
Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

author:Mr. Yajun said in traditional Chinese medicine
Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

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"What do you say? Is cilantro the 'cleaner' of the kidneys? This is too mysterious! Aunt Li put down the newspaper in her hand and looked at Dr. Wang who was busy in the kitchen with a suspicious face.

Dr. Wang smiled as he washed the fresh coriander and explained, "It's not mysterious, I learned it from an old Chinese medicine doctor.

Coriander is warm, spicy, enters the lungs and spleen meridians, and has the effects of diaphoresis and rash, digestion and gas, awakening the spleen and appetizing, detoxification and sterilization. It is rich in volatile oils, which can promote kidney detoxification, and can also help remove excess sodium ions from the body, which is helpful in preventing kidney stones. ”

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

Aunt Li was skeptical, but still put the washed coriander into the pot and prepared to make a dish of scrambled eggs with coriander. she

I remembered that during the physical examination some time ago, the doctor reminded her to pay attention to kidney health, saying that the kidneys are important organs of the human body, responsible for filtering blood, regulating blood pressure, secreting hormones and other functions.

"Doctor, do you think coriander really protects the kidneys? I've heard that there are many foods that are good for the kidneys, such as black beans, black sesame seeds, yams, etc., are these claims true? Aunt Li asked.

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

Dr. Wang nodded and said, "There is truth to these claims. Black beans are rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, which can replenish the nutrients needed by the kidneys and help remove toxins from the kidneys.

Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and lecithin, which can delay kidney aging and prevent kidney disease; Yam is rich in mucus protein, which can protect the kidney mucosa and reduce kidney damage. ”

"Is there anything else I need to pay attention to besides eating more of these foods?" Aunt Li asked.

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

Dr. Wang put down the spatula in his hand and said seriously, "In addition to diet, lifestyle habits are also very important. First of all, it is necessary to maintain adequate sleep, ensuring 7-8 hours of sleep every day, so that the kidneys can get enough rest;

Secondly, it is necessary to control salt intake to avoid excessive salt intake that will increase the burden on the kidneys; Third, drink more water, at least 2000 ml of water a day to promote kidney detoxification; Fourth, it is necessary to have regular physical examinations to detect kidney problems in time and treat them. ”

After listening to Dr. Wang's explanation, Aunt Li's heart suddenly brightened. She decided to start eating coriander, black beans, black sesame seeds and yams, and pay attention to her lifestyle habits to try to protect her kidney health.

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

The next day, Aunt Li went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and when she saw that the stall was full of all kinds of vegetables, she suddenly remembered Dr. Wang's words and decided to buy some vegetables that are good for her kidneys and go home. She carefully selected coriander, spinach, celery, winter melon, cucumber, tomato, etc., and prepared a nutritious vegetable salad.

Back home, Aunt Li was washing the vegetables while thinking about Dr. Wang's words. She suddenly realized that protecting her kidneys is not only about eating more foods that are good for her kidneys, but also about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

She decided to quit smoking and drinking from now on, keep exercising, have regular medical check-ups, and strive to live a healthy life.

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

Aunt Li's change also attracted the attention of her friends around her. They asked her why she had suddenly become so health-conscious.

Aunt Li said with a smile: "I recently learned some knowledge about kidney health, and I know that the kidney is very important to the human body, so I should take good care of it. ”

Coriander is the "cleaner" of the kidneys? The doctor advised: If you keep your kidneys safe, you should eat more of these 3 things

Aunt Li's words resonated with her friends. They are also starting to pay attention to their kidney health and actively change their lifestyles.

In this way, the story of Aunt Li's "coriander nourishing kidneys" spread among friends and attracted more people's attention. People are beginning to realize that to protect kidney health, we must not only pay attention to diet, but also pay attention to lifestyle habits in order to have a healthy body.

Disclaimer: This article is for reference only, and the medical knowledge described is true and well-founded, but it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have any health problems, please consult a doctor or other


[1] Prevention and treatment of kidney disease. Chinese Medical Journal, 2019, 99(3): 221-225.

[2] Nutritional value and medicinal effects of coriander. China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2020, 45(1): 12-15.

[3] Nutritional value and medicinal effects of black beans. FOOD AND NUTRITION IN CHINA, 2021, 27(1): 18-21.

[4] Nutritional value and medicinal efficacy of black sesame seeds. Chinese Journal of Nutrition, 2022, 44(2): 112-115.

[5] Nutritional value and medicinal efficacy of yam. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2023, 56(1): 1-5.

[6] Prevention and treatment of kidney disease. People's Medical Publishing House, 2019.

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