
Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

author:Linlin said entertainment


Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident

On a hot summer day, Chen Shaoxi unfortunately suffered heat stroke while filming the movie "Reverse Position", and this incident quickly became a hot spot in the entertainment industry. According to the crew, Chen Shaoxi worked continuously in the high temperature for several hours, and his body was finally overwhelmed and showed symptoms of heat stroke.

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

After being rushed to the hospital, he was diagnosed with respiratory alkalosis, an acid-base imbalance in the blood caused by hyperventilation. After waking up in the hospital, Chen Shaoxi's first reaction was to apologize to the crew and express his deep apologies for delaying everyone's time and work. This kind of professionalism and respect for the team makes people sigh: "This kid is really hardworking!" ”

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

Chen Shaoxi's recovery and return


Although doctors advised him to rest for at least a few days, Chen Shaoxi insisted on being discharged from the hospital the next day and returned to the filming site. Not only did he not ask for special treatment because of his health problems, but instead invited the whole crew to a drink as a way to express his apology and gratitude to the team.

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

This behavior sparked heated discussions on social media, with some netizens commenting: "Chen Shaoxi is using practical actions to prove what is called 'desperate Saburo'!" His spirit not only won the respect of the crew, but also made more fans cheer for him, hoping that he could take good care of himself and not overwork.

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

Chen Shaoxi's professionalism

Chen Shaoxi's incident, although it is worrying, also shows his professionalism as an actor. In the entertainment industry, the health of artists is often overlooked, especially in high-intensity work environments.

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

Chen Shaoxi's behavior is undoubtedly a challenge to this status quo. His persistence and hard work have made people look forward to his future. Some netizens ridiculed: "Chen Shaoxi is filming with his life, I hope he can become the next 'desperate San Lang'!" This humorous yet concerned comment reflects the public's dual concern for his health and career.

Chen Shaoxi's heat stroke incident: The 'desperate Saburo' in the entertainment industry or a health warning?

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