
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

author:Climb high and look far away

On July 2, Zhang Lan posted a video of a family of four reuniting on social platforms, in which Wang Xiaofei, two children, Zhang Lan and the nanny Aunt Xiao Yang are happily eating breakfast.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Maybe it's been too long since I've seen my grandchildren, Zhang Lan said with emotion that she has grown up, looking at Xiao Yue'er's long hair. Judging from the video, Wang Xiyue's straight black hair from head to waist, and the side face inadvertently revealed is very similar to Da S. Zhang Lan said that the family was very happy on vacation, but if she looked carefully at the table, there was no figure of Ma Xiaomei at the table, and she didn't know if Ma Xiaomei went out for fear of embarrassment.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

After breakfast, Zhang Lan affectionately took her grandchildren out for a walk, and she could see that 10-year-old Wang Xiyue was almost as tall as Zhang Lan, and her grandson had also grown to the position of Zhang Lan's shoulders. Judging from the video, Zhang Lan's pace is no longer brisk, and she feels old.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

The family walked to the beach to enjoy the beautiful sea, and inadvertently saw Wang Xiyue's frontal photo, and had to sigh at the strength of the big S gene, as if it was carved out of a mold. But even if she looks like a big S, Zhang Lan still loves these two children very much.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Netizens in the comment area commented that it was not easy for Zhang Lan to meet the two children, and also said that Wang Xiyue's hair, back and side were too similar to Da S. And Zhang Lan also liked this netizen's comment, it seems that Wang Xiyue is indeed very similar to Big S in real life.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Some netizens also mentioned that Da S did not let Zhang Lan take the child back to Beijing. This also confirms the exposure of this informed netizen from the side, but the specific reason still has to wait for the reply of the party.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Zhang Lan revealed in yesterday's live broadcast that she went to Taipei to see her two children before, and when they arrived at the door, they had to queue up to call the number, and they could only see the children until Da S agreed, and her words were full of sadness. From Zhang Lan's words, it can also be seen that Zhang Lan is very reluctant to let go of these two children, even if she is busy with business, she will take time to see her children, but she didn't expect Da S to disrespect her former mother-in-law so much, and she is also a little embarrassed.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

However, this time Da S relented, so that Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei successfully met the child, and the two children were also very close to Zhang Lan, this is the blood and family relationship that cannot be separated.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Zhang Lan also posted a video saying that her grandson went to get a haircut before seeing him, and he was the person who hated haircuts the most, which can also be seen that Xiao Jiujiu is also very much looking forward to his trip to Okinawa with his father and grandmother.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

In addition to the reunion video with the children released by Zhang Lan, Aunt Xiao Yang, the nanny of the two children, also updated her own dynamics, and you can see from the video that she is standing in a children's water play area, which looks very big and very luxurious. It seems that Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan spent a lot of money for this family reunion, just to be able to take their children to play well.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Wang Xiaofei Zhang Lan took her children on a grand tour in Okinawa, and the business of Gu Junye's barbecue restaurant in South Korea is also very good, although netizens complain that Gu Junye is opening a store with the reputation of Big S, but it can also be seen that Gu Junye is working hard to raise the big S family and even the level of Wang Xiaofei, from another point of view, he also takes on the responsibility of a man in a family.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

Although Ma Xiaomei is not seen in the video, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei can be seen in the Reuters map of the airport with their two children, and on a social platform, Ma Xiaomei posted a video of watching Ocean World, it seems that she also went to watch Wang Xiaofei and the children, and there should be no embarrassment of getting along, after all, they have been in contact many times.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S
Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

However, the Internet is still very optimistic about Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei, especially on Wang Xiaofei's 43rd birthday, the last wish made was to give birth to a noble son early, and Ma Xiaomei next to her smiled and Mei spoke, which should also mean agree.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

In fact, from many Reuters photos or Zhang Lan's live broadcast, netizens are guessing that Ma Xiaomei is actively preparing for pregnancy or may be pregnant, but the month is too young to make it public. Of course, this is just the speculation of netizens, if something good really happens, then Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan will definitely make an official announcement to netizens as soon as possible.

Zhang Lan posted a picture of her grandchildren's reunion, Wang Xiaofei looked doting, and Wang Xiyue was tall and like a big S

And seeing that Wang Xiaofei is so good to her two children, if she and Ma Xiaomei also have three children, she must also be a responsible and good father, and Zhang Lan doesn't have to work so hard to go abroad to see her children, maybe at that time, in order to improve the relationship with Wang Xiaofei's family, Da S took the initiative to let go and agree that the child could go to Beijing for development. Of course, this is just our speculation, and how things will develop in the end, we still have to wait for the specific developments of the parties to be made public.

What do you think about this? Everyone is welcome to leave a message in the comment area

Material source: Zhang Lan's social account

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