
Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

author:Pick up the light 2022

Xinhua News Agency recently said something that is quite annoying,

It's about the subsidy for nutritious meals for our rural children.

This has to start with an article in "Xinhua Daily Telegraph",

The title hits the nail on the head - "Nutritious Meal Subsidy for Rural Students, Don't Let It Become "Tang Monk Meat"".

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Overview of the event

Maybe many people don't know,

The country is for our rural babies to eat well and grow strong,

Since 2011, we have launched a "Nutrition Improvement Program".

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

Subsidies are specially given to students in rural compulsory education to buy nutritious meals.

This would have been a good thing, but the problem is that some people use the money as their own "little coffers".

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

According to an audit report by the State Council,

They searched 13 provinces and 159 counties.

Nutritious meal subsidy usage for the period from 2021 to August 2023.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

As a result, there are still a lot of problems!

Some counties directly took the subsidies to the government to repay their debts.

Some schools even secretly reduce the quality of meals,

Others are even more excessive, and the Education Bureau and suppliers work hand in hand to "get oil and water" from the subsidy.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

This nutritious meal subsidy was originally for children to grow their bodies.

Now it has become the "Tang monk meat" in the eyes of some people,

Do you think this is annoying?

Children are growing up physically, nutrition can't keep up, how to study well, how to grow up healthily?

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

There has to be a saying for this,

We can't let these "moths" plague the children anymore,

Those who have crooked minds must be severely punished.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

Give them a lesson, let them know that they can't stretch their hands too long,

Every expenditure must be clearly investigated.

Make sure every penny counts.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

Netizens are hotly discussed

As soon as the news was fermented, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and netizens were hotly discussed.

For the first time, I heard that there was also a subsidy for nutritious meals for rural students.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

I'm from a rural area, so I haven't heard of nutrition subsidies for rural children.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

The state gave, where did it go? In the end, how can we compete with the future of the motherland?

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

I'm shocked that this can break out.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

Whoever uses the subsidy and who moves the child's nutrition fee, this person will lose a lot.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

Not to mention the subsidy, thank God for paying your own living expenses and earning less from school.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

It seems that our primary school here is still quite good.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

In our township primary schools in Yulin, Guangxi, each student is given apple, milk or eggs every week.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

No matter how much you say, it's better to punish a case, but they don't dare to S one.

Outrageous! How can the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies become "Tang monk meat that everyone wants to take a bite of"!

At the end of the article

In short, the nutritious meal subsidy for rural babies,

Gotta make it really work for children,

Let every child be fed, eat well, and grow strong,

In this way, our education can be more equitable.

Only then can the future of children be more promising.

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