
Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

author:From the heart

Recently, the marital status of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi has once again sparked heated discussions.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

This celebrity couple who got married because of "The Condor Heroes" has always been concerned by the public from falling in love to getting married, and then to today's married life.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

As the saying goes, "rumors stop at the wise", but in the entertainment industry, the truth is often shrouded in fog.

In the face of overwhelming speculation and doubts, what is the marriage of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi?

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Will their love stand the test of time?

Let's demystify this much-talked-about marriage together.

1. The paparazzi's "wolf is coming": a divorce announcement that ended without a problem

Recently, a news about Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's imminent divorce exploded on the Internet.

A paparazzi vowed to broadcast live to expose the inside story of the celebrity couple's divorce, and for a while, this topic continued to dominate the hot search, causing widespread attention.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

However, until now, this so-called "hot insider" has never appeared.

This situation can't help but remind people of the well-known story of "the wolf came".

In order to win attention, the paparazzi do not hesitate to make up all kinds of sensational news.

And the people who eat melons are always happy to chase these true or false gossip.

This time, although nothing substantive was revealed in the end, the paparazzi have undoubtedly made a lot of money in this wave of traffic and heat.

2. Look back at the sweet past: from on-screen couples to real-life couples

Speaking of the love story of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, we have to mention their experience of cooperating with "The Condor Heroes".

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Although Chen Yanxi's Little Dragon Girl has been controversial, Chen Xiao has always given her great support and encouragement.

This experience of sharing hardships may be the catalyst for their feelings to warm.

Their wedding can be described as a sensation, especially the "veil kiss" that was successfully filmed after repeated attempts, which has become a classic picture in the minds of many people.

Behind this shot is the effort made by the two to present the perfect result, and it is also a reflection of the importance they attach to this relationship.

From acquaintance and love to marriage and childbirth, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's relationship seems to have been smooth sailing.

However, behind this seemingly happy situation, there are hidden pressures and challenges that no one knows.

3. Fan opposition: the shadow of the screen CP

However, it was such a seemingly beautiful marriage that was not accepted by some netizens from the beginning.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Among them, the strongest opposition came from Chen Xiao's fans.

Behind this strange phenomenon, there is an interesting reason hidden - the influence of screen CP.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

In "The Condor Heroes", Chen Xiao played two roles, playing both Yang Guo and Yang Kang.

And the two actresses who partner with him, one is Chen Yanxi who plays Xiaolongnu, and the other is Zhao Liying who plays Mu Nianci.

It is precisely the latter who has been Chen Xiao's screen CP for many years and is deeply loved by fans.

The fans' dedication to this pair of on-screen CPs is staggering.

Even after many years, when Zhao Liying has experienced the major life events of marriage, childbirth, and divorce, there are still fans in the comment area who persuade Chen Xiao to divorce and be with Zhao Liying.

This almost obsessive attitude not only reflects the difficulty of some fans in distinguishing the boundary between reality and fiction, but also brings a lot of pressure to Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage.

4. The Troubles of Internet Rumors: The Haze of Premarital Rumors

In addition to the impact of on-screen CP, Chen Yanxi is also facing another huge challenge - Internet rumors.

Before they got married, news kept circulating on the Internet about Chen Yanxi's "playing a lot before marriage".

These rumors, coupled with some specious videos and photos, have dealt a serious blow to Chen Yanxi's image.

For example, a video of Chen Yanxi's intimate behavior with a certain actor went viral on the Internet, and a photo of "sticking to his face and opening up" with artist Wu Junru was hotly discussed.

These incidents were interpreted by some netizens as evidence that Chen Yanxi was "not pure enough" and labeled her negatively.

These rumors not only affected Chen Yanxi's public image, but also brought a lot of pressure to her relationship with Chen Xiao.

In the face of these rumors, the two had to spend a lot of energy to deal with and clarify.

5. Acting in public: Guesswork in the details

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone
Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

As time passed, netizens began to interpret Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's performance in public.

Some people found that in some public occasions, Chen Xiao seemed to have a "black face" picture.

This immediately sparked speculation: Did Chen Xiao know about Chen Yanxi's marriage, so he regretted this marriage?

