
premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

author:Brother Le said entertainment
premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

In 2024, China's domestic drama market will be noisy and lively, with popular dramas staged one after another, and various themes emerging in an endless stream, but in this bustling sea of dramas, life dramas have rarely been outstanding for a long time. It wasn't until the appearance of "The Old and the Young" that it brought a fresh wind to the audience!

In 2024, the domestic drama market will be booming, and various themes will emerge one after another, among which life dramas have always been highly anticipated by the audience. "The Old and the Young" is adapted from Zhang Wei's novel "Life with You", which hit super high ratings at the premiere and became an eye-catching hit drama. The plot revolves around the young couple Gu Xiaomeng (played by Deng Jiajia) and Lu Xiang (played by Yang Jue), who bought a house in Beijing and thought that they had ushered in a sweet time, but because of the sudden visit of their parents, their lives have changed dramatically.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

Lu Xiang's parents came to Beijing to visit them during the National Day holiday, originally to see their son's newly bought house, but they accidentally caused them a lot of trouble. The parents' concept of life is completely different from Gu Xiaomeng's habits, and the division of labor and living habits of housework have become irreconcilable contradictions in a short period of time. Especially Lu Xiang's father, his perception of modern family life is far from their expectations, which makes Gu Xiaomeng not only have to deal with work pressure, but also take on most of the housework in the family.

In the workplace, Lu Xiang and Gu Xiaomeng also face their own challenges. Lv Xiang has been working hard in the company for a long time, and he thought that he could usher in a promotion opportunity, but because of the arrival of the new deputy general manager Zhang Ruilong (played by Ni Xinyu), he saw his workplace ceiling. Zhang Ruilong went deep into the company with his family background and network, which made Lv Xiang feel unprecedented competitive pressure. Gu Xiaomeng encountered internal reports from colleagues and pressure from his boss at school, and his originally stable professional career fell into unease.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

Netizens also expressed their opinions on the plot of "The Old and the Young". Some netizens said: "Watching this drama is to see a portrayal of my own family, and the elderly and children are a big problem in real life." Another netizen joked: "The contradiction of this family is more tiring than the work in the company." The comment section is full of real resonance for family issues and workplace pressures, which makes many viewers empathize.

Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang's life was originally so warm and beautiful, they bought their first house in Beijing and wanted to enjoy a sweet world for two. However, this idea was soon shattered by reality. Lu Xiang's parents suddenly decided to visit Beijing on the grounds that it was the National Day holiday, but it added a lot of trouble to the originally harmonious life.

There is a huge difference between Lu Xiang's parents and Gu Xiaomeng's living habits and values, which makes the atmosphere at home tense and uneasy. When the parents arrived, the chores and stress increased along with it. Especially Lu Xiang's father, his view of the division of housework is completely incompatible with the concept of modernization, which further increases Gu Xiaomeng's burden.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

In the workplace, Lu Xiang and Gu Xiaomeng also face their own challenges. Lu Xiang has been working hard in the company for a long time, and he thought that the opportunity for promotion was imminent, but he was blocked by the new deputy director Zhang Ruilong. This made him feel extremely frustrated and disappointed, and his efforts did not seem to be paying off as they should be.

It was not easy for Gu Xiaomeng in school, and she felt very tired and powerless from false accusations from her colleagues and pressure from her boss. Facing these challenges every day, she gradually lost her previous optimism and self-confidence, and her heart was full of anxiety and confusion about the future.

Their relationship became strained as a result. The originally sweet married life was crushed by all kinds of interference from the outside world and the pressure of the workplace, and they began to gradually lose communication in trivial matters and frustrations. Quarrels have become the norm in the family, and emotional rifts are gradually emerging, and they seem to be on the verge of an emotional crisis.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

However, "The Old and the Young" did not simply pile up the troubles of life, but touched the hearts of the audience through real family details and humanized emotional processing. The play shows the problems faced by Gu Xiaomeng and Lu Xiang, but more importantly, the plot provides a solution and attitude to solve the problem. They face family conflicts and workplace challenges with love and understanding, and try to solve every problem, and this positive attitude deeply touches and inspires the audience.

Judging from the evaluation, "The Old and the Young" stands out with its positive energy and profound life details, which is not only an entertainment work, but also a good drama that is thought-provoking. In the current popular domestic dramas, it brings a sense of truth and hope to the audience, and also points out the direction for the development of life dramas. For those viewers who want to see the real face of life, "The Old and the Young" is undoubtedly a masterpiece not to be missed, which not only shows the problem, but also gives the courage and strength to solve it.

Deng Jiajia is very keen on public welfare undertakings in private, and she is present in every public welfare activity.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

In 2008, Deng Jiajia participated in the launch of the "Bright Project", which aims to provide charitable donations for children from special families. Her move has received attention and praise from all walks of life. Many netizens have expressed their support and admiration for her on social platforms.

Netizen Xiao Ming said: "Sister Deng Jiajia is really great, she not only performs well on the field, but also cares about the disadvantaged groups in society, such a public welfare act is so touching!" His comment received many likes and retweets, sparking more discussions among netizens.

However, there are also some netizens who have a different opinion on this. Netizen Xiaohong believes: "Although Deng Jiajia's public welfare activities are very meaningful, as a public figure, she should pay more attention to some long-term education and social issues. ”

In 2010, Deng Jiajia participated in the "New Year's Gift of Love" public welfare activity again, this time she not only prepared New Year's gifts for each child in advance, but also went to Beijing Guangai School to deliver these gifts. This move has once again received praise and attention from all walks of life, and many parents and children have expressed their gratitude and praise to her.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

Netizen Xiaogang said: "Sister Deng Jiajia participates in this kind of public welfare activity every year, and her kindness has really touched many people, I hope she can continue to do it!" His comment was echoed by many netizens, who expressed their hope to see more positive energy like this.

Overall, Deng Jiajia has demonstrated the sense of social responsibility and love that a sports star should have through her actions, and her public welfare activities have not only helped those in need, but also set a good example in society.

premiered 4 episodes, Deng Jiajia's new drama ratings broke 2, I dare to say: This life comedy has the potential to be a hit

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