
Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

Fudan expelled Xia Chengxi from school

Fudan University made a big move this time, and finally expelled Xia Chengxi! To be honest, I expected this day a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. Xia Chengxi, Xia Chengxi, why do you say you? There was such a big fuss in the school, and now it's okay, and the student status is gone.

Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

Speaking of this Xia Chengxi, he is really a "legendary" figure. It was rumored before that his grandfather was a Kuomintang executive and had a prominent family background. But this guy is just restless, dissatisfied with Fudan University, and once applied for withdrawal. This is not a joke, this is a joke about your future!

Xia Chengxi's road to "individuality".

Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

Xia Chengxi is such a person, he is really personal. Other students go to school honestly, he is good, he dares to write dissatisfaction on the exam papers, this is to make the teacher angry to death! But then again, this guy's writing is really good, and the things he writes are a bit extreme, but he is really talented. Netizens say that he is a literary and artistic young man with a critical spirit, but I think that his critical spirit is too much and a little anti-social.

Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

Having said that, Xia Chengxi was expelled from school, which I think is quite pessimistic. A young man could have had a great future, but he was ruined by himself. Why do you think he's doing this? In school, what are the benefits of working against teachers? Didn't you hurt yourself in the end?

Fudan University's treatment

Fudan University handled it quite decisively this time and directly expelled the student. I think that's good, and for students who have seriously violated school rules and discipline, they should be severely punished. Otherwise, how will you manage students in the future? Xia Chengxi's incident also sounded the alarm for other students, don't think that you can do whatever you want in school.

Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!
Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

But then again, Xia Chengxi was expelled from school, and he must not feel good in his heart. After all, this is the result of his own hands, and it is too late to regret it now. I just hope that he can learn from this incident and not make similar mistakes in the future.

Netizens are hotly discussing the Xia Chengxi incident

Xia Chengxi's matter has made a lot of noise on the Internet, and netizens are hotly discussing this incident. Some people say that he is a young man with a strong personality and talent, but he just went the wrong way; Others say he is too radical and anti-social and should be punished. Anyway, Xia Chengxi has become the talk of netizens after dinner.

Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!
Fudan University has finally dealt with it! Xia Chengxi spanked the teacher at the graduation ceremony! Expulsion!

I think Xia Chengxi is indeed quite talented, but his behavior is really too extreme. If he could make good use of his talents and follow the right path, maybe he would be a character by now. It's a pity, it's a pity, he chose to go down this path with the school, and finally ended up being expelled from school.

What is the future of Xia Chengxi?

After Xia Chengxi was expelled from school, his future became a big problem. What do you think he should do now? Do you continue to stick to your "individual" line, or do you choose to change yourself and start over? That's a big problem!

I think Xia Chengxi should reflect on his behavior now. He is indeed very talented, but if he does not know how to get along with people and how to respect others, then these talents are just empty talk. Hopefully, he will learn this lesson and start his life path anew.


Xia Chengxi's incident has given us a lot to think about. It's good for young people to have individuality, but they also need to know how to respect others and follow the rules. Only in this way can we gain a foothold in society. I hope that Xia Chengxi can wake up from this incident and start his life journey again. At the same time, I also hope that other young people can take this as a warning and not repeat Xia Chengxi's mistakes.

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