
The biggest tragedy of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is that when they were defeated by Australia, they couldn't even say hello

author:Phineas Sports~

The biggest tragedy of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is that when they were defeated by Australia, they couldn't even say hello

Defeating the Dream Team: The Growth of China's U18 Women's Basketball Team

Basketball is known as the "Five Sons Dengke", which can fully reflect the charm of teamwork. In this collective sport, every member of the team plays an indispensable role, and only when all members work together can they finally defeat their opponents and win the championship. However, as mentioned in the article, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team failed to play its due overall strength in the competition with Australia, but made mistakes at critical moments and finally lost regrettably. This game is undoubtedly a "tragedy" for the Chinese women's basketball team, but if we can learn a lesson from it, I believe it will become the nourishment for the growth of this young team.

There is no doubt that the overall strength of the Australian team is indeed stronger than that of the Chinese team. From tactical deployment to individual skills, everything reflects their strengths. In contrast, the backwardness shown by the Chinese team can be described as hitting the nail on the head. First and foremost is the lack of formal competition training. As the article says, "All of us go to the rim and make layups, and one reason is that there are too few formal confrontation games." This undoubtedly exposed the Chinese team's lack of practical experience and helplessness in dealing with the pressure of strong opponents.

On the other hand, the Australian team showed excellent standards in passing, finding open space to shoot, and maintaining the ability to respond calmly. This is undoubtedly due to their long experience in playing at a high level. Even when it matters most, they can keep their heads clear so they can make the right decisions. This is exactly what the Chinese team is lacking at present, and it is also a shortcoming that needs to be made up urgently.

In addition, the Chinese team also has problems in terms of individual skills and tactical coordination. The article mentions that our team members "can't practice their three-point shooting ability like Korean or Japanese athletes, or don't train hard enough and don't have solid basic skills." This undoubtedly reflects the shortcomings of the Chinese team in terms of technical training. As the article said, "basketball is a team sport, and the main players also rely on the substitute players to exert their strength, and it is definitely not possible to rely on only one or two."

The biggest tragedy of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is that when they were defeated by Australia, they couldn't even say hello

It is worth mentioning that the performance of captain Zhang Ziyu did not fully meet expectations. As the future star of the Chinese women's basketball team, she undoubtedly bears heavy expectations. However, as the article says, "it's not a good thing that she has such a big advantage, it's the coach's responsibility". This shows that the coach's work in developing the captain needs to be strengthened to ensure that the captain can play his due role in the critical moments, rather than being alone.

Overall, this loss is undoubtedly an important milestone in the growth of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team. It exposes the shortcomings of this young team in many aspects, but it also points the way for future improvement. We believe that as long as we earnestly learn lessons, continue to improve the training program, and strengthen the accumulation of game experience, this Chinese women's basketball team will surely emerge in the near future and become one of the world's strongest teams again.

The role of the coaching team in this process cannot be ignored either. They should play a leading role in helping players face up to gaps, clarify the direction of development, and formulate practical reform measures. Only when coaches and athletes work together can the Chinese U18 women's basketball team truly achieve leapfrog progress and challenge the status of the world's strongest team again.

We believe that as long as the Chinese U18 women's basketball team can conscientiously sum up the lessons of this defeat, continue to train hard, and unite as one, we will be able to create more brilliant results in the near future, win glory for the motherland, and become an example for the majority of children to learn.

The biggest tragedy of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is that when they were defeated by Australia, they couldn't even say hello

Okay, I'm going to go ahead and write the follow-up to this post for you, making sure the overall content is coherent and logical.

Although this defeat is undoubtedly a heavy blow, we believe that the Chinese U18 women's basketball team will be able to learn valuable lessons from it. Next, they need to seriously reflect on their own shortcomings and develop targeted improvement measures.

First of all, in terms of basic skills training, players should pay more attention to the polishing of basic skills. As stated in the article, our athletes "practice their three-point shooting ability, but they still don't train hard enough and don't have solid basic skills." This is undoubtedly one of the important reasons for the loss. Therefore, the players must strengthen their basic training, improve their technical level, and be fully prepared for high-level competitions in the future.

Secondly, in terms of the accumulation of practical experience, the coaching team should arrange more opportunities for the players to play more official games as soon as possible. As pointed out in the article, "All of us go to the rim and make layups to avoid the dungeon, and one reason is that there are too few formal dungeon games." By participating in multiple official competitions, the players were able to improve their ability to cope with pressure, but also to develop their ability to make decisions on the spot in tense situations. Only in this way can we truly narrow the gap with strong enemies and improve the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

The biggest tragedy of the Chinese U18 women's basketball team is that when they were defeated by Australia, they couldn't even say hello

In addition, when it comes to tactical coordination and teamwork, coaches also need to step up their training. As the article says, "Basketball is a team sport, and relying on the main players also depends on the bench players to exert their strength, and it is definitely not enough to rely on only one or two players." Therefore, the coach should focus on cultivating the tacit cooperation between the players and enhancing the overall strength of the whole team. Only by doing this, can the Chinese U18 women's basketball team play its due potential in future competitions.

Finally, for the captain Zhang Ziyu, the coaching team should pay special attention and training. As the future star of the Chinese women's basketball team, she undoubtedly bears heavy expectations. But as the article points out, "it's not a good thing that she has such a big advantage, it's the coach's responsibility". Therefore, the coach should formulate a targeted training plan to help Zhang Ziyu play his due role at critical moments and inject strong leadership into the whole team.

In general, the Chinese U18 women's basketball team should learn valuable lessons from this loss, carefully summarize the shortcomings, and formulate practical improvement measures under the guidance of the coach. Only in this way can they set sail in future competitions, challenge the status of the world's strongest team again, and strive for greater honor for the motherland.

I believe that as long as the Chinese U18 women's basketball team unites and encourages each other, it will be able to create more brilliant achievements in the near future, become a model for the majority of children to learn from, and make due contributions to the country's basketball cause.

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