
Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

author:Passion Dumplings 8I

It's hard to keep the heat on

Clara's role in the movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Mystery in Guanzhong" caused a lot of controversy, and people can't help but want to know more. Want to know what role she played in this movie? Let's uncover this mystery together!

Speaking of Clara, everyone should be familiar with it.

Clara once became popular with a "Love Saint" in the past.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

In "Love Saint", Clara quickly became everyone's favorite goddess with her own strength.

Later, Clara starred in a domestic blockbuster, but it caused a lot of controversy.

Many people feel that Clara's role in the blockbuster is a typical vase.

Indeed, in the blockbuster, Clara's character image is not prominent.

But after the release of "Guanzhong Mysterious Fog Hidden Coffin", it was discovered that Clara's role in the movie was simply too much.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

The embarrassment after an overnight hit

As soon as "The Fog of Guanzhong Strange Things Hidden Coffin" was released, it caused an uproar.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

Many viewers bluntly said that after watching it, they called it a bad movie.

There are many reasons for being rotten, and the special effects are rough.

In the movie, a variety of monsters appear.

These monsters are an important element of the whole movie.

However, the monster's appearance is exactly the same as that of the monster in another classic movie, "Invasion of Darkness".

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

This makes many people wonder if this movie is a plagiarism of "Invasion of Darkness".

Other than that, the whole movie is of poor quality.

The plot is simple and brainless, and it is all supported by plays.

With such a movie quality, it is not worthy of being released at all.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

This kind of movie is simply a typical bad movie on the Internet.

Many viewers said that in the process of watching the movie, they could only endure the pain and continue to watch.

Another uncomfortable aspect of this movie is that it is full of horror elements.

The whole movie is creepy from start to finish.

The plot is driven by the actresses.

In this movie, the actresses are all very brave, but very murderous.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

When dealing with monsters and terrorists, don't be afraid to rush forward.

Even, when the movie actress is alone with a machine gun and alone in the face of a group of monsters.

The entire plot advancement is supported by the bravery and strength of the actress.

But even so, in the whole movie, the actress can only be regarded as the "main sideline".

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

And in this movie, Clara also played a female role.

But throughout the plot, Clara's role is very prominent.

The role is too prominent

In "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things", Clara plays the role of Maria, an American professor.

Maria is a scholar who specializes in the study of ancient traditional cultures and archaeology in the great powers of the East.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

Maria has been very interested in the continent since she was a child. When she grew up, she not only specialized in learning Chinese, but also came to the big eastern countries to continue her knowledge.

Because she has a strong interest in the traditional culture of the Eastern Continent and a deep foundation, she is able to help others break the seal.

Maria's character is very important throughout the plot.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

She helped the male protagonist unlock the seal, and also taught the male protagonist how to exorcise evil spirits, defeat monsters, and so on.

It can be said that in the entire plot, the help and support of the character Maria is inseparable.

Moreover, there is another very important link in the movie.

That's when the male protagonist and Maria were trapped in the dungeon when they went to dig the Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

After they were trapped, they experienced all kinds of appalling and thrilling things in the dungeon.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

And Maria has become the source of motivation for the male protagonist to insist on not giving up.

It can be seen that in the whole movie, the role of Maria occupies a very large proportion.

"The Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong: Hidden Coffin" was first set on December 31, 2019, when this drama attracted a lot of attention and expectations after it was finalized.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

At that time, Clara was also invited to participate in some shows to promote the release of her new play.

But I didn't expect this drama to be delayed again and again, and it was delayed until June 26, 2024, when the film was broadcast, and it was officially released.

During this period, all kinds of spitting about this drama have emerged. At first, everyone thought that they were afraid of encountering blockbusters with a strong reputation in the same schedule, so they delayed time. Unexpectedly, after the release, it was criticized from all sides. Especially criticized the poor quality of the play itself. It can be seen that netizens did not buy it.


Clara's performance in the movie is impressive, and one can't help but be more curious about her acting skills and role.

Clara's new movie "The Hidden Coffin of the Fog of Strange Things in Guanzhong", works hard to sell meat! The box office was only 280,000

Everyone also has their own opinions on the quality of the movie, come and leave a message to share your opinion on this movie!

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