
Plotting against Chinese territory, 5 Indian soldiers were swept away by the flood, and the Indian media broke the defense: embarrassed in front of the PLA

author:Thinking Navigation Station

In a certain corner of the world, a sudden accident instantly plunged an army that had high hopes into embarrassment and predicament.

This is not just a simple military accident, it is more like a mirror, reflecting the deep-seated problems of an army in terms of equipment, training and logistics.

Plotting against Chinese territory, 5 Indian soldiers were swept away by the flood, and the Indian media broke the defense: embarrassed in front of the PLA

And this army is the Indian Army, which often confronts the PLA in the border areas. So, how exactly did this accident happen? What are the hidden secrets behind it?

June 28 was a black day for the 14th Army of the Indian Army. In the western section of the Sino-Indian border, they are conducting an actual combat exercise with the PLA as an imaginary enemy.

However, it was during this exercise that a sudden flood washed away their meticulous preparations and ambitions.

Five Indian soldiers were killed in the accident, and two T-72 main battle tanks were scrapped. Immediately after this news broke, it attracted widespread attention and strong criticism from the Indian media.

They have accused the Indian army of making embarrassing mistakes in front of the PLA.

So, how exactly did this accident happen? Let's unravel the mystery. On the same day, two T-72 main battle tanks attempted to force a crossing of the Shyok River at night after Indian armored forces completed a training mission in the Saheir area behind the Shyok River opposite the Tiennan Valley.

Plotting against Chinese territory, 5 Indian soldiers were swept away by the flood, and the Indian media broke the defense: embarrassed in front of the PLA

However, they apparently did not expect that the Shyok River, which they regarded as the "River of Death", would deal them a fatal blow at this time.

When the first tank successfully crossed the river, the water level of the river suddenly rose sharply. The second tank was incapacitated due to water ingress of the running gear, and the 3 tank crew had to climb higher turrets to avoid being flooded by the river.

However, at this life-and-death juncture, the Indian army's rescue operation was unusually slow. The rushing river made the rescue more difficult, and by the time the rescue force arrived, the river had already swelled.

The three crew members of the second tank and the two soldiers on the first tank were swept away by the river, which ultimately led to this harrowing tragedy.

The accident not only cost the Indian army the lives of five soldiers, but also exposed their equipment problems once again. When the Indian media reported on the incident, they harshly criticized the Indian military.

They pointed out that the Shyok River is known as the "River of Death" because of its dangerousness, and that the Indian army dared to force its crossing at night, which was undoubtedly extremely irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers.

In particular, the Indian army's insistence on such a dangerous operation despite the melting of snow and ice caused by the high summer temperatures has significantly raised the water level of the Shyok River, which undoubtedly raises serious questions about their decision-making ability.

In addition to decision-making issues, the equipment of the Indian army was also one of the important reasons for this accident. According to Indian army experts, the accident was the result of the "lazy and cheap" mentality of the Indian army.

The T-72M1 tank they drive has been in service for more than 40 years, and its important combat indicators such as fire control, protection, maneuverability and firepower can no longer meet the needs of modern warfare.

Plotting against Chinese territory, 5 Indian soldiers were swept away by the flood, and the Indian media broke the defense: embarrassed in front of the PLA

In contrast, the PLA is equipped with more advanced Type 15 light tanks that are more suitable for operations in the plateau area. This tank can move freely on the plateau, while the Indian Army lacks suitable equipment of the same type.

To make matters worse, the Indian army also has serious problems in terms of training and logistics. The occurrence of this accident once again highlighted their shortcomings in these aspects.

According to Indian media reports, the Kilo-class submarine purchased by India from Russia was accidentally triggered by a missile launch in the port due to ignoring safety rules, resulting in the scrapping of the submarine and dozens of casualties.

In addition, the technology of India's self-produced large-caliber howitzer shells is not up to standard, and an explosion accident occurred during the test firing, which also led to casualties.

This series of incidents has shown that the Indian army has serious problems in the use of equipment, training, and logistical support.

So, in the face of such a problematic army, why do they still have to argue with the PLA all day long? This is undoubtedly a puzzling question.

However, when we analyze the situation of the Indian army in depth, perhaps some answers can be found. On the one hand, the Indian army may want to demonstrate its strength and resolve through a confrontation with the PLA;

On the other hand, they may also want to acquire more political and military resources in this way. However, whatever their motives, they cannot hide their deep-seated problems in terms of equipment, training and logistics.

In fact, this tragedy is not just a simple military accident, it is more like a mirror, reflecting the deep-seated problems of an army in many aspects.

For the Indian army, if they are unable to really solve these problems, then they will be even more embarrassed in the confrontation with the PLA.

Plotting against Chinese territory, 5 Indian soldiers were swept away by the flood, and the Indian media broke the defense: embarrassed in front of the PLA

As far as we are concerned, this tragedy also reminds us to always be vigilant and constantly strengthen our national defense construction to ensure the security and stability of the country.

In this uncertain world, every military accident can be a turning point that changes the course of history. And for the Indian army, this tragedy is undoubtedly a profound lesson.

They must seriously reflect on their problems and take practical and effective measures to solve them. Otherwise, they will pay an even heavier price in future wars.

For us, this tragedy is also a reminder of the need to keep a clear head and a strong determination to deal with any challenges and threats that may arise.

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