
She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

author:Autumn and autumn talk about the world
She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?
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She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

In the Chinese film and television industry, Zhang Yongqi was once a dazzling star. With her superb acting skills and stunning appearance, she has left a deep impression in many film and television works.

Especially in the role of Lin Minjun in "The Love of a Million Brides Without Regrets", it pushed her to the peak of her career and won her the reputation of "Queen of Ratings".

However, since the broadcast of "Little Women Under Zhengyang Gate", this once beautiful actress seems to have disappeared out of thin air. For six years, Zhang Yongqi has not come out with any new works, as if the world has evaporated mysteriously.

Is she really out of gas? Or is there something else going on? Let's unveil the mysterious disappearance of Zhang Yongqi and explore the current situation of this former "queen of ratings".

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

In 1980, Beijing ushered in a girl destined to be associated with acting - Zhang Yongqi. She is naturally beautiful, with big eyes, a round face, and a watery appearance as if she was born for the screen.

However, what really led her to the path of acting was her love of dance.

At the age of six, Zhang Yongqi stepped into the Galaxy Youth Art Troupe and began her dance career. Who would have thought that only two years later, by chance, she entered the studio at the age of eight and started a wonderful acting life.

This accident became an important turning point in her life.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

With a passion for acting, Zhang Yongqi chose the Central Academy of Drama for further study. Four years of study have laid a solid foundation for her acting skills. After graduating, she joined the China National Song and Dance Theater as a dance artist.

This experience added a unique charm to her future performances.

In 2000, Zhang Yongqi ushered in the first peak of her career. In "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview 3" directed and starred by Zhang Guoli, she played the role of Chu Huan.

Her talking eyes, graceful gestures, and natural and smooth performance captivate the audience. This role has also earned her the reputation of "Goddess of Ancient Costumes".

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Since then, Zhang Yongqi's performance in costume dramas has become more and more outstanding. Whether it is the Empress Dowager Cixi in "The Sword of Shang Fang", Lin Cuicui in "The Legend of Treasure Posts", or Shui Linglong in "New Chu Liuxiang", she is vividly portrayed and unforgettable.

In "The Young King", she showed the charm of the other side with the role of Ling'er.

With the passage of time, Zhang Yongqi's acting skills have become more and more sophisticated, and the characters he has created have become more and more colorful. She not only shines in costume dramas, but also gradually gets involved in different types of works such as modern dramas and period dramas.

No matter what the role, she can control it with ease and show different charms.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

From a child star to a "costume goddess", Zhang Yongqi's acting career is full of sweat and hard work. She used her strength to prove that she is not only an actor with both beauty and acting skills, but also a real strength who constantly breaks through herself and pursues art.

Despite being repeatedly praised in costume dramas, Zhang Yongqi is not satisfied with this. She is eager to challenge more diverse roles and break through herself. This desire was initially reflected when she starred in "Xue Pinggui and Wang Baochuan".

In this drama, although Zhang Yongqi is only a supporting role, her performance is radiant. The role of Wang Jinchuan played by her is noble and elegant, but her heart is full of tenderness.

This interpretation of contrast makes the audience's eyes shine. It was from this drama that many people really knew and remembered Zhang Yongqi.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

However, what really made Zhang Yongqi famous in one fell swoop was "Million Brides 2" broadcast in 2008. In this drama, she took over from Anita Yuen and played the heroine Lin Minjun.

Faced with the deep impression left by the previous work, Zhang Yongqi did not flinch. She believes that her affinity and understanding of the character are her greatest strengths.

During the filming process, Zhang Yongqi devoted himself to the role. She not only has to create a gentle and lovely image, but also shows the character's perseverance and magnanimity after experiencing vicissitudes.

In order to truly present Lin Minjun's emotional world, Zhang Yongqi refused to use artificial means such as eye drops, but really immersed himself in the character and let the tears flow naturally.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Her attitude towards acting is: "To impress the audience, you first need to be self-absorbed. This kind of focus and dedication was finally recognized by the audience. After the broadcast of "Million Brides 2", the ratings have repeatedly reached new highs.

The image of Lin Minjun created by Zhang Yongqi is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has touched the audience from the post-60s to the post-90s. She was also awarded the title of "Queen of Ratings".

However, success did not make Zhang Yongqi complacent. On the contrary, she is more strict with herself. In an interview, she admitted that she was not satisfied enough with the performance of some plots in the play.

For example, when playing the plot of losing a child, she felt that her performance was not real and profound enough. This insatiable attitude is what drives her to keep improving.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Zhang Yongqi's breakthrough is not only reflected in the transformation of roles, but also in her experimentation with different types of works. Since 2003, she has been involved in various genres such as life dramas, period dramas, and police dramas.

No matter what kind of role she is, she is fully committed and strives to interpret it perfectly.

This spirit of constantly challenging oneself and breaking through limitations has made Zhang Yongqi's acting career wider and wider. From supporting roles to protagonists, from costume dramas to modern dramas, she has proved with her strength that she is not just a "vase", but also a powerful actor who can control various roles.

