
Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

author:Linlin said entertainment


Zhao Zhaoyi's daily dry rice

Zhao Zhaoyi quickly became the focus of the audience's attention in the variety show "Flowers and Boys" because of her enthusiasm and concentration during meals. Every time she eats, she is always fully engaged, as if there is only her and food in the world.

Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

This attitude of "eating Ma Ma Xiang" not only stunned the brothers and sisters in the same industry, but also made the audience laugh. Some netizens commented: "Zhaozhao's eating appearance is simply a portrayal of me every day, but I don't have a camera facing me!" This kind of light-hearted and humorous comment makes Zhao Zhaoyi's image of a "dry rice man" more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

The true character of a foodie under the radio reminder

During a trip, the radio reminded passengers that when they boarded the plane, Zhao Zhaoyi still had two cakes hanging in her hand, laughing and eating at the same time, this scene was captured by the camera and quickly became popular on the Internet.

Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

Netizens left messages: "Zhaozhao is going to eat all the cakes at the airport?" This casual attitude and foodie nature make Zhao Zhaoyi's image more down-to-earth, and also make the audience feel relaxed and happy during the journey. Her "sense of relaxation during the journey" made many netizens say: "This is what I look like on the journey, but I'm not so cute!" ”

Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

Zhao Zhaoyi's foodie charm

Zhao Zhaoyi's eating appearance is so fragrant that netizens have said: "Zhaozhao really doesn't think about eating and broadcasting?" "Every time she eats, it's like a gastronomic feast, and people can't help but want to join in.

Zhao Zhao's Foodie Diary: Hua Shaoli's Dry Rice Man, Netizen: I want to join too!

Some netizens ridiculed: "Zhaozhao's eating broadcast, I am willing to pay to watch it!" This love and enjoyment of food left a deep impression on Zhao Zhaoyi in the hearts of the audience, and also made her image more three-dimensional and vivid.