What's more, some netizens began to compare Chen Xiao's state changes before and after marriage.

They believe that Chen Xiao's eyes were full of starlight before marriage, and Chen Yanxi's eyes were full of love.

But after getting married, his eyes became more and more cold, and his expression became more and more impatient.

This observation even evolved into an Internet meme: "Chen Xiao's eyes have no light!" "

Faced with this statement, Chen Yanxi once responded humorously: "Is he Ultraman?" There must be light in the eyes. "

This relaxed attitude may be a way for them to deal with external skepticism.

6. The "evidence" of the paparazzi: truth or hype?

In the latest divorce rumors, the paparazzi behaved unusually firm and seemed to have conclusive evidence.

This confident attitude makes many netizens inclined to believe in the authenticity of this news.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

However, time passed day by day, and the "hot insider" in the trailer never appeared.

This situation begs the question: Is this another hype to gain attention? In the entertainment industry, similar things are not uncommon.

Sometimes, some rumors are made out of thin air, and they may even be smoke bombs deliberately released to create a topic.

7. Person's response: Life is your own

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

In the face of complicated speculation from the outside world, Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's attitudes have always been consistent.

They have said many times that life is their own and they don't need to care about what others think.

This attitude shows both their confidence in their marriage and their mature way of dealing with external pressures.

At least so far, the two have not officially announced any news of a change in their marriage.

This silence may be the best maintenance of this relationship.

8. The Dilemma of Public Figures: How to Balance Public Attention with Private Life

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

As a public figure, every word and deed of a celebrity is subject to scrutiny.

However, this attention can sometimes evolve into excessive interference in private life.

The people who eat melons are always eager to find clues in the words and deeds of celebrities to confirm their conjectures.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

This situation not only happened to Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, but other celebrity couples often face similar difficulties.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

For example, Zheng Kai and Miao Miao, their relationship has also been questioned.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Some people think that Zheng Kai doesn't really like Miao Miao, and the two will separate sooner or later.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

In order to prove this, some netizens began to over-interpret Zheng Kai's every move: he became a straight man because he didn't love Miao Miao; said inappropriate things because he didn't love Miao Miao......

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

However, the facts often differ greatly from these speculations.

In the program "Wife's Romantic Trip", we see a considerate Zheng Kai, who will take care of Miao Miao's emotions carefully and take the initiative to carry her when she is physically exhausted.

After Miao Miao gave birth to her second child, he even threw down all his work to accompany her to confinement and accompany her to exercise to recover her figure.

These details are a portrayal of real life.

9. The Power of Time: The Best Response

Back to the story of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi, no matter how much news about the marriage change in the outside world is, they seem to be able to continue their lives rain or shine.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Those voices that are full of controversy and disapproval may only time give the best response.

As someone said, being loved cannot be hidden.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

From a person's state, it is often possible to see whether he is happy or not.

Just like Miao Miao's good complexion and figure that recovered after giving birth, to some extent, it also reflects her happy life.

10. The True Meaning of Marriage: Exceeding Expectations

The story of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi makes us think: what is the true meaning of marriage? Does it have to meet the expectations of the outside world? Or should you follow your heart?

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

Every marriage has its own unique way of getting along.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

For celebrity couples, they have to deal not only with the challenges of ordinary couples, but also with pressure from the public.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

In this case, being able to stick to oneself and not be disturbed by the outside world may be the secret of a truly happy marriage.

Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi's marriage, no matter how the outside world comments, will ultimately be written by themselves.

Perhaps, the answers they give with time and action will be the best response to those voices who doubt.

[I have to say]

The marriage story of Chen Xiao and Chen Yanxi is like a mirror, reflecting the scrutiny and expectations of contemporary society for celebrity marriage.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

It reminds us that the true meaning of marriage lies not in the judgment of the outside world, but in the mutual understanding and support of two people.

Just as the spring silkworm is dead to the end, the wax torch turns to ashes and tears begin to dry, and sincere feelings need time to precipitate and test.

Let's learn to respect the choices of others and give celebrity couples the private space they deserve, because every relationship deserves to be treated gently.

Chen Xiao responded to the divorce rumors and disclosed the inside story of her marriage with Chen Yanxi: I'm sorry to disappoint everyone

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