
Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

author:Yiyi Life Museum

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old badminton player, a filial son, and the pillar of a family, died on the eve of the dawn of the fight, leaving his mother with great sadness and endless regrets.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

Zhang Zhijie is only 17 years old, but he has come a long way on the road of badminton, winning many championships, outstanding strength, and is known as the new Lin Dan. However, this seemingly bright road, the efforts and hardships he has put in, are unknown to outsiders.

Zhang Zhijie's father died early, and his mother raised him and his sister alone, and the family was not wealthy. In order to reduce the burden on his mother, Zhang Zhijie has been practicing badminton hard since he was a child, determined to change the fate of his family through his own efforts.

Every training and competition, he does his best to improve. Eventually, his hard work paid off, winning several competitions and securing his income.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

However, for him, the income is not for his own pleasure, but to take better care of his mother and sister. He bought cosmetics for his mother and lipstick for his sister with his first bonus, and his love for his family was beyond words.

When Zhang Zhijie was in the golden period of his life, and his dream and reality were being connected, tragedy struck suddenly. During a match, he suddenly collapsed on the pitch, and medical personnel delayed him in administering first aid on the spot, and in the end, his life at the age of 17 was lost.

Just one day before his death, it was the birthday of his dearest sister, and he also agreed with his sister through text messages to go home after the game to celebrate her birthday.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

The mother was devastated when she learned of her son's death and was immediately admitted to the hospital. Overnight, grief and despair struck the mother-son family.

The son is the pillar of the family and the hope of the mother, but now that he has left her, the mother's pain can be imagined. And my sister also questioned the ineffectiveness of first aid at the scene at the first time, and her longing and reluctance for her younger brother were overflowing.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

Zhang Zhijie's mother and sister originally lived in the family's big tree, watching the tree grow taller and looking forward to it sheltering from the wind and rain. Little did he know that this big tree, which was supposed to thrive, had fallen before the storm came. What is left for the mother and daughter is endless sadness and hesitation.

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old boy, had a great future, but left in the impermanence of fate. What is left to the world is infinite regret, which is embarrassing.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

As a young player who has achieved great achievements on the road of badminton at the age of 17, Zhang Zhijie has unlimited possibilities. He is diligent and hardworking, and he works hard so that his family can live a good life and change his fate. However, the fragility of life stopped him too soon.

In today's ever-changing medical conditions, on-site first aid may be able to turn the tide, but the most precious life is lost in an instant. This incident has aroused people's concern about the safety of athletes' lives, and also made people reflect on the timeliness and effectiveness of medical treatment.

Zhang Zhijie left us more thoughts on the meaning of life. Each of us has limited time, and we should do our best to live in order to achieve our dreams and take care of our families.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

Zhang Zhijie used his 17 years of youth to interpret such a meaning. The passing of every life is a warning to cherish the people in front of us more, to strive to live in the present, and to complete what should be done in life. This is also a kind of reminder and exhortation from Zhang Zhijie to us.

We can only infinitely regret the early death of this genius boy and express our sorrows; And his perseverance and love for his family will also inspire future generations and become a driving force in our hearts.

Zhang Zhijie, a young player in the national feather, passed away, and his mother collapsed and was hospitalized! lost his father when he was young, and his chat records were exposed

May Zhang Zhijie rest in peace, and may his mother come out of her grief and calm down as soon as possible. I also hope that people will draw wisdom from this incident, know the preciousness of life, seize the moment, and truly live the meaning of life.

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