
Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

author:Climb high and look far away

Xue Zhiqian often goes out of the circle with funny and funny memes at concerts, but this time he caused public anger because of ridiculing female fans, and the follow-up female fans also posted a response "I think it's nothing", and netizens said that "fandom culture is vulgar." ”

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

At the concert, Xue Zhiqian liked the talking session very much, because he could interact with fans to get closer to the relationship between the two sides, and he could also make his concert more interesting, but this talking session was a bit too much.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

When the screen selected a beautiful female fan, Xue Zhiqian first teased the female fan's skin color, saying that you look so white. I haven't been in vain for three days. The female fan smiled a little embarrassedly when she heard this.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

When the second fan interaction, the female fan was also very beautiful, and because the female fan was dressed coolly, the big V neckline looked very good, Xue Zhiqian immediately asked whether the scratch on the female fan's chest was scratched by a person or a cat.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

The female fan replied that it was a cat scratch. also covered his chest area that was about to go bare. And this conversation caused a heated discussion on the Internet, accusing Xue Zhiqian of being vulgar and inappropriate to talk to his female fans in public.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest
Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

But some netizens think that this clip is pinching the head and tail, because Xue Zhiqian asked about a few injuries on his chest at the beginning, he has a cat at home, right, he was scratched by a cat", the female fan nodded yes, and then ridiculed that it was a cat scratching someone.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

Some netizens said that Xue Zhiqian and this female fan were willing to fight and suffer, and they boldly guessed that this female fan was arranged by a certain employer to interact with Xue Zhiqian, and through this controversial remark, the female fan became an Internet celebrity, and Xue Zhiqian was also forced.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

Judging from these statements of netizens, you can't fully believe the clips circulating on the Internet, it may be that some media deliberately edit the controversial videos in order to gain popularity, everyone still has to eat melons rationally, don't spread rumors, don't spread rumors, don't spread rumors.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

In the face of the controversy on the Internet, female fans also posted on social platforms that they were named and interacted with by Xue Zhiqian at the concert, and it can be seen from her expression that she is very happy to interact with her idol, and female fans in the comment area also responded that they don't mind this matter.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

However, this is not the first time that Xue Zhiqian has been blackened because he can't control his mouth, at an awards ceremony before, Xue Zhiqian openly "opened his mouth" to Liu Xijun, saying that this microphone has Liu Xijun's lipstick on it, did she just shout and speak? On this kind of occasion where celebrities and artists gather, Xue Zhiqian's words are not only a little unqualified, but also a little deliberately witty, which makes people a little disgusted and lowered.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

and when Xue Zhiqian participated in a variety show before, an aunt who packed vegetables said that they were all weighed according to weight, but I didn't expect Xue Zhiqian to make more soil heavier, and this sentence also aroused the disgust of netizens, complaining that he was black-hearted, allowing merchants to make black-hearted money, and disrespecting consumers.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

In addition to things in public, Xue Zhiqian was also a little "difficult to evaluate" in private, when "Flying Life 2" was released in theaters, Xue Zhiqian watched this movie in private and wrote a small essay to comment on the movie, but netizens found that Xue Zhiqian took pictures of the movie. You must know that the movie has not been released on the public video platform, this kind of behavior is actually not allowed and a little unqualified, as a public figure, Xue Zhiqian should establish a good image, rather than blatantly posting the picture of the movie on social platforms.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

After the incident, the sixth princess also posted that she said no to the theft, and the meaning was obvious, in fact, she was referring to Xue Zhiqian's filming of the movie screen, which also aroused discussion among netizens. In the face of these voices, Xue Zhiqian did not respond publicly, probably thinking that he did the right thing in this matter, but his words and deeds were amplified because of his public figures.

Joke? Xue Zhiqian's interaction with female fans caused controversy, and the black material in the past was picked up, he was really dishonest

In any case, this kind of behavior is definitely not recommended, and everyone should also pay attention to their words and deeds when watching movies every day, and do not turn on their mobile phones to record or shoot in the cinema.

Xue Zhiqian's complaint this time is actually a warning to other celebrities, it is a very good thing to interact with fans in public to get closer, but you should also pay attention to whether your way of speaking is appropriate, just like Luo Yunxi before because he confessed the wrong car and said a word of complaining, which also caused a lot of turmoil, which shows that as a public figure, you must control your mouth, don't lose a big one because of a small loss, because of the wrong words and deeds that cause disgust among fans.

What do you think about this? Do you think Xue Zhiqian's ridicule of fans was unintentional or deliberate hype? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area~

The picture material comes from the Internet

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