
The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

author:Lao Zhang Bang

Is it the bad guy who gets old, or the old man who gets bad!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

Recently, an incident in the Beijing subway that did not give up seats to the elderly in the subway has finally come to an end, and the old man spoke out for the first time after being administratively detained for 7 days!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!


The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

Subsequently, he said that he had a problem with his body, was it wrong for her to give up her seat due to back pain and leg pain, what about respecting the old and loving the young, it was all false, don't think that if you detain yourself, you will admit your mistake, yes, why admit your mistake!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

As soon as this video was exposed, it sparked discussions among netizens. Some netizens said: We are all old people, we must be self-disciplined in everything we do, especially in public places, we can't sell the old with the old, others give you sweetness, and if you force others to be bitter!

This netizen said: I am 70 years old, I never want others to give up my seat when I take the bus, others also need to sit and rest, sometimes the young one gives me a seat, I said that my body can still sit on you, because love and respect are mutual!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

I thought that the impact of the incident would gradually become smaller, but what I never expected was that after the old man spoke out, he was greeted by a lot of scolding, and in the end, his daughter couldn't stand it anymore and stood up for her father!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

The old man's daughter said: Her father came out yesterday, and after her father posted a video denunciation, some people said that the detention for a week was too little, and it should be longer! 你们‬大家‬是‬不‬明白‬7天‬的‬时间‬我们‬是‬怎么‬困难‬的‬度过‬,仅仅‬一个‬座位‬,父亲‬遭受‬了莫名‬的‬谩骂,一个‬老年‬人,这样‬对他‬真的‬好吗‬!

The subway event peaks and turns! The uncle's relatives fought back strongly: Father can't stand it, stop spraying!

最后,对于这起事件,我们不禁要问:换位思考‬一下,如果‬在‬地铁上‬的那位‬女子孩‬是你‬自己,你还会‬这样‬想吗? ‬在‬事情‬闹大吼后‬,这位‬老人还‬觉得‬自己‬没错‬‬‬‬‬? 你不‬觉得为‬这位‬女孩‬‬带来了多大的伤害? 是否‬应该反思一下自己的行为。

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