
High stake! Thompson teamed up with "Eastern Europe" to reject James 30 million for the championship

author:Character 羊侃球
High stake! Thompson teamed up with "Eastern Europe" to reject James 30 million for the championship

The estrangement between the Warriors and Klay was finally revealed, and the name broke the news that Klay left the Warriors to join the Mavericks, and the Warriors' salary structure ushered in a big change!

High stake! Thompson teamed up with "Eastern Europe" to reject James 30 million for the championship

Klay Thompson, a Warriors decorated player who joined the Mavericks on a three-year, $50 million contract, has changed the Warriors' salary structure dramatically. Curry is still the team's highest-paid player, while the Warriors have a total salary of about $144 million, no luxury tax, and room to strengthen the roster.

The Mavericks have grown in strength since acquiring Klay, and his excellent three-point shooting and defensive prowess will make a huge difference to the team. However, Klay will need to overcome injuries, build a bond with his new teammates, and stand out from the competition in the league if he wants to replicate his former glory in the new environment.

According to reporter Woj, Klay Thompson's trade format is a sign-and-trade approach, while the Mavericks offered a contract of $50 million for three years, and the interesting thing is that the Warriors' offer of two years and $50 million was rejected!

High stake! Thompson teamed up with "Eastern Europe" to reject James 30 million for the championship

It is understood that Thompson seeks a long-term contract, especially when Green gets a 4-year contract of 100 million, so that Thompson chooses to refuse 50 million to leave the team that has served for 13 years, considering the 4-year offers of other teams, the Mavericks Klay lost 30 million to start, and the "Splash Brothers" were disbanded!

Of course, Klay also chose the Mavericks for a reason, on the one hand, the strength of Irving and Doncic's "Eastern European Combination" finals can allow Thompson to hit the fifth championship, and on the other hand, Texas taxes are low and lower, and Klay can take away more wages! Previously, the Los Angeles Lakers were revealed to have longed for Klay, and James was even more suspected of forcing the palace, and now everything is final, James can concentrate on cultivating Bronny!

What do you think of Klay Thompson joining the Mavericks? Come and share your views in the comment section and discuss his future together! #克莱 Thompson##勇士vs独行侠##NBA热点##克莱加盟独行侠#

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