Zhang Yongqi's success lies not only in her beauty and talent, but also in her persistent pursuit of performance and the courage to constantly break through herself. Her experience tells us that only by constantly challenging ourselves can we shine more brightly.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

In Zhang Yongqi's acting career of more than 20 years, she has starred in more than 40 film and television dramas and created many impressive roles. Whether it is the protagonist or the supporting role, she has put all her heart and soul into it, striving for perfect interpretation.

In her opinion, the role of an actor is not only to act, but also to convey emotions and spread positive energy.

Zhang Yongqi's performance is characterized by focusing on character building and pursuing realism. Every time she receives a new role, she will delve into the background of the character, figure out the psychology of the character, and strive to present the most realistic state in front of the camera.

She firmly believes that the audience will only believe if the actors themselves truly believe it. This professional attitude makes every character she portrays lifelike and infectious.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

In terms of emotional expression, Zhang Yongqi has a unique charm. She is able to accurately capture the emotional changes of the characters, conveying delicate emotions to the audience through eyes, expressions and movements.

Whether it is Chu Huan's bright eyes in "Kangxi Weifu Private Interview", or Lin Minjun's tenacity and gentleness in "Million Brides", the audience was deeply moved.

Another characteristic of Zhang Yongqi is diversity. Although she became famous for costume dramas, she is not limited to that. Since 2003, she has been experimenting with different types of works such as modern dramas and period dramas.

No matter what type of role she is, she can handle it with ease and show different charms. This spirit of constantly challenging herself and expanding the scope of her acting skills makes her unique in the entertainment industry.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

For the profession of actor, Zhang Yongqi has his own unique understanding. She believes that actors should not only act well, but also have a sense of responsibility and mission. She hopes that through her performances, she can bring touch and inspiration to the audience and convey positive energy.

This kind of professional belief supports her to continue to move forward on the road of acting.

Even in the face of difficulties and challenges, Zhang Yongqi never thought of giving up. In her opinion, each role is an opportunity to grow and gain a deeper understanding of life and human nature.

She often reflects on her performances and is constantly looking for room for improvement. This attitude of never being satisfied and pursuing excellence has made her acting skills continue to improve.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Zhang Yongqi's story tells us that to become a good actor requires not only talent and hard work, but also love and dedication to performing arts. It is this belief that has allowed her to always maintain her own style and charm in the entertainment industry and become an irreplaceable actress in the hearts of the audience.

Just when Zhang Yongqi's acting career was at its peak, she chose to fade out of the public eye. Since the broadcast of "Little Women Under Zhengyang Gate", she has not had any new works for five years.

However, this is far from the case. Zhang Yongqi did not retire, she just chose a different way of life. In her opinion, actors also need to live and recharge.

For the past five years, she has been doing exactly that.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Zhang Yongqi loves to travel and observe life. She travels to different places to experience different cultures and experience the various aspects of life. These experiences have become the nutrients for her performance.

She is convinced that only by truly understanding life can real emotions be presented in performance.

At the same time, Zhang Yongqi is also enjoying an ordinary life. She would buy groceries and cook herself, read books and watch movies, and party with friends. This lifestyle makes her feel free and relaxed.

She is no longer the "queen of ratings" who needs to maintain a perfect image at all times, but just an ordinary person.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

This choice stems from Zhang Yongqi's desire for freedom. She wants to be able to live at her own pace and not be bound by outside expectations. She believes that only when the heart is truly free can she show more charm in her performance.

Zhang Yongqi's "disappearing" time is actually another presentation of her life. Instead of being trapped by fame and fortune, she chose to nourish her soul. This kind of courage and wisdom makes people can't help but be in awe of her.

In this fast-paced era, Zhang Yongqi's choice is undoubtedly a valuable attitude towards life. She told us with practical actions that a real actor must not only be able to act, but also be able to live.

Only a fulfilling life can bring a wonderful performance.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Although he temporarily faded out of the public eye, Zhang Yongqi did not give up his acting career. She's just waiting for a suitable opportunity, a role that will allow her to show her talent again.

During this time, Zhang Yongqi has been enriching himself, accumulating experience in life, and constantly exploring in art. She believes that this accumulation will eventually shine at some point in the future.

For the future, Zhang Yongqi is full of expectations. She hopes to try more types of roles and challenge the limits of her acting skills. At the same time, she is also eager to participate in more excellent works and bring more wonderful performances to the audience.

Her goal is not only to become an excellent actor, but also to be able to convey positive energy through her performances and bring inspiration and emotion to the audience.

She is beautiful, has excellent acting skills, and was once a ratings champion, why is she out of breath now?

Zhang Yongqi's story continues. Her beauty is still the same, her acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, and her pursuit of art has never stopped. Perhaps, in the near future, we will be able to see her on the screen again and enjoy her wonderful performances.

Zhang Yongqi's experience tells us that a true artist is never out of luck. As long as you maintain your love and pursuit of art and always strive to improve yourself, you will definitely be able to shine with new brilliance in your acting career.

We look forward to the return of Zhang Yongqi and look forward to her bringing us more wonderful characters and touching stories.

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