
Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm


Hey, old man, have you been chasing dramas lately? Let me tell you, there is such an actress, it is simply a hot topic after dinner!

Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm

You may ask, "Who is she?" Oh, that face, it's as beautiful as a painting! "That's right, let's talk about this strange woman who is only 160 cm tall, but can always wear a goddess style.

Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm

Remember the "Xiao Shiyi Lang" we chased together that year, don't you? The Shen Bijun in the play, known as "the first beauty in the world", is not covered! She stood there, and ouch, the whole screen lit up. Coincidentally, this actor, her posture is as light as a catkins dancing in the wind in spring, and every step and every turn is full of indescribable elegance and charm. You say, how much charm does this have to be to make us old and young masters still remember it after so many years?

Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm

Speaking of which, I have to mention her other classic role, Zhu Yin's version of Zixia Fairy, which is the soul of "Journey to the West"! As soon as the "Moonlight Treasure Box" was opened, our hearts followed her to that fantasy world of love and hate. Zhu Yin, this name, is still full of memories and emotions when I mention it now. Her laughter and her tears are deeply engraved in the hearts of our generation.

Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm

Old man, don't you say? Sometimes, when we look at a person, we not only look at her appearance, but also value the temperament and charm. The actress, although not tall, interprets what a real "goddess" is in her own way. Every time she appears, it seems to tell us: beauty does not lie in being tall, short, fat or thin, but in the confidence and calmness, and the light that radiates from the inside out.

Who is she? Such a beautiful face, her height is only 160 cm, but she is full of goddess charm

So, those of us who are middle-aged and elderly, as well as those friends who love entertainment, might as well pay more attention to such good actors. They use their works to speak, prove themselves with strength, and bring a lot of fun and touching to our lives. At the next gathering, let's talk about these topics as well, so that memories and laughter fill every moment of our togetherness.