
Biden, almost defeat is a foregone conclusion!

author:The old paste looks at the world

With the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaching, Democratic candidate Joe Biden's performance in the televised debate has attracted a lot of attention. The debate, which was supposed to take place in September, was brought forward to the end of June due to Biden's deteriorating health, and the Democrats hope to complete the debate as soon as possible while Biden is still in good shape.

Biden, almost defeat is a foregone conclusion!

The changes to the rules of the debate are extremely beneficial to Biden, including the live broadcast by the pro-Democratic CNN, the removal of the interjection rule, and the extension of the intermission. However, even under such conditions, Biden's performance has been disappointing. He was unable to concentrate on several occasions during the debate and even forgot the draft of the speech prepared by his team, which undoubtedly exacerbated concerns within the Democratic Party.

In stark contrast, Trump excelled in the debates, with clear logic and sharp rhetoric. Fox News' online poll showed that 95 percent of Americans believed Trump had won the debate. This result not only reflects Biden's poor performance, but also exposes the dilemma of the Democratic Party's election strategy.

Biden, almost defeat is a foregone conclusion!

Fears about Biden within the Democratic Party quickly translated into action, with several media outlets, including The New York Times, calling for Biden to withdraw from the race, arguing that his continued candidacy would be detrimental to the country. However, Biden does not seem willing to give up, which leaves the Democrats with a tricky problem: how to find a candidate who can replace Biden and has enough support in a limited timeframe.

Trump's re-election will have far-reaching implications for the political landscape of the United States and the world. His policy leans toward America first, which could weaken U.S. relations with its traditional allies and provide an opportunity for China to woo Europe. During Trump's last term, his policies had already strained relations between the United States and Europe, and Biden took office to bring the two sides closer together through a series of measures.

Biden, almost defeat is a foregone conclusion!

If Trump is re-elected, his policies could accelerate America's decline, because while his policies may strengthen the United States in the short term, in the long run, its challenge to vested interests and its neglect of allied relations could weaken America's influence around the world.

As far as China is concerned, neither Biden nor Trump will change the U.S. position on China. But Trump's rise to power could provide more opportunities for China to divide the United States and its allies, thereby gaining more of an advantage in the confrontation between China and the United States.

All in all, the outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election will have a significant impact on the global political landscape. Biden's health and Trump's policy leanings are both factors that voters need to carefully consider. At this critical juncture, the choices of the American people will determine the future direction of the nation.