
Tianbing Technology reported the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket: the evacuation of surrounding personnel was organized in advance, and there were no casualties

author:Don't let go of Douban

Tianbing Technology reported the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket: the evacuation of surrounding personnel was organized in advance, and there were no casualties

The scientific and technological exploration behind the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket

In the ever-changing development of aerospace technology, exciting news is constantly coming. This time, the Tianlong-3 liquid launch vehicle from Tianbing Technology suffered an accident during the test run, which attracted widespread attention. However, as stated in the document, the test run did not cause casualties, but on the contrary, accumulated valuable experience for the mainland's aerospace industry. Let's explore the scientific and technological innovation behind this accident, and the significance of the Tianlong-3 rocket in the construction of the future satellite Internet constellation.

First of all, we have to express our admiration for the technical strength shown by Tianbing Technology in the development of Tianlong-3. The document mentions that the performance parameters of Tianlong-3 are comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket, which undoubtedly reflects the professional level of Tianbing Technology in the research and development of large liquid rockets. It is reported that the diameter of Tianlong-3 is 3.8 meters, the take-off mass is 590 tons, and the low-earth orbit capacity is as high as 17 tons. What is more noteworthy is that the parallel connection technology of nine TH-12 engines was used in this test run, which created the maximum thrust of the continental launch vehicle in the development process, which was twice as high as the previous maximum thrust test of China's aerospace technology. This high-thrust parallel power system undoubtedly brings new possibilities for the development of large rockets in the future.

In addition, this test run also reflects the strict requirements of Tianbing Technology in safety management. It is mentioned in the document that before the commissioning, the company and the local government jointly improved thorough safety and security measures, and organized the evacuation of surrounding personnel in advance, which did not cause any casualties in the end. This undoubtedly demonstrates that Tianbing Technology attaches great importance to safety's corporate culture, can fully consider various possible risk factors, take effective countermeasures, and effectively protect the staff and surrounding residents at the test site. This undoubtedly provides an important guarantee for the follow-up test and practical application of Tianlong-3 in the future.

Of course, this test run also exposed some problems in the structural design of Tianlong-3. The document pointed out that it was due to the structural failure of the connection between the rocket body and the test bench, which caused a sub-stage rocket to fall after liftoff. This undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for the engineers of Tianbing Technology, reminding them of the need to further optimize the rocket structure and improve the overall reliability. We believe that by carefully analyzing the cause of the accident and adjusting the design plan, Tianlong-3 will continue to improve in future tests and inject new impetus into the mainland's aerospace industry.

As a matter of fact, the development of Tianlong-3 is not only a technological innovation, but also a major investment in the mainland's aerospace industry. As stated in the document, Tianlong-3 is a large liquid launch vehicle tailored for the construction of the continental satellite Internet constellation. In the current context of the popularization of 5G technology, satellite Internet will undoubtedly become an important direction for the future development of the Internet. The Tianlong-3, which has a strong payload capacity, will undoubtedly become an important supporting force for the mainland to build a satellite Internet constellation.

We can foresee that with the further improvement of Tianlong-3 and its practical application in the future, it will surely bring new breakthroughs to the development of communication technology in the mainland. Efficient and stable satellite Internet services will provide high-quality network connectivity for users in remote areas and even around the world, bridging the digital divide and benefiting human society. And the realization of all this is inseparable from advanced launch vehicles such as Tianlong-3.

In short, the accident in the test run of the Tianlong-3 rocket did not hit our confidence in Tianbing Technology, but gave us a deeper understanding of the company's technical strength and safety management level. We believe that through continuous exploration and optimization, Tianlong-3 will surely grow into an important pillar of the mainland's satellite Internet industry and make important contributions to the mainland's aerospace industry. Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of Tianlong-3 in the future!

Tianbing Technology reported the fall of the Tianlong-3 rocket: the evacuation of surrounding personnel was organized in advance, and there were no casualties

Striding forward - the road ahead for Tenryu-3

In the previous article, we have a preliminary understanding of the test process of the Tianlong-3 rocket and the scientific and technological innovation behind it. Although there were some accidents in this test run, we also saw the outstanding performance of Tianbing Technology in terms of technical strength and safety management. So, how will this ambitious Tianlong-3 rocket continue to write its own legend in the future?

First of all, Tianbing Technology will fully learn the lessons of this test accident and further optimize the design scheme of Tianlong 3. We are confident that with the company's engineering capabilities, they will be able to identify the root causes of structural failures and take targeted measures to address them. For example, key structural parts can be reinforced to improve impact resistance; Or adjust the overall center of gravity distribution to enhance the stability of the rocket. At the same time, the company will continue to improve the level of safety management and constantly improve the emergency plan, so that every test can be carried out under the maximum safety guarantee.

It is worth looking forward to the fact that in the future trials, Tianlong-3 will definitely show even better performance. We already know that the performance parameters of this rocket are comparable to SpaceX's Falcon 9, and its nine-machine parallel high-thrust power system has set a new record in the history of mainland aerospace. This undoubtedly indicates that Tianlong-3 will have a more powerful load capacity and excellent adaptability. We believe that with the continuous optimization of technology, Tianlong-3 will definitely show more outstanding performance in the fields of low-earth orbit and sun-synchronous orbit, and make important contributions to the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

At the same time, the development of Tianlong-3 will also inject new impetus into the mainland's satellite Internet industry. We know that this rocket is specially developed for the construction of satellite Internet constellation, and its powerful payload capacity will greatly increase the development speed of the mainland in this field. With the popularization of 5G technology, satellite Internet will undoubtedly become an important direction for the future development of the Internet, and having an advanced carrier vehicle such as Tianlong-3 will surely create favorable conditions for the mainland to achieve breakthroughs in this field.

Not only that, the development of Tianlong-3 will also drive the comprehensive upgrading of the mainland's aerospace industry chain. As a large liquid rocket, it involves many key technologies such as propellant formulation, material technology, structural design, control system, etc., which will undoubtedly promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading in related fields. At the same time, the production and testing of Tianlong-3 will also drive the development of the aerospace equipment manufacturing industry and cultivate a group of high-quality aerospace engineers. It can be said that the development of Tianlong-3 is becoming an important engine for the take-off of the mainland's aerospace industry.

All in all, despite some surprises in this test run, we are still confident in the future of Tianlong-3. It is believed that with the unremitting efforts of Tianbing Science and Technology, this powerful carrier rocket will be continuously improved in future tests and inject new impetus into the development of the mainland's aerospace industry. Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of Tianlong-3 in the future and witness it become a new milestone in the development of the mainland's aerospace industry!

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