterans and rookies, looking forward to the future journey. May the national football players write a new chapter in Chinese football with perseverance and courage, and let the five-star red flag fly high in world football!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】