
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area

author:Millennial Fun Talk
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area

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The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area
The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area

#长文创作激励计划#在历史的长河中, the Tang Dynasty is undoubtedly a bright pearl. However, there is an opinion that the lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low, but the historiographical community has always ranked the Tang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty as one of the strongest dynasties. What kind of complex and profound historical truth is hidden behind this seemingly contradictory evaluation?

Let's first go back to the historical picture scroll of the Tang Dynasty to explore the stories that have been sealed by the dust.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, under the wise leadership of Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, the "rule of Zhenguan" was created. The politics are clear, the monarch and the ministers are united, the society is stable, and the economy is recovering.

The streets of Chang'an are bustling with envoys and businessmen from all over the world. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and their faces are full of hope and satisfaction for life.

But by the mid-to-late Tang Dynasty, things had changed.

The outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion was like a sudden storm, which instantly broke the prosperity and tranquility of the Tang Dynasty.

An Lushan and Shi Siming's rebels swept through the Central Plains, fighting raged and displaced people. The once thriving city has become devastated and idyllic.

A farmer named Lao Zhang originally worked his own land and lived a peaceful life. However, when war came, he was forced to flee his homeland, witnessing countless tragic scenes along the way.

The situation of the division of feudal towns gradually took shape, and the festivals in various places made the troops self-respecting and did not listen to the orders of the imperial court.

They often engage in conflicts and wars over territory and resources, plunging the country into long-term turmoil.

The authority of the central government has been seriously challenged, and political corruption has become increasingly serious.

Officials are embezzling and taking bribes, oppressing the people, and social contradictions are intensifying.

The dictatorship of eunuchs also became a major problem in the middle and late Tang Dynasty.

The eunuchs held the power of the court, and could even depose the emperor and interfere in court affairs. Their arbitrariness has further exacerbated the political darkness.

On the economic front, due to war and political turmoil, tax revenues have decreased and financial difficulties have been achieved.

The burden on the peasants increased, and many lost their land and became displaced people. Business development has also been severely hampered, and the once-thriving market has become depressed and cold.

However, despite these problems, why did the historiographers still give it a very high evaluation, alongside the Han Dynasty?

First of all, from the perspective of innovation and improvement of the political system, the Tang Dynasty implemented the system of three provinces and six ministries.

Zhongshu Province, Menxia Province and Shangshu Province have a clear division of labor, mutual checks and balances, improve administrative efficiency, and strengthen the centralization of power.

This system provided an important reference for the development of the political system in later generations.

The imperial examination system was further developed and perfected during the Tang Dynasty.

The selection of talents through examinations has broken the monopoly of the family on the career and provided a channel for the talents at the bottom of the society to rise.

Many students from poor backgrounds were able to enter the court as officials and contribute to the governance of the country by virtue of their talents and efforts.

For example, a young man named Xiao Li was born into an ordinary family, but he was diligent and studious, passed the imperial examination and entered the official career, and eventually became an outstanding official.

In terms of culture, the Tang Dynasty reached unprecedented heights.

Poetry, calligraphy, painting, music and other art forms flourished, and famous artists emerged in large numbers.

The works of poets such as Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei have been passed down through the ages and have become treasures in the treasure house of Chinese culture.

They used poetry to depict the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Tang Dynasty, social customs, and the joys, sorrows, and sorrows of the people.

Yan Zhenqing and Liu Gongquan's calligraphy is strong and powerful, with a unique style.

Wu Daozi's paintings are lifelike and show superb skills.

The cultural influence of the Tang Dynasty was not only limited to China, but also spread to neighboring countries and regions, forming a wide range of cultural radiation.

In terms of foreign exchanges, the Tang Dynasty showed an open and inclusive mind.

Chang'an has become a cosmopolitan metropolis that attracts people from all over the world.

Foreign envoys, merchants, and scholars came to the Tang Dynasty one after another to learn about the advanced culture and technology of the Tang Dynasty.

Xuanzang traveled west to learn from the scriptures, and Jianzhen traveled east to Japan, which promoted the exchange and integration of Chinese and foreign cultures.

The military power of the Tang Dynasty should not be underestimated.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the Tang army fought in the south and the north, expanded its territory, and established a vast territory.

Although it faced border problems in the middle and later periods, the Tang Dynasty's military also played an important role in defending against foreign invasions.

When we think deeply about this evaluation, we will find that the history of the Tang Dynasty is a process full of contradictions and changes.

