
The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

author:Stir up domestic entertainment
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The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment
The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment


A while ago, Hu Ge, who has always been known as the "national husband", turned out to be a father under the watchful eye! A Weibo sensation in the entertainment industry: "Mother and daughter are safe, I am a father." Just this simple announcement is enough to set off an overwhelming storm! Netizens expressed their shock:

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

"Oh my God, why did Mr. Hu become a father? Why didn't there be news of his marriage before?"

"Now we have completely lost him, and finally someone else has taken possession of all his mind."

"No, no, Mr. Hu is obviously still single, why did he suddenly give birth to a child?"

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

The news was undoubtedly a bombshell, which caught countless diehard fans of Hu Ge off guard. Everyone knows that Hu Ge is a representative of "rich and handsome" in the traditional sense, clean and delicate, excellent popularity, extraordinary family background, and successful career, and has always been regarded as an "ideal husband" by countless women.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Seeing that Mr. Hu was about to leave the ranks of bachelors forever, many people fell into a contradictory state of mind of loss and recovery.

The entertainment reporter soon dug up more inside information - Hu Ge's wife turned out to be his old acquaintance Huang Xining! The two have known each other for 8 years, but it has always been a working relationship. Huang Xining was originally Hu Ge's agent and makeup artist, and as they spent more time together, they naturally changed from "colleagues" to "husband and wife".

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

This coincidental development also made netizens sigh:

"It seems that Mr. Hu is really open to feelings, and being able to find a partner around him like this is not too romantic and tasteful!"

"I knew that Mr. Hu must have a virtuous helper by his side who was silently supporting him, which led to his current career achievements. It's just that I didn't expect it to be his royal makeup artist. "

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Hu Ge and Huang Xining have also been very secretive for many years, and in the eyes of outsiders, their relationship is limited to employment cooperation. It wasn't until yesterday's earth-shattering announcement that people suddenly realized that they had long been husband and wife and loving partners.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Pure bliss

It is understood that Hu Ge and Huang Xining had already received their certificates in their early years, but they were never disclosed to the public just to avoid suspicion. Now, with the good news, the east wind has finally torn off the disguise and shared this purest happiness with the world.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

In fact, before announcing the birth of a daughter, Hu Ge had already secretly revealed the shadow of his wife in his work and life. For example, he often mentions himself as the "head of the family" on Weibo and in interviews, or posts about the daily life of his cat.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

In retrospect, fans feel that Mr. Hu has been hinting at having a family, but he has not said it positively. It seems that the actor's eldest brother can keep his mouth shut, which is really admirable. The marriage between Hu Ge and Huang Xining can be regarded as a good story. Two friends who have worked hard in the entertainment industry for many years finally became each other's only concern, and when they entered the palace of marriage, the emotional foundation was naturally the most solid and stable.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Some analysts believe that Huang Xining, as Hu Ge's royal makeup artist, has been getting along for a long time, so that the two know each other's personality and temperament well, and they will lay a good foundation emotionally; At the same time, he is also the most trusted partner at work, and this tacit understanding of sharing weal and woe will naturally stimulate an explosive chemical reaction in the relationship.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

It's just puzzling why this loving couple would "get pregnant before marriage"? In traditional values, this practice is undoubtedly inappropriate. In any case, the news of Hu Ge's birth of a daughter is undoubtedly a great joy worth celebrating. As a film and television star, he can be said to have a bumper harvest in his career and family.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

With a wife and children by your side, your life will become more fulfilling and happy. I believe that in the future, Hu Ge will become more dazzling in both career and family life.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

can marry an outstanding person like Hu Ge, Huang Xining is really a winner in life. Not only has she had a successful career, but now she is married to such a "rich and handsome" candidate, which can really be described as having a bright future and a smooth journey.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Cause controversy

However, some people have a lot of criticism about Hu Ge and his wife's approach. After all, whether it is "unmarried pregnancy" or the sudden exposure of privacy, it is somewhat different from traditional values, which has aroused a lot of criticism:

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

"I can't understand it, this kind of hasty approach is too inconsistent with the personality of the national husband in the past, right? All of a sudden, I had a new perspective on Hu Ge. "

"Shouldn't being a public figure set a good example for young people? Today's celebrities are like this, doing things at will, I think it's really getting more and more immoral!"

