
Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

author:Yiyi Life Museum

One day in June, in a remote town in the Philippines. Two Chinese entrepreneurs are visiting a hospital to learn more about the local medical market and seek business cooperation. They are looking forward to this emerging market full of demand. However, just before arriving at the hospital, fate dealt them a heavy blow - the two were kidnapped.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

These two entrepreneurs, one named Xia Moumou and the other named Sun Moumou, are from two different medical device companies, and both hold important positions in their respective companies. They had come to the Philippines to develop business, but unexpectedly fell into the clutches of the kidnappers and were brutally murdered after the kidnappers' intimidation failed.

Xia, 35, is the international marketing director of the parent company and is regarded as the company's future successor. Mr. Sun, 37, is the sales director of another company, mainly developing the Southeast Asian market. Through exchanges in the industry, the two found that their respective companies complemented each other's businesses, so they decided to join forces to develop the Philippine market.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

Both young men grossly underestimated the complex situation in the Philippines. The Philippines' economic development is lagging behind, the gap between the rich and the poor is serious, and all kinds of criminal activities are rampant. The corruption and incompetence of the police and the government have led to cases of kidnapping, extortion, etc. When it comes to the Philippines, they are as fragile as a praying mantis blocking a car.

According to information provided by the police, the two abductees were the Abu Sayyaf (ASG) terrorist group in the southern Philippines. The group has been involved in Finan for many years, kidnapping wealthy people for huge ransoms. They monitored the every move of Xia Sun and the others, chose to attack in a remote town, and quickly captured them.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

The kidnappers issued a sky-high ransom demand to the families of the two, which neither company could afford to pay. After four days of negotiations, the kidnappers still did not reduce the price. On the fifth day, the kidnappers, in a hurry to extort ransom, brutally killed two men and cut off their heads and sent them back to their families. In this way, the two entrepreneurs lost their precious lives in a foreign land, only in their 30s.

"My son......" Sun Moumou's old father, who got the bad news, was in pain, and Xia Moumou's family was also grief-stricken. The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines expressed its solemn concern and strong condemnation and demanded that the Philippine side solve the case as soon as possible. However, the Philippine police have not made substantial progress so far, saying that more time is needed.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

This kidnapping and murder incident once again reminds us to be very cautious when starting a business overseas. Specifically, we should pay attention to the following:

It is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the political and economic environment of the investment destination. There are background reasons for the lagging economic development of the Philippines, the corruption and incompetence of the government, the lack of livelihood of the people, and the rampant crime.

Focus on assessing the security risks of the destination. Kidnapping cases have occurred frequently in the southern region over the years, and Chinese have become key targets.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

Plan your trip carefully. Xia Sun and the others went deep into remote towns to visit, and they were more likely to be targeted by gangsters. We can leave the focus to our local partners without having to take any risks on our own.

Pay attention to confidentiality. Too much exposure of personal information will attract gangsters, and we need to keep a low profile and be cautious about posting our whereabouts. Keep an eye out for anti-China sentiment in the area. Anti-China sentiment in some regions has made Chinese more targeted. We need to be aware of such risks and avoid becoming a target.

Two Chinese business executives, after being kidnapped in the Philippines, tore up tickets, and the two agreed to expand overseas markets

We have lost two young people who are passionate about their dreams, but we hope that their experiences can serve as a wake-up call for more people to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Let us pray together and wish all our compatriots working overseas a safe and secure life.

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