The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty does exist, but we cannot ignore its brilliant achievements in other areas just because of these problems.

From the perspective of historical development, the evaluation of a dynasty should not only be based on its performance in the period of decline, but should comprehensively consider its contribution and influence in many fields such as politics, economy, culture, and military.

The institutional, cultural, and international influence created by the Tang Dynasty in its heyday left a legacy for future generations.

As we continue to delve deeper into this topic, here are a few new perspectives to further expand our understanding.

From the perspective of the diversity of economic development, the Tang Dynasty not only developed agriculture, but also made remarkable achievements in handicrafts and commerce.

Ceramics, silk and other handicrafts are famous all over the world and are exported overseas.

Chang'an, Luoyang and other cities prospered commercially, and many professional markets and commercial guilds appeared.

Thinking from the perspective of ethnic integration, the Tang Dynasty adopted a relatively enlightened ethnic policy, which promoted exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups.

The surrounding ethnic minorities maintained close ties with the Tang Dynasty and jointly promoted the development of the Chinese nation.

From the perspective of scientific and technological progress, the Tang Dynasty made important achievements in the fields of astronomical calendar, medicine, and agriculture.

These scientific and technological achievements not only promoted the development of the society at that time, but also laid the foundation for scientific research in later generations.

In conclusion, the history of the Tang Dynasty is a rich and colorful chapter.

When we analyze this phenomenon in more depth, we can also explore it more comprehensively from the following aspects.

Judging from the mobility and changes of social classes, the social structure of the Tang Dynasty was not static.

With the implementation of the imperial examination system and the development of commerce, the mobility between social classes gradually increased, injecting new vitality into the development of society.

From the perspective of women's status, women in the Tang Dynasty enjoyed relatively high status and freedom to a certain extent.

They are able to participate in society and even play a role in the political and cultural spheres.

From the perspective of the development and improvement of the legal system, the legal system of the Tang Dynasty was relatively sound, which had a profound impact on the legal system of later generations.

To sum up, although the Tang Dynasty had the problem of low lower limit, its outstanding achievements in political system, cultural prosperity, foreign exchanges, etc., made it still enjoy a lofty position alongside the Han Dynasty in the field of historiography.

When we evaluate the Tang Dynasty, we should examine this period of history from a comprehensive, objective, and dialectical perspective, and draw wisdom and enlightenment from it.

When we further delve into the complex and diverse historical picture of the Tang Dynasty, we can dig out more layers of profound connotations.

From the perspective of the evolution of the economic system and policies, the land equalization system implemented in the early Tang Dynasty protected the land rights and interests of farmers to a certain extent and promoted the development of agricultural production.

However, with the passage of time, the phenomenon of land annexation became more and more serious, and the equalization system was gradually destroyed.

Many peasants lost their land and became tenants or displaced people, which not only affected the stability of agriculture, but also posed a threat to social order.

But at the same time, the Tang Dynasty made innovations in the tax system and implemented the regulation of rents.

This method of taxation was relatively flexible, guaranteed the state's fiscal revenue for a certain period of time, and provided a material basis for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

In the Jiangnan region, for example, agricultural production has continued to increase due to the construction of water conservancy projects and the promotion of new planting techniques, which has made an important contribution to the country's economic prosperity.

From the perspective of the development of religious and philosophical thoughts, Buddhism, Taoism and other religions were widely spread and developed during the Tang Dynasty.

Zen Buddhism, Pure Land Buddhism and other sects were formed and flourished in the Tang Dynasty, which had a profound impact on people's spiritual world.

Many temples became centers of cultural exchange and academic research, attracting numerous devotees and scholars.

However, the overdevelopment of religion has also brought about some problems, such as the expansion of the monastic economy and the waste of social resources.

But Taoism was also highly respected in the Tang Dynasty, and the Li Tang royal family claimed to be descendants of Lao Tzu and supported Taoism.

The health care ideas and philosophical concepts of Taoism were also integrated with the social culture of the time, enriching the ideological connotation of the Tang Dynasty.

At the same time, Confucianism still occupied an important position in the Tang Dynasty, and its ethical and moral concepts were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and became an important cornerstone of social order and values.

Thinking from the perspective of inheritance and innovation of art and literature, the Tang Dynasty's music, dance, sculpture and other art forms reached a very high level.

The court music and dance were large in scale and varied, and the folk songs and dances were also vibrant.

The murals and sculptures of the Tang Dynasty in the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang show the superb artistic skills and rich imagination of the time.

