
It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

author:Heavenly treasures

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It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

On July 1, the entire cultural circle seemed to be thrown into a bombshell, and the well-known cultural scholar Ma Weidu became the center of the whirlpool of public opinion without warning.

This is not an ordinary small turmoil, but a major event that has aroused widespread concern and heated discussion in the society.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Ma Weidu, a well-known and respected figure in the cultural field, founded Beijing Guanfu Culture Co., Ltd., made a shocking move at the end of May this year by laying off more than 80 people on a large scale.

That's not a small amount! The livelihoods of more than 80 families, and more than 80 hopes for the future, were disrupted in an instant.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

These employees are working diligently in their respective positions, and they have trust in the company and a vision for the future.

However, fate played a cruel joke on them.

Without any warning, without a hint of prelude, they were told like a bolt from the blue that they would terminate their employment contracts.

At that moment, their world seemed to collapse in an instant.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Originally, the company promised to give them compensation so that they could get some comfort and support in the plight of losing their jobs.

But the result? Promises are like fragile bubbles that burst at the slightest touch, and reparations have been delayed for a long time.

This is undoubtedly another handful of salt in their wounded hearts.

As soon as this incident was exposed, it quickly caused an uproar in all walks of life.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Everyone's eyes are focused on this, and doubts and condemnations come and go.

The tide of public opinion is higher and higher, and Ma Weidu, a public figure who has always been regarded as a cultural model, was instantly pushed to the forefront.

People can't help but ask, Ma Weidu, are the noble ideas you have been advocating just words?

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

How could you, as a cultural celebrity, a well-respected academic, put so many employees in such a helpless situation at such a critical time?

Netizens exploded on social media, and all kinds of remarks poured in.

"How can this Ma Weidu be like this? Where have all the big truths he usually preached? "Has his moral bottom line been broken so easily?" "It's unacceptable, it's disappointing!"

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Countless doubts and accusations, like a dense rain of arrows, were shot at Ma Weidu.

In the face of this surging pressure of public opinion, Ma Weidu appeared in his speech on July 1.

Unexpectedly, he chose to remain silent, like a cold statue, not saying a word about the boiling layoffs.

His silence undoubtedly made the public's anger burn even stronger.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Everyone was expecting him to stand up and give an explanation, even if it was an apology or an explanation.

But he chose not to talk about it, how can this attitude not make people feel angry and chilling?

Looking at Guanfu Culture Company, the company's legal person Chen finally had to stand up and make a statement under the questioning of the media.

Chen's face was full of anxiety and helplessness, and he knew that the seriousness of this matter had far exceeded their expectations.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Chen said in an interview with a slightly trembling voice: "Our company has deeply realized the seriousness of this matter, and we know that we have made a big mistake.

For the compensation that has not been paid before, we will definitely deal with it as soon as possible without delay.

We must not allow this to irreparably affect the reputation that the museum has built up over the years.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

However, it remains to be seen whether such a promise will actually quell public anger and restore an already damaged reputation.

The impact of this event is far beyond people's imagination.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

Not only did the public question Ma Weidu personally, but even the Guanfu Museum, which he carefully founded, was also hit like never before.

In the past, the Guanfu Museum was a temple of culture, a place of admiration and yearning.

The exquisite exhibits and the profound cultural heritage attract countless tourists and culture lovers.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

But now, because of this layoff, the image of Guanfu Museum in people's hearts has also been clouded.

When everyone mentions the Guanfu Museum, it is no longer simply praise and admiration, but more doubts and worries.

What is the way forward? This is a serious issue facing Ma Weidu.

People are waiting to see and expect him to be able to bravely face public opinion, no longer evade, no longer silent.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

He needs to prove his responsibility with practical actions and respond to public doubts with sincerity.

Only in this way will he be able to calm the storm and regain the trust and respect of the public.

Think of the employees who have been laid off, they may be the breadwinners of their families, or they may be young people who have just entered society with dreams.

All of a sudden, you lose your job, your financial resources are cut off, and your life is in trouble.

It's a big deal! Ma Weidu company laid off 80 people follow-up: I rarely appeared, and the company responded

They once put their heart and sweat into the company, but they were abandoned defenselessly.

Their grievances, their helplessness, who can really understand?

For Ma Weidu, this is also a major test in his life.

Whether he emerges from this crisis and reasserts his image is not only about his personal reputation, but also about the reputation of the entire cultural community.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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