
华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

author:A cultural feast

The 618 promotion has become a thing of the past, but the price war in the mobile phone circle is still in full swing. Especially in the high-end flagship market, the two "heavyweights" of the iPhone 15 Pro and Huawei Mate 60 Pro are staging a fierce "hand-to-hand combat".

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

Many netizens may say that they want to support domestic products, but they are secretly thinking about buying an iPhone. After all, in terms of performance, the iPhone 15 Pro has a tendency to "crush". What's even more shocking is that during the 618 period, the starting price of the iPhone 15 Pro was even lower than that of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro!

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

In July, the price of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro series took another "big dive", and the drop was even more drastic than that of the 618. On some e-commerce platforms, you can buy a 12GB 512GB version of Huawei Mate 60 Pro for 6198 yuan, a 16GB 512GB version for 6899 yuan, and the top 16GB 1TB version has dropped to about 8179 yuan.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

Huawei's experience is just a microcosm of the mobile phone industry. After 618, the sales of most manufacturers will decline significantly, because many consumers have concentrated their purchase needs in the middle of the year. On some e-commerce platforms, the starting price of the iPhone 15 Pro is still below 6000 yuan, which is cheaper than many domestic mobile phones.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

In the face of such brutal market pressure, it's no surprise that the price of the Huawei Mate 60 Pro series has been dropping all the way. Although this series was hard to find in the early days of its launch, those in the know know that many consumers choose it more out of feelings or recognition of its "epoch-making significance" than for performance. After all, the Kirin 9000s chip it carries does not have much advantage in performance, and it is not even as good as some thousand-yuan machines.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

So, with the price repeatedly dropping, is the Huawei Mate 60 Pro series still worth buying? It depends on your needs. If you're a big fan of Huawei and don't have high performance requirements, then its unique design, powerful imaging system, and satellite communication capabilities are still very attractive.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

The Mate 60 Pro, in particular, not only has a larger 16GB of RAM, but also features a 40-megapixel ultra-wide lens and 100x digital zoom, which once topped the DXO photo charts. Moreover, it not only supports satellite calls, but also realizes the two-way Beidou satellite message function, giving you an extra layer of protection.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

The price drop for the Huawei Mate 60 Pro series is good news for consumers. Even if you don't plan to buy it, its existence can stimulate other manufacturers to adjust prices to a certain extent. On another platform, the price of the Mate 60 Pro 16GB 512GB version has also loosened to 8499 yuan.

华为高端机不好卖了?Mate60Pro系列一跌再跌,16GB 1TB 卫星通信

When the iPhone 15 Pro and Huawei Mate 60 Pro are on the same stage, who will have the last laugh? It may depend on your wallet and needs. But one thing is certain, in this battle without gunpowder, the biggest winner must be the majority of consumers!

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