
She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

author:Crazy than heart

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Sister and brother love: an unknown sister with her star brother

She is the Li Yue known as the "screen elf", the glorious years of shining in the entertainment industry are like meteors crossing the night sky, short but bright, her name used to be a familiar melody, and her acting skills are the most dazzling annotation in that time.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

A staggered fate

Today is not what it used to be, but Li Yue is now unknown, it seems to be forgotten by the years, and the most important role in her life is not herself, but her younger brother Qin Junjie, who is so popular that half the sky is in the sky.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

My sister's selfless backing

In 2006, Qin Junjie stepped into the showbiz because of his role in "The City Full of Golden Armor" directed by Zhang Yimou, and his sister Li Yue became his solid backing without asking for anything in return, silently supporting his acting dream.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

The pinnacle and glory of acting

In 2008, Qin Junjie starred in "The Prince of Tennis", showing the vitality and charm of youth inspirational dramas, and in 2012, he caused a sensation again for the role of Yin Nanfang in "The Wind and the Sun" and began to emerge.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

In July 2016, Qin Junjie played Zeng Shushu in "Qingyunzhi" broadcast on Hunan Satellite TV, and this costume fairy drama became a hot topic on the Internet, with more than 11.5 billion views.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

In December of the same year, he won many honors such as Tencent Video Starlight Award Potential Artist of the Year and Style Award New Artist of the Year.

In 2018, the youth pure love drama "Bubble Summer" starring him was broadcast, and his brilliant performance in the play made him appear on the hot search list many times and became the focus of the time at that time.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

A note on the deep love of sister and brother

This is not only a story of affectionate family affection between sisters and brothers, but also a touch of warmth, which lights up behind the silent support and selfless dedication in the entertainment industry.

Li Yue used his silent dedication to achieve the glory of his younger brother, this affection does not need words, but it deeply touches everyone's heartstrings.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Lost aura

Life is not always fair, Li Yue, the actress who once shined on the screen, is now eclipsed in the entertainment industry, the years have passed, her name has been forgotten by time, like flowing water silently passing in the long river of years.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Lonely road

She has not been without hard work, and she has put all her heart and soul into each work, but she has never been able to regain its former glory.

In the highly competitive and unpredictable stage of the entertainment industry, her talent and hard work always seem to be mocked by fate and destined to fade silently in the night.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Forgetfulness and rebirth

Just when she was at a low point in her career, she saw the glory of her brother, who was once clueless, but now one of the stars.

Qin Junjie, his name is now half the sky, each of his works has become the focus of the topic, and his light reflects the entire entertainment industry.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

A twist of fate

Qin Junjie was not born in a wealthy family, the sister and brother have faced all kinds of difficulties and challenges in life together, and it is Li Yue's selfless support and firm belief that allowed Qin Junjie to forge ahead on the road of acting, and finally reached his peak.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Behind the affection

Li Yue has never regretted her choice, even when her personal career is at a low point, she still supports her younger brother in obscurity.

She never asks for anything in return, because for her, seeing her brother show his talent on stage is more gratifying and proud than any honor or trophy.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

A new beginning

Now, when she sees Qin Junjie's success and brilliance, her heart is not jealousy and regret, but an inexplicable relief and satisfaction, the deep affection between sisters and brothers is speechless, and their stories are the most touching annotations of those who stick to their original intentions and selfless dedication.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

The power of affection

This is a story about family affection and dedication, Li Yue has achieved the glory of his younger brother with his silent dedication, and this affection may not have flowery rhetoric, but it deeply touches everyone's heartstrings.

On the stage full of thorns in the entertainment industry, there is an unknown sister like Li Yue, which is the warm light that lights up the place where people are most eager for sincere emotions in their hearts.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

There are not only fluorescent lights and magnesium lights in life, but also many people who are silently contributing to the dreams and success of others.

Li Yue's story, like a silent and profound commentary, reminds us that behind the success there are often countless unsung heroes.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Silent dedication

Li Yue never makes noise, never publicity, her every contribution is like a breeze blowing across the lake, quietly but all the time, her obscurity is not incompetent, but out of deep friendship for her younger brother, out of a firm commitment and belief.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Growing together

The siblings have experienced many ups and downs in life together, and their relationship is not only a blood relationship, but also a spiritual fit and resonance.

In the years when they grew up together, Li Yue played an indispensable role in her younger brother's life, and her existence was like a solid lighthouse, guiding Qin Junjie towards the light.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

The power of silence

Li Yue's story tells us that sometimes, for the success and happiness of others, we don't need too many words and applause, just an ordinary heart and an unyielding persistence.

Although her light is not as dazzling as her brother's, she illuminates a path to success and adds a warm touch of warmth to the dreams of others.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Hope and perception

Li Yue's story is not only a story about the affection between sisters and brothers, but also a deep reflection on the meaning and value of life.

In her own way, she interprets the true meaning of success, which is to contribute to the dreams and happiness of others in obscurity.

She brought her younger brother into the entertainment industry, but now she is unpopular, but her younger brother is popular with half the sky

Her story shows us that everyone can be in their own place, in their own way, to light a light in the lives of others and make the world a better place because of you.

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