
Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

author:Brother Joon has skin

Recently, new skin plans for Shangguan Wan'er, Lian Po, Aguduo and Li Bai have been revealed, bringing unprecedented expectations and surprises to players.

First, let's focus on Shangguan Wan'er's upcoming new skin. Designed in a semi-antique style, this skin blends traditional aesthetics with modern aesthetics. In terms of clothing, the red and gold collocation is both noble and gentle, and the red part is a unique red bean paste red, which shows more fair skin. In terms of quality, although it is tentatively set at the legendary level, there may be room for adjustment in the future. In particular, this skin is also a crossover-level work, which will bring a new game experience to Wan'er. As a new skin that Wan'er has not seen for a long time, it is not only unique in design, but also carries the expectations of players for Wan'er's new image. It is reported that this skin is expected to be launched within this year, and may be able to officially meet us at the end of the year, so let's look forward to Wan'er's new outfit.

Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

Next, Lian Po's Gold Saint Seiya linkage skin has also attracted widespread attention. This skin is linked to the Golden Taurus, which complements Lian Po's heroic image. Taurus's personality is stable and powerful, which coincides with the image of a handsome muscular man after Lian Po's rework. In comparison, if this skin is given to the Bull Demon, it looks out of place. Therefore, the combination of Taurus Gold and Lian Po is undoubtedly the best choice. It has been revealed that this skin is also a legendary limited level work, and it will enjoy a super low discount in the first week, and the price may be similar to that of Scorpio, and it can be owned for just over 900 bonds. This is undoubtedly a great boon for Lianpo players.

Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

At the same time, Agudo also ushered in his own new skin plan. This skin is based on the theme of youth school, and makes Agudo a lively and cute girl. Judging from the released image, Agudo is wearing a youth campus uniform, and the mount is also wearing the same school uniform, with pale pink girly heart elements and band-aid details, which looks particularly cute. According to some sources, this skin may be a six-dollar limited skin, which can be obtained for only 60 bonds in the first week. This is undoubtedly an opportunity not to be missed for players who love Agudo.

Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

In addition, Yagami-an, a hero who appeared in the first version of the king, is also about to be reborn. Due to the lack of SNK linkage support at the beginning, Yagami An's regrettable removal from the shelves. But now, with the in-depth cooperation between the king and SNK, the return of Yagami is a foregone conclusion. According to related sources, Yagami-an has completed the redo and exposed the modeling. The new version of Yagami-an not only retains the handsome image of the original work, but also restores it to a 100% scale. This undoubtedly made many players who were looking forward to the return of Yagami-an excited. His return will bring new vitality and challenges to King's Canyon.

Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

Finally, let's turn our attention to Li Bai. As a popular assassin hero in the game, Li Bai has always been loved by players. However, he never had a six-dollar limited skin. But this time it's different! According to a well-known blogger of the king, Li Bai is about to launch a six-yuan limited skin. This skin is inspired by the ancient style swordsman, and the costume incorporates the elements of the Divine Beast of the Classic of Mountains and Seas and the details of the armor of the Divine Beast. The special effects of the three skills are cool and eye-catching, while the first and second skills are relatively simple and practical. As Li Bai's first six-yuan limited skin, and only sold directly once, the opportunity is rare, players must cherish it, and leave 60 coupons to Li Bai, which is definitely worth the money!

Lian Po Gold Taurus exposed! The new hero Yagami-an returns, and Wan'er ushers in the legendary skin

To sum up, the new skins and hero dynamics of "Honor of Kings" have brought players a wealth of choices and expectations. Whether it is Wan'er's antique new clothes, Lianpo's Golden Saint Seiya linkage, Aguduo's youth campus style or Li Bai's six-yuan limited skin, they will all become highlights in the game world. Let's look forward to the official arrival of these exciting contents!

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