
Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

author:Nine clouds

Shandong Luneng, as a traditional powerhouse in the Chinese Super League, failed to meet the expectations of fans in the new season. In their most recent crucial match, they lost 2-0 to Beijing Guoan, a defeat that not only affected the team's position in the standings, but also highlighted the passivity that the team faces at a competitive level.

To solve the crux of Luneng's current predicament, we have to start with the team's foreign aid strength. In recent years, the competitive level of the Chinese Super League has been increasing day by day, and the quality and quantity of foreign aid often directly determine the competitiveness of the team. However, Shandong Luneng has clearly encountered challenges on this point. Compared with competitors such as Guoan, Luneng's foreign aid strength is obviously at a disadvantage. This is not only reflected in the individual technical level, but also in the teamwork and tactical execution. This kind of asymmetry in strength makes Luneng often in a passive situation in the game.

Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

In addition to the lack of foreign aid, internal problems within the Luneng team are also an important reason for its poor performance. Among them, the contract issue of core player Fernando is undoubtedly the most difficult one. According to reports, Fernando's contract with Luneng is about to expire, but the two sides have not agreed on a renewal. Against this backdrop, Fernando chose to express his displeasure by refusing to train and missing key matches. His attitude problem not only affected the overall atmosphere of the team, but also weakened Luneng's fighting power at critical moments.

Fernando's case is not unique. In fact, there are injuries and departures of other players in the Luneng team. Judson, the player who played an important role in the team, unfortunately ruptured his cruciate ligament in the game against Guoan and was out for the season. Although his contract still has a long time to go before it expires, this injury has already announced his departure from the team. This not only caused Luneng to lose a powerful player, but also caused a lot of losses in terms of transfer fees.

Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

At the same time, the veteran Ji Xiang also chose to leave the team because he lost his position. He eventually joined Nanjing City FC in the Chinese League on loan. Ji Xiang's departure not only means that Luneng has lost an experienced player, but also marks a further adjustment of the team's lineup. This kind of adjustment is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Luneng, which is in a difficult situation.

The loss of players and internal problems have put a lot of pressure on Luneng. They were even more passive in the game. It is difficult for them to fend off the opponent's attack at crucial moments, and it is difficult to turn the tide in the face of adversity. This passive situation makes Luneng's fans feel anxious and helpless.

Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

However, Luneng's dilemma is not unsolvable. In order to get rid of the current predicament, Luneng needs to start from many aspects. First of all, they need to strengthen the introduction of foreign aid to ensure that the team is not at a disadvantage in terms of foreign aid strength. This may require some changes in the club's funding and strategy, but such an investment is necessary for the long-term development of the team.

Second, Luneng needs to solve internal contradictions and problems. They should communicate positively with players like Fernando to find a proper solution. At the same time, they also need to pay attention to the psychological state and needs of other players to ensure the unity and stability of the team. Only when internal problems are solved, can Luneng exert its true strength in external competition.

Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

In addition, Luneng also needs to pay attention to the team's tactical adjustment and personnel matching. They should develop a more realistic tactical system based on the characteristics and strengths of the existing players. At the same time, they also need to make more reasonable choices in personnel allocation to ensure that the team can play the maximum combat effectiveness in the game.

Of course, in addition to the points mentioned above, Luneng also needs to pay attention to the overall situation of the Chinese Super League and the dynamics of competitors. They should keep a close eye on other teams' personnel changes and tactical adjustments in order to adjust their strategies and plans in a timely manner. Only by knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent can we stand out in the fierce competition.

Luneng crash warning? 2 people left the team, Fernando refused to train, 7 million was lost, and foreign aid was collectively dumb

To sum up, the predicament faced by Shandong Luneng in the new season is caused by a combination of factors. However, as long as we look at the current difficulties rationally and actively seek solutions to the problems, I believe that this traditional powerhouse will be able to get out of the trough and rise again.

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