
Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

author:From the heart

In this era of information explosion, everyone's life is shrouded in the public.

In October 2018, a bad news shocked the entire Chinese entertainment industry - the famous CCTV host Li Yong died of illness.

The "CCTV First Brother", who was once known for his humor and talent, passed away quietly at the age of 51, leaving countless questions and speculations.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

As Lao Tzu said: "Difficult things in the world must be done easily; The big things in the world must be done in detail. "

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong's death and aftermath have triggered a series of deep reflections on life, choices and values.

What is the reason why this much-loved host chose to rest in a foreign country?

1. Sudden bad news: public shock and skepticism

On October 25, 2018, a piece of news exploded on major media platforms like a bombshell: the famous CCTV host Li Yong died of illness.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

The news came so suddenly that many people's first reaction was not to believe it.

After all, in the public's impression, Li Yong has always been the energetic and humorous host, how can he just leave?

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

However, with the successive reports of major official media and the confirmation of Li Yong's wife Ha Wen on social platforms, this cruel fact is finally undeniable.

On October 29, Haven posted on social platforms, revealing the truth that Li Yong died of cancer, which undoubtedly gave a blow to all those who cared about Li Yong.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

However, in addition to the sadness, some doubts also followed.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Someone dug up the rumors that "Li Yong's family immigrated to the United States" that had circulated on the Internet before, and began to question Li Yong's true purpose of going to the United States.

What's more, he sharply criticized Li Yong's decision to choose to be buried in the United States, believing that it was a sign of "unpatriotism".

2. The truth is revealed: the helpless choice of going to the United States for treatment

As time passed, the truth about Li Yong's treatment in the United States gradually surfaced.

It turned out that as early as 2014, Li Yong began to have symptoms of throat discomfort.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

As a host, his voice is his life, but the examination results at that time only showed chronic rhinitis, and Li Yong didn't care too much.

However, an accidental fainting in 2017 completely changed the trajectory of Li Yong's life.

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: Li Yong was suffering from laryngeal cancer, and it was already at an advanced stage.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Faced with this harsh reality, Li Yong and his wife Harvin made a difficult decision: quit their jobs and go to the United States to seek better treatment.

This decision was not made lightly.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

As a public figure, Li Yong knows that his every move will attract attention.

But for the sake of his life, for the sake of his family, he had to make this choice.

However, his decision was misunderstood as "immigration" by some netizens who did not know the truth, and was even attacked by some malicious people.

3. The controversy behind the death: the deep cause of the burial of the United States

Li Yong's death has become unacceptable, and his decision to be buried in the United States has triggered a new round of controversy.

Many people can't understand why a host who is a household name in China would choose to sleep in a foreign country?

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

In this regard, Ha Wen stood up and explained: This is Li Yong's last wish before his death.

Li Yong hopes to protect her daughter Fatuma, who is studying in the United States, and make up for the lack of companionship for her daughter in this way.

At the same time, Li Yong didn't want his elderly parents to suffer the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person, so he chose this kind of "white lie".

Behind this decision is Li Yong's thoughtfulness as a father and a son.

He condensed his love for his family into this seemingly unreasonable decision.

4. Patience of Illness: The Professional Ethics of a Host

Looking back on Li Yong's career, it is not difficult to find his love and dedication to work.

Even in the face of a serious illness, he continued to work and bring joy to the audience.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

This kind of professionalism makes people awe-inspiring.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong once said, "What would you do if you had one day left in your life?" I will find a quiet place and wait quietly for ......" seems to be his prophecy of the last days of his life.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

In the final stage of his life, he chose to stay away from the hustle and bustle and spend time with his family quietly, perhaps this is the truest desire of his heart.

5. The choice of medical resources: a realistic reflection of domestic and foreign differences

Li Yong's choice to go to the United States for treatment also reflects the gap between China and the United States in the field of cancer treatment to some extent.

As a developed country, the United States is indeed at the forefront of the world in medical technology and drug research and development.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong's choice may be to give himself a little more life.

However, this choice also raises a deep question: why do many celebrities choose to seek medical treatment abroad when they are sick? Does this reflect that there are still some areas for improvement in the mainland's healthcare system?

6. The intimate space of public figures: helplessness under the pressure of public opinion

Li Yong's experience also allows us to see the helplessness of public figures under the pressure of public opinion.

During their illness, Li Yong's family had to face all kinds of speculation and abuse on the Internet.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Even after his death, controversy arose over the choice of where he would be buried.

In this case, we have to ask: should public figures have their own private space? Should we give them more understanding and respect?

7. The Meaning of Life: What Li Yong Teaches Us

Li Yong's death makes us have to think about the meaning of life.

In his 51 years of life, Li Yong has brought joy and emotion to countless audiences with his talent and charm.

Even at the end of his life, he was still thinking about how to take care of his family and how not to cause trouble for others.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

This attitude towards life, family, and career may be the most valuable wealth that Li Yong has left us.

He told us with his own actions that the value of life is not in the length of life, but in how to live a wonderful life.

8. Reflection on Cultural Differences: Returning to the Roots vs. Resting in Peace

Li Yong's decision to be buried in the United States has also triggered us to think about cultural differences.

In traditional Chinese culture, "falling leaves return to their roots" is a deep-rooted concept.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

However, in today's globalized world, does this perception still apply to everyone?

Li Yong's choice may be a challenge to traditional concepts, or it may be a respect for personal wishes.

In any case, this is worth thinking about.

9. The Importance of Family Relationships: Li Yong's Last Guard

At the last moment of his life, Li Yong chose to bury himself in his daughter's country, a decision that fully reflects the importance he attaches to his family.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

As a father who has been working all year round, he expressed his apology and protection for his daughter in this way.

This choice allows us to see the importance of family relationships in a person's life.

No matter how successful our career is, our family will always be our most important support.

10. Forever "Very Six Plus One": Li Yong's memory left to the audience

Although Li Yong has left, the joy and emotion he left for the audience will never disappear.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

The humorous host in "Very Six Plus One", the Li Yong who can always make the audience laugh, will always live in people's memories.

He used his talent and professionalism to explain what makes a good host.

Even after he died, he gave us one last lesson about life, choice, and love in his own way.

[I have to say]

Li Yong's death is like a mirror, reflecting many problems in our society: the distribution of medical resources, the deterioration of the public opinion environment, and the conflict between traditional concepts and personal choices.

However, it also shows us the preciousness of life, the dignity of profession, and the importance of family.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

Li Yong used his life to teach us a vivid life lesson.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

May we draw wisdom from it, learn to respect, understand, and learn to cherish every moment of our lives.

As Li Yong said before his death: "Every day of life is a gift."

"Let's live our own wonderful life with gratitude.

Don't feel sorry for Li Yong anymore! Five years after his death, the doctor exposed the truth of his death, so it is no wonder that he chose to die in the United States

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