
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

author:Tom chases the drama
Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

Recently, the finale of the TV series "Ink Rain Clouds" did not calm the heated discussions outside the play, but caused a purification storm about the starring Wang Xingyue. Here's a detailed recap and in-depth analysis of the event:

As a high-profile TV series, "Ink Rain and Clouds" should have ended after the last episode was broadcast, but the discussion outside the show continued to heat up. Especially the male protagonist Wang Xingyue, who has recently become the focus of everyone's discussion because of a series of events.

The day after the end of the play, Wang Xingyue posted a reflection on his personal Weibo, with a picture of him when he was shooting in the crew, and the background is the backstage of the crew at sunset. His slightly sad text expressed his attachment to the role and his gratitude to the staff, which won him a wave of affirmation in the fandom: "Brother Wang is really a good actor, not pretentious, and serious in filming, unlike some stars, who ignore the play after the play." ”

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

However, a Weibo post from Wang Xingyue's studio reversed the situation. They released a climactic clip that didn't air in the series, showing Wang Xingyue's character getting caught in a fierce battle and eventually being killed by the enemy. This suggestive ending sparked dissatisfaction and controversy among fans of the show: "This completely ruined the atmosphere of the whole show, it was simply a betrayal of the audience!" Someone angrily denounced on social media.

The director and producer also commented on the matter afterwards, claiming that the official ending of the series was a happy ending, and the studio's move sparked a lot of discussion among fans and fans: "I always felt that they were very unprofessional in doing this, and they didn't respect the overall idea of the series at all. Another fan replied.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

After the final episode of the drama "Ink Rain Clouds" was broadcast, the main creative team and actors issued farewell messages one after another, expressing their attachment and gratitude to the series and characters. Wu Jinyan posted a warm farewell on social platforms, revealing his deep friendship with the crew and the audience between the lines, which aroused resonance and praise from the audience: "Wu Jinyan is really a decent actress, and her farewell is touching. ”

Relatively speaking, Wang Xingyue's farewell has caused a lot of controversy. He chose to post a long post through his personal Weibo, which was emotional, but it was in stark contrast to Wu Jinyan's low-key farewell. Wang Xingyue not only expressed his attachment to the character in the article, but also released a large number of personal photos of himself when he was filming in the crew, each of which was carefully selected, showing another side of his role: "Wang Xingyue's farewell essay this time looks a bit excessive, why does he take so many selfies?" ”

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

What's even more surprising is that after Wang Xingyue's personal farewell, Wang Xingyue's studio actually released a climactic scene that was not broadcast in the series. In this clip, Wang Xingyue's character is caught in a fierce battle and is finally killed by the enemy, hinting at a tragic ending. This approach immediately sparked dissatisfaction and questions among fans of the show: "This kind of dramatic ending ruins the atmosphere of the whole show, and it feels like something is deliberately being done." ”

Wang Xingyue not only has an outstanding performance in his acting career, but also actively participates in various public welfare activities and uses his influence to transmit positive energy. In addition to his wonderful performance in the drama "Ink Rain and Clouds", he also pays close attention to important issues such as education and environmental protection in the society, and has participated in related public welfare activities for many times.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

During the broadcast of the series, Wang Xingyue was not just an actor who attracted attention with his acting skills, he also actively advocated a sense of social responsibility through personal social platforms and public occasions. He has participated in many school donation activities, donating books and school supplies to students in poor areas. These actions not only won the support and recognition of fans, but also made him the focus of discussion on social media: "Wang Xingyue is not only an actor, but also a caring public welfare ambassador, and his contribution to the cause of education is really admirable. ”

In addition to focusing on the field of education, Wang Xingyue is also actively involved in environmental protection activities. He has participated in many environmental protection actions such as afforestation and garbage classification, and called on everyone to pay attention to environmental protection issues: "Seeing that he participates in environmental protection activities every year, I feel that he is not only an actor, but also a responsible citizen." ”

However, some netizens have different views on Wang Xingyue's public welfare activities. Some people think that he is just using charity activities to improve his image: "When he participates in charity activities, he always makes a big splash, and it feels a bit hype. Although these doubts existed, they did not affect Wang Xingyue's positive image in the eyes of the public.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

Overall, Wang Xingyue has successfully extended his focus from his acting career to the field of social responsibility through his actions and influence. His philanthropic actions not only contribute to the society, but also set an example for young fans: "Seeing his philanthropic activities, I also want to participate in social welfare." ”

In the future, I hope that Wang Xingyue will continue to maintain the continuity and depth of public welfare activities, and further influence more people to pay attention to social issues and build a better home together through more practical actions.

Fans have had mixed reactions to these moves. Some people think that Wang Xingyue and his studio are too aggressive, and do not take into account the overall look and feel of the show and the feelings of the audience: "They will only disappoint the fans by doing this, and they will not respect the emotions of the audience at all." And some fans have a joking attitude: "Why did Wang Xingyue make such a show again, how do they want to promote themselves?" ”

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

The development of the whole incident shows that after the end of the TV series, the farewell of the characters is not only about the expression of personal emotions, but also reflects the consideration of the actors and the studio in terms of public relations strategy. Although Wang Xingyue's choice of method has attracted the attention of some fans, it has also affected the overall image of the series and the audience's perception to a certain extent. In the future, it is hoped that the actors and production team will be more careful in handling similar publicity and PR issues to avoid unnecessary negative impact on the series and personal image.

The director and producer have clearly confirmed the episode's HE ending, but Wang Xingyue's studio has released a cut video of the BE ending, a move that has sparked widespread controversy among fans. Many netizens criticized the studio's eagerness to purify, completely ignoring the feelings of other creators and fans, which had a profound negative impact on the overall impact of the series.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

The famous director Yu Zheng issued a strong statement after the incident, saying that he did not know much about the fandom, and angrily criticized Wang Xingyue's studio for spreading the tidbits of the ending. He ordered the studio to immediately delete the relevant video, and publicly expressed support for the crew and Wang Xingyue in an attempt to quell the further escalation of the incident.

The incident divided netizens into two factions: on the one hand, they supported Yu Zheng's position and questioned the studio's practice of spreading the BE ending in advance; On the other hand, he expressed strong dissatisfaction with the behavior of Wang Xingyue and his studio, believing that his attitude was playful and not serious.

Although Wang Xingyue's studio later deleted the controversial video, its simple response failed to calm the emotions of fans of the show. This incident not only discusses the criteria for the success of a TV series, but also delves into the image and strategy of the entire production team. A successful TV series depends not only on the performance of the actors, but also on the collaboration of the entire team and a positive PR strategy to avoid damaging the reputation of the series and the trust of the audience due to individual incidents.

Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio for desecrating art! The personnel involved will be fired, and the studio apologizes overnight

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