
Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

author:Military masters

With Harbin Institute of Technology getting the samples brought back by the "Chang'e-6", the United States finally couldn't sit still!

You must know that when China did not have the strength to go to the moon, the United States made it clear through the Wolf Clause that it refused to cooperate with China in the space industry.

This is obviously trying to "choke our necks", but what they didn't expect was that China's development speed is so rapid.

Now, NASA blushed and said: China does not invite us to cooperate.

We can only laugh and say: Feng Shui takes turns!

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

"Chang'e-6" sample handover

When Chang'e-5 successfully brought back 1,731g samples from the moon, it has caused a global sensation.

When Chang'e-6 returned to Earth with new soil samples from the far side of the moon, the international community blew up again.

On June 25, the Chang'e-6 mission was successfully completed in excavating soil on the far side of the moon, and when the returner landed in the area of the Siziwang Banner in Inner Mongolia, countless people stared at the scene on the news screen and cheered.

3 days later, the sample handover ceremony was officially held in Beijing, under the auspices of the China National Space Administration, the sample handover was completed, and the number of samples was 1935.3g.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

Now that the lunar soil in my heart is in hand, it is time to transfer it to various scientific researchers for analysis and monitoring. Researchers in China are very excited, and the international community is also excited.

The greedy international community

The European and American media praised this success, including words such as "a big leap for humanity" and "milestone success".

Even the Indian media, which has always wanted to compete with us, did not smear us this time, but seriously reported the real situation.

Of course, they weren't really just compliments, and the little calculations could be felt no matter how far they played.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

According to the previous distribution of "Chang'e-5" lunar soil, everyone seems to want a piece of the 1935.3g lunar soil.

After all, it is still difficult for other countries to dig up lunar soil from the far side of the moon, so China's thigh has to hurry up and hug it.

Among them, the one who jumped the most fiercely was the United States. In fact, they should be the countries that have the least qualifications and reasons to express their opinions on this matter, but as we all know, the United States never says what should or should not be said.

Long before the return of Chang'e-6, the United States was thinking about the lunar soil samples of Chang'e-5.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

At an international loan meeting for Chang'e-5, the United States submitted five applications. We won't say anything about the applications of universities and researchers for the time being, but it is a bit dramatic that NASA also applied for it.

At the beginning, in order to prevent the analysis of space data with China, the United States designated the "Wolf Clause" in black and white, which included not having any space cooperation with China.

Is this co-authorship, but we can't cooperate with them unilaterally?

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

I have to say that the United States is not generally "greedy" for the lunar soil on the far side of the moon.

Harbin Institute of Technology got lunar soil samples

"Lunar soil has come to Harbin Institute of Technology!"

On June 19, Harbin Institute of Technology announced that on the 17th, they obtained 1,330 mg of Chang'e-5 lunar soil samples.

Two shovel samples and one drill sample. Although it may seem like only three small bottles, the research value of lunar soil is very huge.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

Seeing this situation, the United States may be even more uncomfortable. In addition to the coveting of the "Chang'e-5" sample, now that the "Chang'e-6" sample has returned to Earth, there are still countless pairs of eyes staring at the world.

The study of lunar soil can not only speculate on the existence of minerals on the moon, but also has extraordinary research value for subsequent lunar landing programs, so don't underestimate this little bit of soil.

The samples of "Chang'e-5" continue to attract attention to this day, not to mention the "Chang'e-6" sample, which has a huge leap forward.

The United States, which is "cocooned and self-bound".

In fact, many people are puzzled that in the original Apollo program, the United States had lunar soil early, and it was also distributed to other countries for research.

According to official reports, the United States brought back a total of 382 kilograms of lunar soil at that time, and wasn't that enough for them to study?

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

Speaking of which, we have to mention an interesting thing, which is inextricably linked to France, the country of romance.

When the Apollo program of the United States got back the lunar soil, France was fortunate enough to get some samples. Later, after China's lunar soil returned, France also got samples.

But after analyzing samples from two countries, an interesting thing happened. In a comparison of the two samples, it was found that the similarity between the lunar soil provided by the United States and the lunar soil provided by the mainland was only 25%.

Not only that, but the United States came to a very important conclusion after studying lunar soil: there is no water component in lunar soil.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

However, the composition of water has been detected in the lunar soil of Chang'e-5, although it is not much, but it is speculated that there are about 20g of hydroxyl forms of water molecules per ton of lunar soil.

Now, countless voices of doubt began to sound: Is there something wrong with the lunar soil in the United States?

Of course, this question is a matter of opinion, after all, we don't have evidence and it's hard to say no, what if it's a different place to dig up?

The future of Chang'e-6 lunar soil

However, it can be expected that in a short period of time, the samples of "Chang'e-6" will not be separated. After all, samples of Chang'e-5 are still being distributed.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

Although we are cooperating and sharing, according to the convention, we have to wait until we are almost done with the research before we can give it to other countries.

So if you want to get a sample of the soil on the far side of the moon, it will be several years later, to say the least.

For China, as long as there is a good cooperation, basically you can get samples. But for those countries that want our results, but are on top of it, then wait slowly.

Of course, in general, most of them can't wait.

It's like Australia, which directly declares that the moon belongs to all mankind, so China cannot monopolize the lunar soil.

Good guy, we brought it back with all our hard work, but you know what righteousness is.

The United States is even more funny, directly ignoring the "Wolf Clause" and constantly jumping up and down, trying to get something.

Harbin Institute of Technology received 3 bottles of lunar soil, and NASA was anxious, saying that China did not invite him to participate in the study of lunar soil

It can only be said that the ending of the careful eye is to experience what is called "thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi".

On June 28, NASA officials directly stated that China would not invite the United States to conduct research on lunar soil.

Let's just say that I don't know who said that he would not cooperate with China in the space industry. Now that we've complied with your original treaty, aren't you happy?

Of course, whether Gao is happy or not is a matter for the United States, and whether to give it or not is our business.

The above views are all network information and the personal views of the editor, if there is any biased views, please also point out in the comment area, welcome to exchange and discuss!

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