
Year-end Awards: The sketch is scary, is it a comedy or a horror film?

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

In this profound plot, the intricate relationship between employers and employees is deeply exaggerated. The change in status of an employer to become a close friend or even a close friend of an employee is surprising and confusing. More worrying, however, is the truth behind the relationship.

Behind the "goodwill" of the boss

Does a boss claim to have a friendship with his subordinates because he cares for his employees, or is there something else going on? Even though the boss secretly implemented some tricks, he still chose to promote the employee and become his best friend. This is incomprehensible and unsettling.

Year-end Awards: The sketch is scary, is it a comedy or a horror film?
The "gratitude" mentality of employees

Employees showed strong gratitude for the leader's "good deed", and threw themselves into their arms, crying bitterly, as if they had found a life-saving straw. However, does this gratitude stem from sincere gratitude to the leader, or is it simply a reluctant compromise to one's own predicament?

The "ignorant" behavior of the boss

During the trip, the boss did not know the names of the employees, and the whole time he was addressed as "Oda", which seemed funny but was actually thought-provoking. Does this imply that its attitude towards employees is only superficial care, and there is no substantive understanding and care?

Year-end Awards: The sketch is scary, is it a comedy or a horror film?
The "exaggerated" rhetoric of the boss

These words are too extreme and deeply shocking. Is it intentional to control the psychology of employees, or is there something else hidden?

The "helpless" situation of employees

When communicating with their supervisors, employees express that they have not adjusted their salaries in five years, which makes people feel sympathetic and feel the plight they are in. However, is this situation just reluctantly accepted by employees, or is there something else behind it?

The "hypocritical" behavior of the boss

Successful managers demonstrate a memory-clearing technique in their teams, a move that is deeply worrying for employees. But is this just one of the strategies it uses to manage employees' emotions?

The "traitor" status of the employee

When an employee expresses in front of his superiors that he or she is drawn into a group that does not stand out from his superiors, the role of "betrayer" is inevitably unsettling. However, is this situation just a forced acceptance by employees, rather than a real revolt?

The boss's "vicious" intention
Year-end Awards: The sketch is scary, is it a comedy or a horror film?

The leader emphasized the need to wear vests to join the group and change the group name in front of the staff, which caused concern among the employees. However, is this just a strategy for leaders to control the psychology of their employees?

The employee's "eyeliner" identity

Employees are worrisome to say they want to be the eyes and ears of their supervisors.

"Funny" design by the owner
Year-end Awards: The sketch is scary, is it a comedy or a horror film?

The boss sees deliberately created jokes as a way to defuse sensationalism, and this seemingly "humorous" move has raised concerns among employees. However, is this really just a strategy used by bosses to control the psychology of their employees?

The "helpless" choice of employees

The employee's expression of willingness to stay with the employer seems to be "forced" to cause thought. However, is this just a compromise forced by the situation rather than a substantive protest?

But is this identity just a reluctant acceptance of employees

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