
Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

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Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Miscellaneous Writings and Entertainment

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Lisa's debut solo single "Rockstar" was released as if it were a global fire.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

She suddenly changed from "Barbie in the world" to "King Kong Barbie", this transformation is faster than changing her face! Whether you like her feminine side or more in love with her fiery rock 'n' roll, Lisa's charm is unbeatable!

It's not just a music show, it's a showcase of the artist's personal style. Lisa is not going to be an ordinary idol this time, she wants to use music and performance to tell the world that she has her own unique perspective and style.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Just like she showed in "Rockstar", whether it is a wild look or a powerful dance, it is the expression of her true emotions from the bottom of her heart.

Lisa's Rockstar music video shows off her endless possibilities. From the very beginning of the black-skinned hot girl style, you can see her eclectic and independent personality.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

This style is not just about being eye-catching, it's a true expression of her passion for music. Each of her looks is like a part of the musical inspiration that extends from her heart, and it is a vivid interpretation of her emotions in the song.

As the music video progresses, Lisa gradually reveals another side of the rock star. Her styling is no longer limited to a single style, but through each change, she shows the audience her multi-faceted personality and artistic talent.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Like an artistic canvas, Lisa tells a vivid story through her images and performances, and each look is an exploration and breakthrough in her musical journey.

When we talk about Rockstar, we're not just talking about a tune, we're revealing that unique charm in Lisa's heart.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

The dance she showed in the MV has a sense of power and rhythm that makes people's blood boil! If nothing else, every step of Lisa's dance is like telling the world, "Look how I use dance to unleash my energy!" "Her stage presence is not just about showcasing her skills, it's about showing everyone her inner strength and confidence.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

When talking about the cover of this MV, we have to admit that this is not an ordinary photographer, but a fashion genius Jack Bridglang! His photographic style is like a visual bomb, full of that feeling that makes your eyes shine.

This time his cooperation with Lisa is simply a spark! You see, the photos of big names like Bili and Kim Kardashian were taken by him, doesn't this show how deep his photography skills are?

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Jack Bridglang's work is not just colorful, but also indescribable. Each of his photos is like telling a unique story, and Lisa's MV cover this time is like his perfect combination of art and fashion. This collaboration not only makes Lisa's image more fashion-forward, but also opens a new door for her music career.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Speaking of Lisa's solo single this time, the release of "Rockstar" and Sony's RAC cooperation is simply a gathering of international celebrities! Do you know? Britney Spears and Justin Bieber are both from this company, and this cooperation is not only a business cooperation, but also a feast of cultural exchange!

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Lisa's musical journey this time is not only in China, but she wants to send her own musical signal to the world. This cross-border cooperation has not only enhanced her international influence, but also injected new vitality into her music career. Her songs are not only a string of melodies, but also a cultural export, a bond of international exchange!

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Obviously, Lisa is not joking this time, her style change is like saying, "Sister is not a single model, why can't you change a new color?" From the big back to the bangs, she is not to show everyone a new hairstyle, but to tell the world that she doesn't want to be kidnapped by everyone in a fixed image.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

This time, "Rockstar" is not just a song, but also a manifestation of Lisa's multifaceted and independent spirit to the outside world. She's not just singing and dancing, she's fighting for her free expression!

In the MV, every look and action of her is telling us a message: don't frame her in a box, because she is a versatile artist, and no one can define her!

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

But this transformation has also attracted a lot of storms. Since participating in Crazy Horse, Lisa has encountered a lot of resistance in the Chinese market. The remarks of netizens and the boycott of the brand made her road not so easy.

But she wasn't a girl who liked to screw, she chose to be silent. She was on holiday in the UK, ignoring the public opinion on the Internet, and she chose her own path to explore the world that she felt was wider.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

During this time, Lisa has been blossoming abroad, and she is not looking for a place to hide, but looking for an opportunity to show. Her courage to enter the European and American markets is not just words, but her real actions. She not only wants to make a bigger breakthrough in music, but also uses her actions to tell the world that she has enough strength to deal with those doubts and challenges from the outside world.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Still, Lisa's efforts were not in vain. She has achieved success in the European and American markets, and has become the biggest winner in both career and love. Whether as a singer or an independent woman, Lisa has proved her strength and charm to the world through her own efforts.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Lisa's first solo single "Rockstar" not only showcased her musical talent, but also marked a new start in her career.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

She conveyed her independent spirit and multifaceted nature through this song and music video, breaking the stereotype of the outside world about her. Despite the controversy and challenges, Lisa has managed to establish herself on the international stage through her hard work and talent, and has become a true global superstar.

Lisa completely abandoned the Chinese market, and the lyrics of the new single speak for themselves!

Let's applaud Lisa for her courage and perseverance, and look forward to many more wonderful works from her in the future. No matter what path she chooses, we should respect and support her choice. After all, everyone has the right to pursue their dreams and goals, doesn't they?

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