
Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

author:There is a tiger in the heart

Recently, a piece of news was on the hot search, and some netizens broke the news that the company of Ma Weidu, a famous collector and king of cultural relics, suddenly unilaterally laid off more than 80 people, not only did not compensate in accordance with the labor law, but also did not pay any compensation.

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

Friends who like to look at collections should be very familiar with Mr. Ma Weidu, nicknamed Ma Ye, the first collector in Beijing. He was once popular for his erudition and talent, and was regarded as an idol by countless netizens and fans.

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

Unexpectedly, for the sake of this petty profit, he tore off the hypocritical mask of civilization and revealed his true face, which is simply a living contemporary Zhou Pao.

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

Many netizens remembered that when watching his show, Mr. Ma always talked and laughed, and he could also contain the philosophy of life in his speech, and unconsciously taught us how to be a person and do things, and I felt that I benefited a lot at that time.

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

Mr. Ma is also like a respected elder and a mentor.

I also often watch his shows, and I remember that he once said: There are three realms in life, the first is to seek profit, the second is to be famous, and the third is to place the soul. And said that many people also know the stage of fame and fortune throughout their lives. I don't want my age to still be doing things for money!

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

At that time, I thought that when would we be able to achieve the third realm, not be bound by fame and fortune, and not be in vain!

I never thought that our moral teacher would be a selfish person.

I think of many big V celebrities on the Internet, in order to cater to the tastes of netizens, say the words that netizens love to hear, and often say amazing words, and there are countless fans.

Unilateral layoffs without compensation? Ma Weidu: I don't want to be at my age, still doing things for money

But their actual behavior is completely different from the ideal spirit they promote.

For example, some teachers talk about patriotism every day, but they go to foreign countries to buy luxury houses and enjoy life, I don't know what kind of patriotism it is, is it to penetrate into the enemy?

Therefore, it is really important for the ancients to listen to their words and watch their deeds, and not to be deceived by their words anymore.

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