
Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter


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Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

11-year-old Xiao Yue'er is already a beautiful girl with long hair and waist!


On July 2, Zhang Lan posted a video of her family going on a trip, and Wang Xiaofei took her two children on summer vacation to Japan for a vacation. Xiao Yue'er has grown up, with thick and beautiful hair and a shawl, like a big girl, and her younger brother Wang Xilin has also grown a lot taller. Xiao Yue'er's back is too similar to her mother Da S, the "little shirt dish" of the year is back, how good it would be if Da S and Wang Xiaofei were not divorced! How happy a pair of children should be! It's a pity that things are no longer human!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

It's just that every time the two children have a holiday, Wang Xiaofei can only take them to travel abroad and can't go back to Beijing, which makes a lot of netizens indignant! However, as long as the three generations can get together, I believe they are also content! What Zhang Lanlao said is that people should be content and not too greedy!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

The family can sit together and eat neatly, Zhang Lan is already very happy! Xiao Yue'er and Xiao Jiujiu sat next to their grandmother, Wang Xiaofei sat opposite them, and Wang Xiaofei still looked at Xiao Yue'er with a doting face! I don't know if Wang Xiaofei will think of the big S love scene when she sees her daughter who is becoming more and more like Big S!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Xiao Yue'er is becoming more and more like Big S

Xiao Yue'er's long black hair like a waterfall is very eye-catching, and her hair quality is also good. Zhang Lan said in the live broadcast before that Xiao Yue'er has beautiful hair, but in fact, Xiao Linlin's hair is also very large, smooth and shiny, which makes many people envious.

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Xiao Yue'er's long hair needs to be carefully managed, in the first half of the year with her father, Ma Xiaomei helped Xiao Yue'er comb her hair, and Ma Xiaomei helped Yue'er take care of her hair when she wanted to come to Okinawa for this vacation.

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

After breakfast, the three of them went to the beach for a walk hand in hand, Xiao Yue'er, who is less than 11 years old, looks not much worse than Zhang Lan, Zhang Lan is 172 tall, and Xiao Yue'er is almost 160 more! When she grows up, she will definitely be a tall beauty! It's just that her back walking posture and big S can be said to be carved out of the same mold!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

After a year or so, Yue'er now has long black hair, which means that this girl's hair volume is really amazing. Now she is indeed a big girl, and she looks back too much like her mother for a moment! Looking carefully at the moment when Yue'er turned around, the little girl really looked like her mother, her movements, expressions, and eyes were almost the same, and it was undoubtedly a copy of Big S!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Xiao Yue'er really inherited the hair genes of Big S! I remember that in the past, Big S treated her hair as her life and didn't let her boyfriend touch her hair!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Netizens have expressed their hope that Xiao Yue'er's character will not follow her mother in the future! Be sure to be kind and generous like dad and grandma!

Zhang Lan took her grandson live again!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Some people say that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei said that they were taking their children for a holiday reunion, and they almost seized the opportunity to open a live broadcast to bring goods and interact with their children

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

I don't know if Big S will be ready to sue again after seeing it!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Zhang Lan and her grandchildren traveled to the cherry blossom country together, and Xiao Linlin has been teasing her grandmother Zhang Lan. The child is worthy of living with Aunt Xiao Yang for a long time, and he can understand Aunt Xiao Yang's non-standard Mandarin I listened to it for a long time before I heard it, it turned out that Aunt Xiao Yang was asking her brother if he wanted to swim when he went home?

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

Why doesn't Big S let his children go to the mainland, every time they get together, they are abroad. Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei went to Taipei to pick up their two children, and went on vacation after picking up the children. Zhang Lan went to reunite with her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren. To say, Wang Xiaofei's new wife is quite virtuous, and she gets along well with the children, I feel that Wang Xiaofei has earned money by remarrying, and Big S has lost!

Zhang Lan posted a video, Xiao Yue'er's face photo was exposed, why did she code her grandson and not her granddaughter

I feel that the audience of these two children is also very good! Don't convey the thoughts and wishes of adults to children, children are so simple and happy to grow up is not very good, children are good, mothers can be okay, his mother is really smart but is smart and mistaken!

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