
A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

author:It is very ornamental

Recently, a number of media broke a shocking news: harmful substances have been detected in tap water in many places in Japan, and the problem is quite serious, involving carcinogens exceeding the standard by 400 times!

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

From Tokyo to Osaka, from Hokkaido to Kyushu, the quality of tap water has become a hot topic. Not in one or two places, one-third of the country's water sources have detected excessive levels of carcinogens and radioactive substances.

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

A few months ago, local media first reported that unusual chemical compositions had been detected in tap water in some residential areas of Tokyo. These reports then snowballed, and more and more districts began to check tap water quality. The results were shocking, and in some areas, tap water contained up to 400 times more carcinogens than normal.

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

At this time, the Fukushima nuclear power plant is scheduled to discharge more than 50,000 tons of nuclear wastewater on July 16. The decision was to drop an even bigger bomb in an already tense atmosphere. The Fukushima nuclear power plant has been in the spotlight since the 2011 nuclear accident. Now, the plan to discharge the nuclear wastewater has once again condemned the Japanese government's environmental and public safety policies.

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

Many Japanese residents stock up on bottled water, and the bottled water in supermarkets is almost sold out. At the same time, a number of environmental groups and research institutes conduct independent testing of water samples in the hope of finding the source of the pollution. Their preliminary research suggests that harmful substances in tap water may be linked to nuclear radiation, which may have infiltrated groundwater and caused contamination.

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

The carcinogens in Japan's tap water exceed the standard by 400 times, what is the situation?! From Tokyo to Osaka, the whole of Japan became the scene of a crisis. That's not all, the Fukushima nuclear power plant will also discharge nuclear wastewater, isn't this adding fuel to the fire?!

A number of media reported that harmful substances were detected in many places in Japan's tap water

Can such a country still be trusted? They can't even manage their own country's water, how can they be expected to dispose of nuclear wastewater responsibly? The example of Japan is right around the corner, and we need to take precautions to ensure the safety of our water quality and protect our homeland.

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