
A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

author:Chen Rui said things

When we mention Jia Ling, you may first think of her hilarious sketches, or her humorous performance in variety shows. But now, the talented actress has successfully transformed into a director, not only shining on the comedy stage, but also creating box office miracles again and again in the film industry. No, on the recent list of nominations for the Hundred Flowers Awards, Jia Ling's name is once again impressively listed, not only as a director, but also as a heroine, which is a big achievement!

A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

From "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling has proved her all-round talent in the field of film with two films. Let's talk about "Hello, Li Huanying" first, this film won the championship with a box office score of 5.413 billion during the Spring Festival in 2021, ranking third at the box office in Chinese film history, which can be described as a double harvest of word-of-mouth and box office. In the film, Jia Ling not only showed superb acting skills, but also revealed her deep nostalgia and endless love for her mother, making the audience feel the preciousness of family affection in laughter and tears.

A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

And when it came to "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling once again spoke with strength. This film will become the box office champion of new films with a box office of 3.460 billion during the Spring Festival in 2024, and it also ranks 14th in the box office list of Chinese film history, with remarkable results. What's even more commendable is that Jia Ling was nominated for Best Director and Best Actress at the Hundred Flowers Award for this film, which is also the second consecutive nomination for the Hundred Flowers Award, which is enough to witness her deep skills and extensive influence in the film industry.

A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

Jia Ling's success is not accidental, behind it is her love for movies and her persistent pursuit of art. From an actor to a director, she constantly challenges herself, speaks with her works, and proves her talent with her strength. Today, she has become a clear stream in the Chinese film industry, touching the hearts of countless audiences with sincere emotions and delicate expressions.

A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

Of course, in addition to the success of the movie itself, Jia Ling's personal charm cannot be ignored. With her humorous personality and down-to-earth performance, she has won the love and respect of the audience. Whether on stage or in life, she can bring laughter and positive energy, which is perhaps one of the reasons why she can stand out in the film industry.

A double harvest of box office and honor! Jia Ling has been nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award for two consecutive years, and her success is not accidental!

Looking back on Jia Ling's directorial journey, we can say that we have witnessed the birth of a miracle. From a fledgling rookie director to a current double nominee, she has completed a gorgeous transformation in just a few years. This is not only an affirmation of her talent, but also a recognition of her unremitting efforts. Here, we sincerely congratulate director Jia Ling on being nominated for the Hundred Flowers Award again, and look forward to her continuing to create more brilliance on the road of film in the future!

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