
The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

author:Fat fat does not eat meat


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In other words, at that time in June 2018, Fuyao Glass really made a big move, throwing 22.4 billion yuan, and swallowed Fujian Sanfeng Group as a wholly-owned company at once.

This incident not only shocked the entire industry, but also stared at the outside world.

This Trident Group, but the masterpiece of Cao Dewang's son Cao Hui, was acquired by his father's company this time, and everyone speculated that this was Lao Cao paving the way for his son's succession.

Although Cao Hui himself always said "I'm not as good as my father" and said "I can't cultivate the next Cao Hui", you look at the Trident Group he has been engaged in since 2015, and its assets have exceeded 100 million yuan in just a few years, which is not a joke.

Lao Cao himself praised his son, saying that he was expected to inherit the great cause of Fuyao.

Among the many rich second generations in China, Cao Hui can be regarded as a special case.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

Not only does he have a father who is a business tycoon, but more importantly, he is also hardworking and talented.

Although Lao Cao is not good in the business and charity circles, he donated a full 26 billion, but he is very strict with his son.

Cao Hui's growth path is different from others.

As soon as I graduated from high school, I was sent to the factory by my father, and I started from the grassroots like ordinary employees, and I had no privileges.

This kind of harsh environment and overtime work can exercise his will and ability.

Under the strict supervision and guidance of Lao Cao, Cao Hui was soon promoted from a front-line worker to a workshop director, and then became a ##分公司的总经理 Fuyao Technology.

In ##, he faced a big challenge, almost single-handedly, starting from scratch, but he succeeded, solidified the market position of the branch, and proved his business acumen.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

Later, Lao Cao sent him abroad for further study, and after returning to China, he directly made him the general manager of the North American branch, and once again faced new challenges.

Once, Fuyao Glass expanded too violently in the U.S. market, causing local companies to be uneasy, and was even accused of dumping at low prices.

Lao Cao immediately organized an anti-dumping team, put Cao Hui personally in charge, and launched a hard legal and public relations battle.

This battle is not only a test of business strategy, but also a test of legal response and public relations strategy.

In the face of difficulties, Cao Hui did not flinch and moved forward bravely, showing the tenacity and talent of an excellent corporate heir.

In the international legal war, he not only did not choose to defend, but also played an offensive, hiding evidence while hiring the world's top legal team to plan a counterattack.

At the same time, he did not give up the flexibility of business, and took the initiative to seek cooperation with the other party's enterprises in an attempt to resolve legal disputes through commercial means.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

This long-lasting two-pronged legal and commercial strategy finally paid off on October 15, 2004.

Cao not only reversed the U.S. Commerce Department's unfavorable decision, but also forced the accusers to withdraw the lawsuit.

This costly legal battle, which lasted for nearly four years, finally ended in a complete victory for Fuyao.

This victory not only freed Chinese enterprises from the shackles of unfair treatment, but also enhanced the confidence and dignity of domestic enterprises in international trade.

Cao Hui's victory made his reputation soar, and everyone recognized his decision-making and execution.

But before Shengli could settle down, Fuyao's board of directors decided to promote him to general manager.

However, Cao Hui's career path has not been smoothed by this.

No one expected him to resign half a year later, although Lao Cao persuaded him to return temporarily, he finally chose to leave to pursue personal independent development.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

Shortly after leaving, Cao Hui was in ##成立了三锋科技控股集团专注于高端汽车配件供应链业务.

With the experience accumulated in Fuyao and his personal business acumen, he quickly increased the group's assets to 700 million yuan, effectively filling the gap in the domestic market.

This achievement made Lao Cao feel the pressure of the years, and strengthened his determination to pin his future on his son.

So Lao Cao hoped that his son could return to Fuyao through the acquisition of Trident Group.

Although Cao Hui once expressed his reluctance to inherit the family business, in 2018 he finally accepted his father's arrangement and returned to Fuyao as vice chairman.

The industry's expectations for him are not only because he is Lao Cao's son, but also because of the outstanding talent he has shown.

Under his leadership, Fuyao's performance has grown significantly, its tax revenue has increased, and it has also won a number of national technological invention awards and patents.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

Now that Cao has retired to the background to focus on public welfare, this also shows his dual achievements: not only has he made great contributions to China's automotive glass industry, but also successfully shaped a successor who can take charge of himself.

Under Cao's new leadership, Fuyao also plans to establish a research institute to promote industry innovation and solve technological bottlenecks.

Cao Hui's experience also teaches us that even growing up under favorable conditions, personal hard work and perseverance are very important, and he not only inherited his father's business genes, but also proved in his own way that independence and ability enabled Fuyao to continue to sail for success under his leadership.

The best successor cultivated by the Glass King, the leader of the rich second generation, why is he the best among the best

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