"A star is a star, you can play how you want. Why are you bothering so much, and it's not your wife, aren't you annoying?"

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

It can be seen that Hu Ge's operation this time has indeed caused some positive and negative voices in the field of public opinion. However, as for the right and wrong of popularity, everyone is just a passer-by, and it will pass away with the wind.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Anyway, Hu Ge and his wife, who are the parties involved, are happy, and this is the most important thing. They interpret the fulfillment of life in the most simple way: a successful career, a happy family, and a happy marriage. Whether they follow the routine or not, it's their own life choice. A person's lifestyle will certainly be affected by public opinion, but more important is their yearning and pursuit of a better life.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Hu Ge and Huang Xining's step may bring them some criticism, but as long as the two sincerely love each other and support each other, they will definitely be able to go through hardships and welcome a happy spring.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Life is like this, and it will always come with some labor pains and doubts. But as long as you stick to your heart and move forward bravely, you will definitely be able to grasp happiness in the palm of your hand. The future prospects of this new couple are also worthy of our expectations and blessings.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

In fact, if you trace back to the roots, Hu Ge's journey on the emotional road is not smooth sailing. Before stepping into Huang Xining's arms, he also had a sister-brother relationship that was a good match but ended without a problem.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

still remembers that a serious car accident almost took Hu Ge's life. At that time, after his so-called "sister" Xue Jianing learned the news, she rushed to the hospital as soon as possible, gave up all the work at hand, and waited in front of Hu Ge's hospital bed day and night.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

An ordinary girl dedicates her youth desperately to her beloved, and this persistent love is awe-inspiring. What's even more distressing is that although Xue Jianing is so wholehearted, she and Hu Ge finally failed to get to the point of growing old together. After many years of love, the two finally broke up for various reasons and missed the best chapter of each other's lives.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

This made many people sigh with emotion: If Hu Ge had been able to muster up the courage and insist on being with Xue Jianing, would he have a more happy married life?

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

Everything is now a thing of the past, and we can only say that it was a memorable but destined marriage.

However, Xue Jianing's dedication and contribution to Hu Ge also made him highly praised. Many netizens praised her as an "amazing woman" and a "gentleman's wife" who deserves to be respected and cherished.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment


But fortunately, Hu Ge has now come out of the pain of the past, formed a new family with Huang Xining, and opened a new chapter in his life.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

In the past, there was a regrettable sister-brother relationship in the youth, and now there is a beloved partner who is like glue, which is enough to witness the emotional journey of Hu Ge, the "national husband".

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

From simplicity, youth to maturity and stability, he used his own personal experience to explain in detail the different stages and levels of a man's treatment of love. This kind of personal life understanding is also the reason why he has been acting on the screen for many years.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

We have reason to expect that with his unique life experience, Hu Ge will definitely reach a higher level in his career in the future and bring us more wonderful works.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

The love life of adults has always been confusing and full of twists and turns. Nor does we have the right to interfere and judge too much. The only thing worth affirming is that although he is more passive and hesitant to do things, Hu Ge finally stepped into the palace of marriage and completed an important life topic for contemporary men.

The high-profile recognition of love led to the collapse of word of mouth, and Hu Ge's experience taught a lesson to all actors in domestic entertainment

From this point of view, although his emotional choice is a bit "inactive", it can be regarded as the right choice made under the general trend of social trends. This may be a gift from fate to Hu Ge. Although he had twists and turns on the emotional road, he finally realized the value of life, perfectly combined with his beloved, and was happy forever.


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