
iPhone locked, cool?

author:Your tech encyclopedia

As we all know, iPhones are sold worldwide, but due to different tax rates and exchange rates around the world, iPhones are sold differently in various countries and regions.

Complex market conditions have also given rise to many special sales channels.

Among them, the locked iPhone has been popular with some users who are on a budget and pursue value for money at a lower price.

The so-called locked machine usually refers to the contract machine of foreign operators, mostly in the American version.

Compared with the iPhone purchased through official channels, in addition to the lack of warranty in China, there are also restrictions on carrier locks, which cannot be used directly with a SIM card in China.

And with the passage of time, the space for the survival of locked iPhones in China has become more and more scarce.

Recently, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proposed a new rule that requires carriers to unlock a user's iPhone or Android phone within 60 days of activation.

iPhone locked, cool?

Image source: FCC

The original intention of the FCC's new regulations is mainly to facilitate users to change operators and increase the vitality of market competition.

At the same time, it also means that locked iPhones are about to lose the price advantage they rely on.

After all, the "secret to the low price" of a locked iPhone is mainly due to the fact that the operator subsidizes the price of the device itself in order to promote the package.

However, with the implementation of the new regulations, the price of locked iPhones is bound to rise, and it no longer has any advantages over genuine machines.

The FCC's new rules are still in draft and will need to be released in full on July 18 after public comment.

At that time, with the official implementation of the new regulations, it also marks that the locked iPhone will gradually enter history.

Speaking of which, the iPhone has a long history of locking, and many early Apple users should have used it.

The main unlocking methods are also endless, including black solutions and official solutions based on software to bypass background restrictions, as well as methods to access mobile phone signals by physical means to pad into the card.

And with Apple removing the physical card slot for US devices starting with the iPhone 14 series, adding a card slot will be required either way, which is extremely risky.

iPhone locked, cool?

Image source: IT House

Not only that, but with the margins of third-party platforms today, locked iPhones are no longer as popular as usual.

Taking an e-commerce platform as an example, the price of a locked iPhone 15 currently fluctuates in the price range of about 3,000 yuan.

However, after the superposition of various discounts from third-party merchants, the price of the original iPhone 15 will basically be around 5,000 yuan, or even lower.

Also, when it comes to security, there are likewise some risks associated with a locked iPhone.

In the early years, some unscrupulous traders soldered the card directly to the iPhone motherboard, and sold the locked iPhone with the built-in card at the price of the unlocked machine.

For some inexperienced users, this method is also unguardable.

iPhone locked, cool?

Image source: E-commerce platform

Therefore, in order to avoid risks, Xiaoguo still recommends that you choose official channels and reliable third-party platforms as much as possible when buying an iPhone.

As for the locked machine, if you can, don't touch it.

Have you ever used a locked machine? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss with you.
