
Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

author:The world speaks a new language
Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

Text|Editor|Shishuo Xinyu

Recently, Internet big V Lu Kewen went to Japan to conduct research, and he posted what he saw and heard in Japan on social platforms to share with netizens!

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

At noon on July 2, Lu Kewen, an Internet celebrity who is working in Japan, uploaded two photos with beautiful women on Toutiao, which attracted the attention of the majority of netizens.

It can be seen from the two photos posted by Lu Kewen on the headlines: Lu Kewen and this beautiful woman are full of happy smiles on their faces, their bodies are inclined to each other's side, and they also gesture to the camera with 'love'.

From these details of the two, we can conclude that Lu Kewen and this beauty should have a very good relationship, and they should have known each other for more than a day or two.

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

So, why did Lu Kevin attract so much attention just by posting two photos with beautiful women? Maybe it has a lot to do with where he is now.

Netizens who are familiar with Lu Kewen know that he shared with netizens on Toutiao very early on that he was going to Japan for a period of research work, and he also made a lot of preparations for this.

And judging from what he posted on Toutiao in the past few days, he has indeed arrived in Japan now. And he shared what he saw and heard when he ate, took a taxi, and met Japanese friends in Toutiao with netizens.

Moreover, when we open the headline content posted by Lu Kevin, we can see that it is very different from his previous content - his content only has two photos, and there are no textual notes.

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

Perhaps because Lu Kewen is in Japan, and the beauty in the photo is too intimate with Lu Kewen, plus Lu Kewen did not make any annotations, which caused netizens to have a strong curiosity.

Therefore, when Lu Kewen's micro-headlines without any text annotations and only two photos of beautiful women, once released, it attracted the attention of the majority of netizens, and everyone left messages in the comment area to express their views.

01, Mr. Lu went to Japan to play for a few days, and he seemed to enjoy it very much! Let's hurry back, after a long time, I'm afraid you won't even know the way back to Hunan!

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

02, Mr. Lu, don't say anything else, I just want to ask you, who is this teacher in the photo? It's so beautiful, can you introduce me!

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

03, Mr. Lu, what kind of work are you doing in Japan this time? It's meeting friends again, and it's shuttling around Japan, can you bear such a dense itinerary?

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

04. It seems that Mr. Lu still has a lot of good friends in Japan, can you introduce to you what are the good strategies and shortcuts for learning Japanese?

Crack someone up! Lu Kewen posted two photos with Japanese beauties, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

Judging from the attention and reaction of netizens, Mr. Lu can be said to have really mastered the traffic password to the point of perfection, not only having fun in Japan, but also bringing happiness to netizens.

The editor believes that Mr. Lu's trip to Japan can be described as full of harvest, not only did he visit Japan, but also brought unexpected joy to the majority of netizens who paid attention to his trip to Japan! Looking forward to the successful conclusion of Mr. Lu's trip to Japan!

Is there anything you'd like to say as a reader? Welcome to leave a message to discuss!

Note: The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, delete it after contact!

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