
After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

Retirement is supposed to be a time in life to slow down, enjoy peace and freedom. It is a time when people can relax and pursue the life they truly desire. For many people, however, the real pain does not come from the inconvenience of aging bodily functions. On the contrary, it is the situation that arises in the family that casts a shadow on their psyche and deprives retirement of the happiness and peace it deserves.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

The first situation: children gnaw at the old and do not want to forge ahead

After working hard for most of my life, I thought that after retirement, I would be able to see my children independent and self-reliant, and make a difference. But the reality is that children are still dependent on their parents when they become adults, and they are unwilling to work hard and spend their days idle. Not only does it continue to ask for it financially, but it also brings great pressure and distress to parents mentally. Seeing their children fail in this way, parents are full of anxiety and helplessness, which undoubtedly casts a shadow on their retirement life.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

The second situation: the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law (Weng son-in-law) is tense

After retirement, the amount of time spent with children increases, and the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law or son-in-law may also intensify. Differences in living habits, differences in perceptions, and different views on family matters can lead to intense conflicts. This tension makes the family atmosphere oppressive, and everyone is cautious for fear of triggering a new quarrel. The warm family that was originally expected has become a battlefield full of gunpowder, which is painful.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

The third condition: the husband and wife are separated and lack companionship

After retirement, couples have more time to spend together, but if the problems that have accumulated for a long time are not resolved, they may erupt at this time. For example, one partner feels that the other party has neglected his or her feelings in the past years, or that he or she has been unfair in the assumption of family responsibilities. As a result, husband and wife gradually drift apart, no longer understand and support each other, and lack spiritual companionship. This emotional emptiness and loneliness makes life in retirement boring.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

Fourth condition: The marriage of the child breaks down

The marriage of children was originally the expectation and satisfaction of their parents, but when their marriage broke down, the impact on the whole family was huge. Not only do parents have to worry about their children's future, but they also have to face the growing problems their grandchildren may face. The integrity of the family is broken, and all kinds of disputes and contradictions ensue, plunging life after retirement into chaos and pain.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

The fifth condition: lack of trust between family members

Trust is the cornerstone of a family. But if there is a situation where family members are suspicious of each other, suspicious of each other, or even unscrupulous for profit, family relations will become precarious. For example, on issues such as property distribution and taking care of the elderly, each has a small abacus and no longer focuses on family affection. This lack of trust can make the family cold and unfamiliar, and people will not feel warm and caring.

After retirement, the most painful thing is not the aging body, but the family that has these conditions

Life after retirement should be a time to enjoy family fun and relaxation. However, when these conditions arise in the family, the inner pain far outweighs the inconvenience of physical aging. A harmonious and welcoming family is essential for happiness in retirement. Therefore, in daily life, family members need to communicate more, understand more, and be more tolerant, and work together to create a loving and harmonious family environment, so that retirement life can truly become a new stage of life.

Finally, I sincerely wish you can chase your dreams as you like in your retirement days, enjoy every beauty of life, and be happy forever!

Author: Lao Pang

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