
The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

author:Life memories

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At a grand fashion dinner held in Paris, France, many actresses on the red carpet were dressed in colorful colors, and the scale was jaw-dropping. The dinner, which was originally intended to be held for the Paris Olympics, became the focus of heated discussions because of the bold attire of many participants.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

Undoubtedly, this "Emperor's New Clothes Show" fully demonstrates the boldness and individuality of current women on the fashion stage, but whether the overly flamboyant sexiness is too hot has also made many netizens question. So, whose "new outfit" is the most eye-catching? Should the moral bottom line be broken in the face of art? What kind of cultural signal did this dinner send?

Gu Ailing, the Chinese women's figure skating "ice queen" of this Winter Olympics, was also invited to attend this grand event this time. A sleeveless jacket with a pleated skirt in a Chinese ice blue outfit is quite exotic, but the sheer black gauze skirt is smacking, and you can clearly see the situation inside, which makes conservatives frown.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

This is not the first time that Gu Ailing has pursued a mature style. But this time, the overly bold "cheongsam skirt" design is too different from the innocent image on the ice rink, giving people a sense of contrast. The original restrained and subtle charm of oriental women is lost in such a dress, and I think the designer's intention is to hope that she will show another side through this form.

Even if you want to break the stereotype of dignified, you should grasp the balance and not blindly cater to the mainstream Western aesthetics, which will only backfire.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

Chinese actress Guo Caijie wore a red underlining design to expose her abdomen this time, with a floor-length skirt and a belt around her waist and neck, which are quite the shadow of ancient Chinese costumes, but the vest-style slit design and fluffy explosive hair style have the feeling of an underground nightclub dancer.

Her figure is indeed inferior to supermodels such as Kendall Jenner, but this dress is undoubtedly counterproductive. Obviously, she can make up for her figure disadvantage with exquisite and intelligent styling, but she chose such a red carpet killer's fancy dress.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

wants to stand out among many Western actresses, Guo Caijie obviously chose the wrong way. Chinese elements and feminine charm can be presented through more feminine and generous dressing, and in doing so, she is tantamount to throwing herself into a net, which not only reveals the lack of figure, but also does not show the unique charm of oriental women.

The queen of the song, Katy Perry, came directly to wear a "leaf" style this time. The leaves made of black leather barely cover the chest, and there are only a few small flower chamois between the legs. This kind of dress undoubtedly surpasses the aesthetic acceptance of ordinary people, but it doesn't seem so abrupt in a singer like her.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

She has always been known for her bold dress, and even dared to take off her underwear on stage. In contrast, this "leaf" shape is quite restrained. I just don't know if the purpose of her dress is just to attract attention, or to convey some deeper thought?

In any case, among the many socialites who dress conservatively, Katy Perry's alternative play undoubtedly makes this dinner more topical. She seems to be the biggest winner of the whole game, and she successfully focused all eyes on herself with this jaw-dropping "leaf suit".

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

Supermodel Kendall Jenner attended the dinner with her best friend Kylie Jenner. Dressed in a flesh-colored low-cut dress with a translucent gauze skirt, she exudes the sensuality and ascetic beauty of a high-class woman.

Compared to the bright and large swaths of nudity, Kendall Jenner feels more like a faintly visible seductive curve. This looming sensuality evokes the viewer's infinite reverie, and the delicate wrapping of haute lingerie is more moving than the straightforward nude.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

Among the many stars, Kendall Jenner's style is the most popular and popular. She has a good control of the bottom line that she should have as a public figure, and makes full use of the body advantages of a professional model to attract attention in the most exquisite and sexy way. If there was anyone at this dinner who won the image of both sexy and intellectual, Kendall Jenner deserved it.

Undoubtedly, the bold outfits of the stars on this red carpet show opened up new ideas, but it also surprised conservatives. We have to think about how to strike a balance between artistic creation and public preference. Should there be a degree to the fashion industry's bold attempts?

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

But just to please the public with shock is a low-level means of consumption. Really good art should be rich in substance, not obscene and vulgar.

Whether it is a designer or an artist, they should be aware that it takes a certain amount of time for the public's aesthetic to get used to. But what is contrary to public order and good morals will never be accepted by real fashion. What models and artists should convey most is their inner temperament and look, rather than revealing flesh.

The French red carpet is "really bold", and the "scale" is bigger than the other! Even Kendou was not spared

In this era of pluralism and openness, what we need more is tolerance and rational thinking. It should neither be pandered to, nor should it affect creative freedom. Only by finding a balance in mutual respect can fashion and ethics coexist in harmony and bring positive energy to this pluralistic world.

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