
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

The Beijing subway "seat concession turmoil" continues to ferment

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

It's infuriating! The old man Ye, who forcibly asked to give up his seat on the Beijing subway, was detained for 7 days, and even came out unconvinced and shouted, saying that he had been wronged and that there was nothing wrong at all. Oh, what's wrong with this world?

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

Event playback

Speaking of which, I'm going to have to replay the whole thing for you. On June 24, Old Man Ye got on the Beijing No. 10 subway and found that there was no seat, so he saw a little girl looking at her mobile phone intently on the seat.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

The old man's heart was unbalanced, and he felt that the young man did not know how to respect the old, so he asked the girl why she did not give up her seat.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

The girl was probably asked inexplicably, so she replied a few words. As a result, this old man Ye became angry, and directly used crutches to stir back and forth between the girl's legs! This kind of behavior is really unbearable!

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

The police intervened, and the old man was detained

Later, when the police came, the old man still looked like "I'm not wrong", insisting that he was just asking to give up his seat. But that kind of behavior, where is it just asking to give up your seat?

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

It's just harassment! In the end, the railway police detained the old man for seven days on the grounds of disrupting the order of the ride.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

The old man was released from prison and was full of resentment

But who would have thought that after this old man was released from prison, he did not have a trace of repentance, but was angry. He said in the video: "I just pulled a few times, and I was detained for 7 days, a total of 168 hours, this is too long for an old man, is there any reason for such a punishment?" ”

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

Oops, I'm so angry when I hear that! How many gentle pulls? That's a cane to stir back and forth between the legs of other girls! This kind of behavior is simply a hooligan!

The social response is strong

As soon as this incident came out, netizens exploded. Everyone said that this old man was too disrespectful and acted unreasonably. Some netizens even suggested that this kind of behavior should be punished more severely.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

At the same time, some netizens shared their own experiences as elderly people, saying that love and respect are mutual. Yes, if you want to be respected by others, you must first learn to respect others.

The family spoke out and asked to stop the cyberbullying

When this matter was in an uproar, Old Man Ye's daughter also came out to speak out. She said that her father couldn't stand the violence on the Internet and begged everyone to stop spraying.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?
Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

Heck, to be honest, I sympathize with this daughter. However, sympathy does not mean approval of her father's actions. Everyone should be held accountable for their words and actions.

Empathy, thought-provoking

Some netizens put forward the idea of empathy. What would this old man's daughter think if she were treated like this by other bad old men? yes, we should all put ourselves in their shoes. Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

This incident is a wake-up call for us. In public places, we need to learn to respect others and not do whatever we want just because we are old. At the same time, I also hope that this incident can trigger more people's deep thinking and introspection.


To be honest, this incident is really heartbreaking. An elderly man who should be respected has sparked public outrage for his misdeeds.

Old man Ye was forced to give up his seat in the subway and refused to accept it after being detained for 7 days: just pull it twice Respect the old and love the young?

This is not only a punishment for him personally, but also a challenge to the moral bottom line of the entire society. I hope that through this incident, we can have a deeper understanding of the importance of respecting others and jointly create a harmonious and civilized social environment.

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