In terms of literature, in addition to the brilliant achievements of poetry, the emergence of the Tang legend marked a new stage in the development of ancient Chinese novels.

These artistic and literary works not only reflect the social life and people's thoughts and emotions at that time, but also leave a valuable wealth for the cultural inheritance of later generations.

When we delve further into this historical phenomenon, we can also find the following key factors.

From the perspective of urban development and planning, cities such as Chang'an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty became among the largest and most prosperous cities in the world at the time.

The layout of Chang'an City is rigorous, the functional zoning is clear, and the palaces, government offices, residences, and markets are in good order.

The construction and management of the city reflects a high level of planning, as well as the political, economic, and cultural prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

However, with the increase of urban population and the expansion of commercial activities, urban management also faces many challenges, such as traffic congestion and sanitation problems.

From the perspective of the progress of science and technology, the Tang Dynasty made remarkable achievements in astronomical calendar, printing, textile technology, etc.

The research and improvement of the astronomical calendar by the monks and his entourage made the calendar of the Tang Dynasty more accurate.

The invention of block printing greatly improved the printing efficiency of books and promoted the dissemination of knowledge and the popularization of culture.

Silk weaving, ceramics and other craft technologies continue to innovate, producing exquisite silk and porcelain, which sell well at home and abroad.

However, the progress of these technologies and processes also has certain limitations in the process of dissemination and application, and has not been able to give full play to its role in promoting social development.

From the perspective of diplomacy and international relations, the Tang Dynasty maintained extensive exchanges and close ties with neighboring countries and regions.

Through the Silk Road, the Tang Dynasty conducted trade and cultural exchanges with countries in Central Asia, West Asia, and even Europe.

At the same time, the Tang Dynasty also exercised effective jurisdiction and governance over the surrounding ethnic minority areas, promoting ethnic integration and the development of border areas.

However, when dealing with foreign relations, the Tang Dynasty also faced problems such as border conflicts and territorial disputes, and needed to constantly adjust its diplomatic strategy and military deployment.

To sum up, the history of the Tang Dynasty is a dynamic process full of contradictions and changes.

As we continue to delve deeper into this phenomenon, we can further expand our understanding from the following new perspectives.

From the perspective of education and talent training, the Tang Dynasty attached great importance to the development of education, and set up official schools such as Guozixue and Taixue, and at the same time, private schools were also quite prosperous.

The popularization of education has cultivated a large number of talents, providing strong support for the governance of the country and the inheritance of culture.

However, the uneven distribution of educational resources and the limitations of educational content also affect the quality and effect of talent training to a certain extent.

From the perspective of social customs and people's livelihood, the social customs of the Tang Dynasty were rich and colorful, and the customs of festivals, weddings and funerals reflected the lifestyle and values of the people at that time.

However, there is a large gap between the lives of different classes, and the lives of the people at the bottom are still full of hardships.

From the perspective of environmental protection and resource utilization, the Tang Dynasty also faced some challenges in the utilization of natural resources and the protection of the environment in the process of agricultural development and urban construction.

Problems such as soil erosion caused by over-reclamation and ecological damage caused by deforestation are gradually emerging.

In short, the history of the Tang Dynasty is a colorful and challenging picture.

When we analyze this phenomenon in more depth, we can also explore it more comprehensively from the following aspects.

From the perspective of military strategy and tactics, the army of the Tang Dynasty had certain characteristics and advantages in terms of combat methods, weapons and equipment.

But in the long war, the increase in military spending and the casualties of soldiers also put a heavy burden on the country.

From the perspective of the two-way influence of cultural exchanges, the Tang Dynasty not only absorbed foreign cultures, but also had a profound impact on the cultural development of neighboring countries and regions.

However, there are also problems of cultural conflict and integration in the process of cultural exchange.

From the perspective of the impetus and resistance to political reform, successive rulers of the Tang Dynasty tried to carry out political reforms to solve social problems, but the reforms were often obstructed by vested interests and constrained by traditional concepts.

To sum up, the evaluation of the Tang Dynasty cannot be simply generalized.

We should not only see the problems and challenges existing in the lower limit period, but also fully affirm the brilliant achievements it has made in the peak period.

Through in-depth study of the history of the Tang Dynasty, we can better understand the development law of human society, draw lessons from it, and provide useful reference for the development of today's society.

The lower limit of the Tang Dynasty was very low? So why was the Tang Dynasty the strongest dynasty alongside the Han Dynasty? Fryer in the comment area

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